How to write a resume for an IT specialist?

In order to “grab” the desired position, you need to provide your employer with a good quality resume, written in a short and clear way. Today we will talk about how to draw up such a document for an IT specialist.
What to write in the main paragraphs?
The composition of an IT specialist's resume is not much different from the resume of an ordinary employee, for example, a grocery store seller. The blocks are the same in both cases. At first, this is your personal data, which will simply show the employer that you are you and not someone else... Here you need to indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth (in a format convenient for you, for example 01.01.2001), contact information (mobile phone and / or e-mail).

Secondly, you need to tell the employer about your level of education, as well as previous jobs... As for the places of study, they are written in direct sequence, if there are several of them. Places of previous work are indicated in descending order, that is, first the place where you worked last time, and at the end - the company with which you just started your journey.
Thirdly, Many employers consider your achievements as the most important point, as well as recommendations from previous jobs. Agree, even if you are a leader yourself, you would like to see such an employee for whom other companies would fight and advise him. When it comes to achievements, it can include a lot, for example, you came up with an idea that tripled production. This is a very significant factor.
You can finish all this with a description of your main personal qualities, as well as a small amount of additional information that will be useful to your employer. Please note that in personal qualities you need to write something that will affect the work process, for example: resistance to stress, composure, responsibility, but by no means kindness, and the like.
Additional information, although considered a secondary point, has a great influence on the choice of a suitable candidate. These include the skills of working with a PC, having a license and a personal car, and other skills that will set you apart from the mass of other candidates.

Transmittal letter
Writing a resume is only half the battle. Now it is quite important to attach special cover letters with a resume. Abroad, this practice is an integral part, but in our country it is only being introduced into circulation.
There are several things to consider when writing a cover letter:
- the letter should be short and clear;
- the thought that you want to convey should be clearly expressed (for example, the desire to get the position of an IT specialist);
- your work experience (1-3 sentences);
- contact details and some additional information about yourself (the first is necessary for communication, and additional information will help the employer to make a complete picture of you).
The purpose of such a letter is to make it clear to your employer in a short period of time that you are exactly the specialist he needs.

Consider the main mistakes that beginners make in the process of writing their first resume. Often these mistakes can be avoided if you know about them in advance.
- Detailing data. This is a fairly common mistake mostly made by beginners. The employer absolutely does not want to read a long water resume - he only needs specific facts about the applicant.
- Grammar... This point may be obvious, but it is the grammatical oversights that most often appear in the face of the employer. There is no room for error - such resumes go straight to the trash can. Better to re-read your resume several times, or have a trusted person examine it.
- Fictitious data... Do you really know all twelve foreign languages? Have you really traveled all over the globe? Is your salary always above one hundred thousand rubles? If your answer is relatively positive, then you should reconsider your resume. Often the employer checks all the dubious facts about you, and if something false is indicated there, then you can say goodbye to this place of work and get a bad recommendation.
- Invalid contact information. Carefully check all your contacts, as it will be very sad if you come up, and there is no way to get in touch with you.

In this paragraph, we will consider the clearest and most striking template (example) of a good IT specialist resume, which is more than 90% likely to be accepted by the employer.
Resume of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
Replacing a vacant position of an IT specialist.
Personal data
I was born on 10.10.1995, I live at the address of Saransk, st. Victory, 32, apt. 23, mobile phone: +7 (982) 793-65-46, e-mail: ivanov. ivan @ mail. ru.
work experience
November 12, 2015 - present CJSC "Print", position of system administrator.
Higher, Kazan Federal University.
Due to its own initiative to improve the organization of the computer network, working productivity increased by 28%.
Add. information
I have the following skills:
in-depth knowledge of computer systems;
ability to work with programs Photoshop, Microsoft Office;
maintenance and repair of printers, copiers;
the ability to lay computer networks;
programming experience (C ++, C #, Ruby, Python, Java).
Personal qualities
Analytical / mathematical mindset, enthusiasm, creativity, dedication, communication skills, focus, organization.
Recommendations: ZAO Print +7 (904) 466-53-92 (Evgeny Alexandrovich)
This resume of an IT specialist can be drawn up and published in a more interesting version.This will emphasize your trait - creativity, as well as distinguish your candidacy in the eyes of the employer from other applicants.