Additional information about yourself in the resume

A well-written resume allows the employer to get a complete picture of the person. For many, it is not only the work experience and education of employees that matter, but also their personal qualities. Therefore, you should not ignore the item "additional information about yourself". At the same time, it is undesirable to indicate everything that comes to mind, because some facts can change the impression of the applicant for the worse. We will talk about what information needs to be written in the resume, and which ones are better to be silent, in the article.

What information can I provide?
Personal qualities
The block of additional information about the applicant is unregulated. However, it should only indicate what is relevant within the framework of the vacancy in question. Each person has a whole set of personal qualities, but it is not necessary to describe in detail his character and temperament. It is important to focus on those traits that may be associated with professional activities.
It is also worth noting that although a resume is a business document, dry listing of qualities will not impress the employer... On the contrary, it will seem that you have thoughtlessly copied a sample from the Internet. Expand each concept, explain what you mean. For example, if you will be working in a large team or constantly in contact with clients, communication skills will be the determining factor. At the same time, you should not limit yourself to indicating this word. You will be positively characterized by phrases that you easily find a common language with people, build business relationships based on mutual respect.
Resilience to stress is another plus for the service worker... Instead of this term, you can write that you know how to resolve conflict situations. Responsible employees are valued in any company. Therefore, you can indicate that you are punctual, attentive to the wishes of clients, clearly and quickly carry out work assignments. If you consider yourself a purposeful person, you should not report it unfounded. It is better to write about your significant achievements (if they relate to your chosen field of activity).
If you have little experience but are willing to study hard, point this point. However, it’s better if you can back up the phrase “learnable” with some facts. Maybe you regularly attend seminars on the topic of your activity, study professional literature, plan to enroll in advanced training courses.
You can just write that you are ready to learn to quickly get into the workflow.

Additional education
It is also not necessary to list here all the courses that you have taken in your life. The employer will be interested only in the knowledge you have acquired that is related to a specific vacancy. For example, taking part in a culinary master class on cooking exotic dishes will come in handy if you get a job as a chef and it will not matter at all if you are applying for the position of assistant secretary.
Special Skills
Specificity is especially important here. For some professions (for example, a driver), the ability to drive vehicles is important. In this case, it is worth clarifying which category you have a driver's license. Do not forget to indicate whether you have been driving a car or truck (how many years). Sometimes owning your own car is an added bonus (for example, if you get a job as a manager). In this case, it is not necessary to indicate the make of the car, but it is necessary to inform about its availability.
If you know foreign languages, it is worth clarifying at what level you speak them. Maybe you speak fluently, or maybe you can just translate with a dictionary. In this situation, you can report the presence of diplomas issued in educational institutions or courses (if any). It would not be superfluous to say about an internship abroad, if there was one.
“Computer knowledge” is also too general a formulation. So that the employer immediately understands which programs you know, list them. Of course, here it is worth considering the specifics of the profession and writing only about what is relevant to it.
For example, knowledge of 1C is important for an accountant, and for a web designer, Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw.

Awards, achievements and incentives
If you have successfully participated in exhibitions or competitions related to the industry in which you want to work, please report it. Diplomas, certificates and prizes will tell about you as a desirable employee for the company. If you took part in olympiads at a specialized institute and took first places, this will also be a plus. It would be useful to attach to the resume letters of thanks from clients or a complimentary testimonial from a former boss.
Special requests
If you have special wishes for a future job, you can indicate them as well. However, it should be understood that nobody will adjust the whole system for you. Therefore, in general, you need to indicate only the factors that limit you in this or that issue. For example, if you cannot work at night and stay at work on weekends due to family circumstances, it’s better to write about this on your resume right away. The main thing is to avoid negative language.
In terms of psychology a job seeker who does not want to do something is perceived negatively by the employer. It doesn't matter what the question is about. Changing the wording from “I don’t work at night” to “preferred schedule: from 8:00 to 17:00” immediately changes the overall impression of the resume.And you can also indicate some preferences if the profession allows the choice of direction.
For example, if you are taking a job in a cafeteria or restaurant, you might write that you prefer to cook desserts or hot meals.

What shouldn't be written?
As mentioned earlier, it is not worth reporting all the details of your life, hobbies and activities that do not concern your future profession. This is especially true of hobbies that girls and women like to paint. It is believed that if a person talks about what he does in his free time, this will contribute to creating an image of an interesting and versatile personality. However, this is not always the case. The accountant's hobby for knitting, and the manager's hobby for floriculture, is not at all interested in the management of the firms. If a hobby can somehow improve your professional skills, that's another matter entirely. For example, a passion for psychology can help an advertising agent or other professional engaging in face-to-face conversations with clients.
There is no need to write about what can spoil the impression of you. For example, if you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eat right, this can be mentioned. This will be especially appreciated where strong and hardy people are required. But in no case should you write about bad habits (for example, about smoking, alcohol abuse). Passion for gambling will also be perceived negatively.
In some cases, a completely "healthy" hobby may not work in favor of the applicant. If your hobby is risky, the likelihood of injury increases.... Not every leader will be happy to see a person on his staff who can lose his ability to work at any time. Boxing and martial arts are perceived ambiguously. Some people think that people involved in sporting battles are too aggressive. Don't write about your religious views (they may not coincide with the beliefs of the future bosses). Passion for esotericism can also be perceived with bewilderment.
You cannot put your own conditions in the resume. It is better to reformulate phrases like “I don’t work on weekends”, “I don’t go on business trips”. And expressions like “looking for a job near my home” are not at all acceptable. Before sending a resume, a responsible person always carefully examines the features of the proposed vacancy, learns about the location of the company and the requirements for employees. Accordingly, sending a request to a company whose working conditions do not suit you is simply stupid.

Young mothers often indicate the age of the baby on their resume. However, if the child is small, this will lead the manager to think that his future employee will often go on sick leave to care for her daughter or son. This can be especially troublesome if the work involves a constant presence in the office and a lot of responsibility. If you have a grandmother or another family member who can look after a child during illness or other unforeseen situations, you can just write about this in the additional information section.... This will convince your bosses that the family situation will not interfere with your work activities.
Desired income level is another sensitive issue. Not every job posting lists the salary offered. By informing you about the minimum rate for you, you save yourself from wasting time on job interviews for jobs with too low wages. But some are afraid to sell themselves too “cheap” and indicate large amounts, leaving out acceptable options. The opposite situation may also be true - you can be hired for a position with the salary that you indicated, although initially the manager planned to pay the future employee more. It is rare for a boss to miss an opportunity to save money and not hire someone with modest demands.Thus, whether to indicate the desired salary is a question that everyone must decide for themselves, depending on the situation.
Important! If you are considering different professions and are sending your resume to one firm for several positions at once, you can combine all the skills and qualities related to all of these options.
If you compose separate documents for each profession and send them to different companies, adjust each resume according to the specific case.

Examples of
Here are some examples of successfully completed resume paragraphs with additional information about the applicant.
The following information is suitable for a manager:
- you have a personal car, category B license, driving experience - 10 years;
- ready for an irregular schedule, business trips of any duration;
- I easily find a common language with people, I have a disposition to myself, I have extensive experience in concluding contracts.
For the administrator, you can specify items such as:
- knowledge of basic PC programs and office equipment;
- skills in organizing document flow, developing instructions and schedules;
- experience in managing small teams (up to 15 people);
- I can quickly resolve controversial situations, smooth out conflicts.
For an accountant, you should specify the following information:
- married, a child of 12 years old;
- knowledge of 1C, office programs, office equipment;
- participation in annual seminars on accounting and auditing;
- I may work overtime during the reporting periods.
For the chef, information such as:
- participation in master classes by Italian chefs;
- experience in organizing banquets;
- participation in the show on cooking in the presence of guests.