Purpose in the resume: which one to indicate?

A resume is the most important document that each specialist will have to draw up to get a job. Traditionally, it consists of several sections. So, it is necessary to indicate the level of your education, work experience, professional skills and abilities, as well as some other information.
Particular attention when writing a resume should be given to stating your purpose. In this case, the document may contain personal, life and professional aspirations. How to fill out the goal section of your resume correctly? You will find the answer to this question, as well as examples for different specialists in our article.
When applying for a job and filling out a resume, it is important to determine your specific goals. However, they can relate both to you personally and to the work that you are going to do.

Already by the name itself, you can understand that it should directly relate to you as a person, an individual. However, you should not get carried away with this fact and indicate goals that in no way correlate with the position for which you are applying (for example, to conquer Everest). From this it follows that even when setting your personal desired goals, you must carefully consider what you will write.
For example, when applying for a job as a lawyer with a charitable organization, you can indicate that your task is to help people. If you want to work as a teacher, then you can write that your goal is to share knowledge with others. For the creative profession, the goal of creating immortal works of art is fine.
However, at the same time, it should be remembered that you should not go too deeply into altruism (it is better to do this in the category of life goals). For example, you can specify a goal such as communicating with a large number of people or a desire to travel.
Your professional goals will differ depending on what area you want to work in. When working in production, it is very important to find the goal that you are pursuing. So, if you are applying for the position of a turner, then you should refrain from writing loud phrases - it is better to find a more practical goal, for example, the production of essential parts for heaters in order to make people's lives as comfortable as possible.
If you want to work as a doctor, you can specify a task such as developing new treatments or new drugs. Politicians should strive to manage the country competently.

A life goal overlaps with a personal one in many ways. Moreover, if in the section with the latter you can specify such that will be useful only for you, then the life task for the most part should be directed outward, at other people. It is appropriate here to talk about the so-called "mission" of your life.
It is also important to remember that when writing your goals on your resume, you should refrain from contacting your employer directly. You should not ask him to help you fulfill your goals and dreams.
How to write a section correctly?
To get the desired position, it is important to write the goals section correctly. These rules are relevant when applying for a job in any place and area: at a factory, in an office or in the media industry.
Grammatical correctness
Before sending or presenting your resume to an employer, it is important to make sure that it is grammatically correct. This means that the document must not contain typos or misprints, all words must be written in accordance with the rules of the Russian language, and it is also necessary to correctly place punctuation marks.
To ensure grammatical correctness, re-read the section with goals several times, ask for help from relatives or loved ones. If necessary, you can use special spell checking services.

Keep your goals short, clear, and concise. When describing them, you do not need to clarify your motivation, as well as tell stories from childhood.
Remember that in the process of finding a suitable candidate for the position, the employer receives a large number of applications, so he is not able to read the essays of each applicant. remember, that brevity is the soul of wit. Plus, being concise will save your employer's time and show your respect for him.
Neat design
To make your goal easy for the employer to read, use a standard font (eg Times New Roman) of medium size (at least 12 points). In the event that in the section with goals you plan to indicate personal, professional and life goals, then you should carefully structure them into sections. Besides, for convenience, it is recommended to use bulleted or numbered lists.
Your goals must be fully relevant to the position you are applying for. So, if you want to work as an international journalist, then in your resume it is appropriate to indicate the desire to travel and explore the world as a goal. However, such a goal in employment as a fitness trainer will be completely irrelevant.

Lack of individuality
Very often employers are faced with the fact that applicants for a particular position send almost identical resumes. This is primarily due to the fact that many, not wanting to think about their own goals and striving to submit as many resumes as possible in order to increase their chances of being employed for a particular position, copy and rewrite template resume templates from the Internet.Such actions are strictly prohibited.
You must definitely show your personality and individuality, goals must be personalized as much as possible.
Common phrases
The Objectives section of your resume should not contain such general phrases as “get better,” “improve,” “increase company sales,” “become an irreplaceable employee,” etc. The point is that such phrases are practically meaningless, since they do not have a clear basis.
If the employer sees such statements in the resume, then he gets the impression that the person himself has not yet decided what he wants from life (both personal and professional). Such a specialist will not benefit the company and will not get a job.
Thus, when filling out the "Objectives" section of the resume, it is important to follow the rules described above and avoid common mistakes... If you follow all the recommendations, then you will be able to draw up a professional document that will make a good impression on the employer, and you will be accepted for the position.

A goal without a specific position
In rare cases, it happens that job seekers are trying to get any job. This situation can arise if a person urgently needs financial resources or if he wants to get a job in the company of his dreams, so he is ready to start working as anyone. In this case, the process of writing goals is somewhat complicated. At the same time, you can describe them more freely, without reference to a specific job description.
Writing goals in a resume without a specific position should be approached as responsibly as possible. So, first of all, you should focus the employer's attention on your personal and life goals, because these categories do not depend on what position you will take as a result. Thus the employer will be able to understand you not as an employee or a professional, but as a person, which is also important, because one way or another, but you have to work in a team.
As for the section with professional goals, you can either skip it altogether, or try to formulate them in such a way that they are based on your personal and life desires.

Examples for different professions
Depending on what position you are applying for and who you are by profession, the goals on your resume will differ. Let's take a look at a few samples.
The main task of a lawyer is to explain the country's legislation to the company's employees, namely, those regulatory legal acts that are directly related to the activities they perform.... Such a person should be attentive to details, love to work with documents. Another of the tasks of a lawyer is to accompany the activities of the company and, if necessary, defend it in court or represent it in government bodies (for example, in the tax office).
Sales Manager
A sales manager must be a sociable and stress-resistant specialist. Its main task is to promote the company in the market. Therefore, when submitting a resume, you can write that you share the company's goals, believe in the product and want to convince others of its value, in particular - buyers and partners of the company.
The goal of every conscientious journalist is honest and objective informing of readers about current events. At the same time, depending on the scale of the publication, the journalist can be focused on both local and international audiences. In the first case, the desire to transform the life of the community, to make it better, can be indicated as a reference point.

This profession is one of the most important in our state. The main task of a teacher is to transfer knowledge to a new generation. At the same time, the educational process should be approached as carefully and individually as possible.
The goal of every doctor is to preserve the life and health of the population.In this case, the tasks may differ depending on the specialization. For example, an oncologist tries to alleviate the suffering of terminally ill patients, a pediatrician takes care of the health of the younger generation, and a surgeon treats injuries.
Social worker
The goal of a social worker is to help vulnerable people: pensioners, minors, homeless people, former prisoners, etc. His task is to help them to be full members of society.
Thus, you were able to make sure that goal is the most important section on your resume. He reveals you not only as a specialist and professional, but also as a person.