Designer resume: design rules and features of drawing up

The work of a designer is a union of knowledge, skills, experience and a bright personality. All this must be consistently and expressively reflected in the resume. You should not turn a standard description into a carnival, but still, your taste and ability to express yourself should be felt in the text.
The work of a designer is the improvement of the external world, its specific manifestations. A specialist's resume depends on the focus of his activities and on what skills he already has. Both for a web designer and for a fashion designer (interior, printing, landscape, industrial ...) it is important to have a portfolio that best illustrates your resume.

The structure of the resume.
- Representation, contact details. Write, for example: Elena Grigorieva, layout designer. 12.07. B. 1991 Indicate the phone number for communication, e-mail address, messenger, etc. If you are already an experienced specialist, it is appropriate to leave your professional credo here. For example, "I do beautifully, I do it convincingly, I do From and To." If you are still a designer with no experience, such annotations will be inappropriate.
- Education. Indicate where you studied the profession. If, in addition to basic education, you still have a lot of certificates from courses and seminars, mark only the key ones that are especially important for growth in the profession. You don't need to write everything. Mark your years of school correctly.
- Work experience. If you get a job, for example, in a printing house, note that in your professional experience that will be a promising accumulation for a potential position. If you have previously worked as an artist or, for example, an architect, mark this on your resume.Perhaps, mastered related specialties will make you a preferable candidate.
- Professional responsibilities... List what you did in your previous job. Only the basic functionality, without uninformative details. If you are getting a job as a designer in the industry, and have previously been engaged in, for example, painting scarves, do not focus on your last job. Provide neutral information, talk about yourself in general.
- Personal qualities... At this point, write 5-7 of your personal qualities, which serve as a basis for achieving professional heights. What could it be:
- sociability;
- ability to listen and hear the client;
- scrupulousness;
- purposefulness;
- tendency to continuous self-education;
- openness;
- psycho-emotional flexibility. Of course, you only need to write what is really inherent in you.
- Priority areas. Indicate here the profile of work that is more interesting to you and which is better for you (for example, industrial design). You can also leave a link here to a file that will illustrate your projects.
- Professional toolbox. If you leave this item, indicate in what special programs you work, what applications, programs you own).
This is the backbone of the resume. More is possible, but, as a rule, everything that goes beyond one page is no longer readable. Therefore, write succinctly, succinctly, clearly, think over the construction of each phrase. An accurate and meaningful resume, elegant in form, is also your business card.

It is logical that a designer's resume is not just typed text, in which, apart from information, there is no more self-presentation.... Your document is comparable to a cognitive map: the prospective employer looks, reads, sees, remembers. The information should literally be conspicuous. There shouldn't be any long sentences, long listings and unreadable fonts.
It is logical that the employer is waiting for a creative resume. To do this, you need to think about what visual form will not only make your document memorable, but will also be the business card of your aesthetic preferences. For example, you are a fan of the shabby chic style, and very often they turn to you with a request to recreate it. It is logical that the resume should be designed in the same recognizable style.

If a creative resume just lists the programs you work in, that's not a creative approach. Instead of a list, there should be logos of programs and applications: they are more recognizable, and thereby you show that the little things are important to you.
The resume can be simple, but it contains information accurately, harmoniously, beautifully and clearly, graphics and text treatment are thought out. And this accuracy helps to notice, among other resumes, it is yours. Don't let the flamboyant design overshadow the content of the document.

How to write a cover letter?
For the position of a designer, you also need an accompanying letter. This is the first attempt by the applicant to establish themselves and get the manager to look at your materials first.
The structure of the letter.
- Greetings. Example: “Hello! I am Elena Grigorieva, applying for the position of layout designer. I learned about the vacancy from colleagues in the professional community. "
- Why are you applying for this position (and at the same time why you are interested in it). This should be written in 1-2 sentences. Example: “A position in your company is interesting for me as an opportunity for professional self-realization in a large team with an excellent reputation. And, most importantly, my specialty allows me to become useful for the segment you are mastering - the design of scientific journals. "
- Completion - contacts, farewell. Example: “Detailed information - in the attached resume. Thank you for your attention, I will wait for a response by phone or mail. "
Try to style your cover letter in the same style as your resume.

Examples of
It's easier to compose your own resume using templates and templates. Successful options are subject to a clear structure, which is necessary for high-quality filling.
Sample resume for an interior designer.
Inna Petrovna Gamova
Interior designer, artist
Contact details: phone, email, messengers
Target - interior designer vacancy at Everest
Education - Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Art and Graphics, specialty "Teacher of Fine Arts and Drawing", 2002-2007. Moscow School of Design "Istoki", March-October 2010
Work experience - since 2012 she worked as a designer at the Richter company. Reason for leaving - moving to St. Petersburg (for family reasons).
Functional responsibilities:
- development of individual design projects;
- interior visualization;
- design of any room in the apartment;
- furniture drawings according to the customer's sketch.
- honors diploma from the Moscow school of design "Istoki";
- reaching the finals of the annual competition of professional skills "Design Debut of the Year";
- I have a number of publications in interior magazines (you can attach links);
- diplomas, certificates and gratitude for educational and educational activities in the field of interior design.
Geography of work - Moscow, Samara, Arkhangelsk, Minsk, Helsinki, St. Petersburg.
technical skills - list (or better, mark the programs in which you work with logos).
Knowledge of languages - English spoken, business correspondence.
Personal qualities:
- a responsibility;
- attentiveness;
- good memory, ability to work with large amounts of information;
- fast learner;
- adequate response to criticism.
Interests: photography, writing articles for interior magazines, drawing.
Professional credo: To create harmony - professionally, accurately, with inspiration.

If you post your resume on special job search sites, you can include the item “I want to cooperate” in it.
An example of what to write in this paragraph:
- with design studios;
- with advertising agencies;
- with sewing companies (for a fashion designer);
- with architectural bureaus (for a designer-architect).
If you're putting together a quick resume that will be the first page in your portfolio, leave only the basics on it. For example: experience, education, tools, contact information.

And don't forget to choose a good photo for your resume.... Your portrait should correspond to your own ideas about artistic taste and aesthetics. And, of course, it must also be memorable: the employer's visual sympathy in absentia is never superfluous.