How to write a resume for a chief accountant?

Chief Accountant is one of the most important positions in any company. Not every person can take this serious place. The reason for this is an ineffective resume. As a rule, recruiting managers and the heads of enterprises themselves look through each resume for no more than 10 seconds. And it is during this period of time that phrases that will arouse interest and bring the applicant closer to the desired position should rush into the eyes of the personnel officer.
Compilation rules
When writing an effective resume, it is important to adhere to certain rules that meet the requirements of office work. And first of all, it is a strict adherence to the structure of the document. You shouldn't make your own additions, they can alienate a potential boss.
The most important thing is to correctly indicate in the resume the name of the vacancy you are interested in. This is especially true in the accounting area. Many employers specify in advance what they are looking for in the company's staff of a chief accountant or general accountant. However, there are situations when it is only during the interview that it becomes clear that the management is looking for an accountant-cashier.
In order not to find yourself in a similar position, it is necessary to put in the resume the correct title of the position of interest in advance.

An important point of any presentation document is the section on the desired salary. It is necessary to indicate a specific amount or put down the salary figures marked "from" and "to". The main thing is to avoid a large spread.
In the section describing the basic skills do not overestimate your own capabilities... Exaggeration will not lead to anything good. It is strictly forbidden to assure about the availability of knowledge, about which in fact there is only a figurative representation. In this way, you can ruin your own reputation, as well as harm the company. As a reinsurance, employers ask potential employees to pass a small test and show their knowledge in practice.
Modern resumes put a special emphasis on photography. The face of the applicant should appear clearly in color. It is important that in the photo the future chief accountant shows the seriousness of his personality. All you need to do is to do your hair, make up and wear a classic suit.
When writing an effective resume, it is important to check the finished copy for errors. In no case should you make complex sentences. A resume is an official document in which only clear phrases should be present.
It is best if the resume is supported by a cover letter, as well as a recommendation from the last job.

When writing a resume, it is necessary to indicate the functions, which the applicant performed in previous jobs:
- accounting department reporting;
- preparation of consolidated reports;
- control of the internal work of the department;
- tax accounting;
- financial analysis, company cash flow management.
Now you can start a detailed acquaintance with the responsibilities of the chief accountant arising from the functions presented.
Accounting department reporting involves the following:
- organization, coordination and control of the formation of accounting data;
- timely submission of reports to controlling organizations;
- formation of reports for management;
- preparation of documents for audit, revision and tax audit;
- creation of documents explaining the disagreements between the results of the audit.
The preparation of consolidated financial statements involves:
- verification of the data provided by the head office;
- execution of reporting consolidations in accordance with the established norms;
- preparation of explanations for the consolidated financial statements;
- timely provision of consolidated reports for signing by the management;
- delivery of consolidated financial statements in accordance with the established deadlines.

Controlling the internal work of the department implies:
- checking the validity of primary accounting documents;
- keeping registers and checking the quality of accounting reports;
- preparation and submission of reports to the management.
Tax accounting means:
- organization of tax reports;
- organization of calculation and payment of insurance amounts;
- knowledge of the nuances of submitting reports to the relevant government agencies and budgetary institutions;
- ability to coordinate and control tax accounting;
- ability to prepare reports on contributions.
Analysis of finance, management of the company's cash flows involves the following:
- financial analysis of production;
- control over the financial indicators of the analysis;
- ability to manage financial flows;
- implementation of measures to ensure the safety of the financial component of the company;
- drawing up financial plans;
- analysis of risks and search for measures to minimize them;
- preparation of reports on the turnover of financial resources;
- control over the targeted use of funds.
The same job responsibilities should be indicated in the resume for the position of Deputy Chief Accountant. Of course, the salary in this case will be slightly lower, however, after working for a year, you can safely apply for the vacancy of the chief accountant.

List of professional and personal qualities
A prerequisite for the resume of the chief accountant is the presence of the "Key skills" section. This column may contain a description of indirect job responsibilities. However, it is necessary to present them as professional knowledge.
An effective resume must indicate the professional skills that the applicant possesses. Just use not long and complex sentences, but a short overview with generalizing phrases presented in the form of a list:
- tax accounting;
- experience with the cash book;
- knowledge of warehouse accounting;
- calculation of remuneration for employees of the company, taking into account labor legislation;
- preparation of various types of powers of attorney, TTN;
- inventory keeping;
- reconciliation of calculations for goods turnover;
- experience in compiling an economic analysis of the company's activities;
- knowledge of tax legislation.
Of course, not every job seeker possesses all of the skills presented. And in order not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation, you should indicate only truthful information in your resume.

Special attention of the personnel officer and the head of the company is directed to the section "Personal qualities". And this is not surprising. The new employee must fit the team in all respects. After all, work is a second family.
However, from a wide variety of personal qualities, accountants value only exceptional traits that are important for the workflow:
- accuracy;
- fast learner;
- concentration and mindfulness;
- diligence;
- organization;
- a responsibility;
- stress tolerance;
- perseverance.
Any manager who comes to the accountant's office first of all looks at cleanliness. A neat chief accountant will make the whole team take good care of the documents. Fast learning will allow you to understand the essence of the company's work in a few days. Organization, diligence and responsibility will please any boss. After all, not every chief accountant, especially during the reporting period, manages to provide information to the boss regarding financial issues.

Additional Information
The section "About me" in the resume of the chief accountant differs from the presentation documents of other positions with informative content. In the resume of chief accountants, this section is intended to provide a general description of one's own achievements. For the presentation document of the chief accountant, you will have to show a little imagination and make a summary of 3-4 sentences.
In this section, it is appropriate to indicate information about the availability of certificates and licenses. By the way, if you have to enter information about achievements from a past job, you must provide information about personal merits achieved in a single person, and not on collective ones. Talking about a friendly team that analyzes financial risks and has developed ways to minimize them will not inspire potential leadership. And if the applicant indicates that he alone dealt with this issue and achieved success, the picture will completely change.
Examples of correctly composed "About Me" sections.
- Work experience as a chief accountant of a foreign company is 3 years... Knowledge of tax accounting in different countries. Extensive experience in managing the accounting services of trade enterprises. Successful experience in passing tax and audit audits.
- Work experience as a chief accountant with the duties of a deputy general director is 8 years... Deep knowledge of tax legislation. Successful audit experience.

What shouldn't you write?
When writing a resume for the position of chief accountant, the applicant must try hard. After all an effective document will allow you to quickly find a new job. Incorrectly composed information will only scare off the employer. Unfortunately, not all people listen to advice and make mistakes, because of which they not only sit without work, but also get huge problems.
A serious mistake is the indication of passport data. This information is not needed for a resume. Of course, the first sheet at the top contains a photograph and contact information. It is only enough to indicate the contact number for communication, city of residence and e-mail address.It is inappropriate to supplement this information with the registration address and passport number. Another mistake is to insert a link to your personal profile on social networks in your resume.... Of course, with the help of such data, you can get comprehensive information about a potential employee, only no one will do this.
The third mistake is a non-standard approach to resume... This is an official document and shouldn't contain anything like a joke. Of course, a little indulgence can be made for the creative professions. But when trying to get such a serious position as a chief accountant, you must clearly follow a strict style when drawing up a document.
When writing a resume, you should not paint your skills on 3-4 pages. A full resume should not exceed 2 sheets. You do not need to use the reverse side of the sheet to continue the text. It is recommended that each page be numbered.