How to write a storekeeper's resume?

The main task of a resume is to present the candidate for a job position as positively as possible, as well as to familiarize the employer with his abilities, skills and knowledge. Competent compilation of this document is based on the ability to present the necessary information accurately and at the same time in a detailed and understandable way.
Compilation rules
The main part of the duties of a modern storekeeper is to work with various documents. In addition, the specialist must have certain personal and professional characteristics that will help him cope with his responsibilities. A competent storekeeper resume should include all the necessary information. When applying for a job, the management carefully examines each point of the document.
The first selection of applicants for the position is carried out by means of a resume. There are no exact parameters by which to build it. However, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules that will help make the document as interesting and informative as possible for the employer.
The design rules are as follows.
- Be sure to check the text for errors.
- Present data in a formal, business-like manner. Try to use colloquial expressions to a minimum or avoid them altogether.
- Divide all information into separate categories so that it is convenient to read it. Do not include all the data together.
- There is no room for unnecessary information in the summary. It is not necessary to indicate hobbies and interests that are not related to the desired position.
- Create a document in the same style. This applies to presentation format, font, text structure and other characteristics.

Transmittal letter
Recently, the practice is gaining popularity in which a cover letter is added to the resume. It is advised to make if the candidate wants to get a job in a large foreign company... Also, the letter will be of interest to companies that work on the principles of successful foreign corporations. The cover note can be either printed or electronic, depending on the format of the document.
A standard letter should include the following elements:
- personal data (full name, about, contact information) - are indicated in the upper right corner;
- contacting an employer or company;
- text, which refers to the desire to get a selected vacancy or participate in a competition to obtain the required position;
- an indication of the source from which the applicant received information about the availability of a vacant position;
- a description of the positive qualities that distinguish the candidate from the rest (indicate briefly).
- request to notify about the decision regarding the hiring.

Do you need a photo?
Job seekers often choose to supplement the document with a photograph. For some professions, this element is important, and even key. Presentable external data is necessary if the employee's duties include frequent contact with people (hostess, administrator, fitness trainer). When writing a resume for the position of a storekeeper, it is not necessary to attach a picture. This is an "internal" employee who only contacts with colleagues.
If you do decide to use photography, check out the following guidelines.
- There should be only one person in the photo - the applicant. Group shots are not allowed.
- Pay attention to the quality of the image.
- The most appropriate clothing style is casual. A strict dress code is not suitable for a storekeeper.
- In the photo, it will not be superfluous to smile a little. The pose is free and relaxed.
- Make sure that there are no unnecessary items in the photo. A plain background is best.

What do you need to indicate?
A well-written document for the position of a warehouse operator, regardless of how the employer indicates the title of the vacancy (senior warehouse clerk, warehouse picker, assistant, warehouse analyst, procurement agent, etc.) must contain multilateral information.
Job responsibilities
If the warehouse worker already has a position in this area, you can indicate the duties to be performed when compiling your resume. An indication of the type of work the employee performed demonstrates his skills and level of professionalism.
To correctly transfer information, you should specify the data for the following example:
- reporting on the goods in the warehouse: receiving, storing, issuing and reporting;
- loading and unloading of products using special equipment;
- work in the field of optimizing the work of employees serving the warehouse;
- introduction of new reporting systems;
- conducting planned purchases and investigations related to shortages of goods.
When compiling a resume, you can add data about what kind of equipment or products you had to deal with at work.

If desired, job responsibilities can be specified more succinctly, as follows:
- loader control;
- safety of the premises;
- preparation of estimates, invoices and invoices;
- sorting and receiving cargo;
- control of the condition of the goods.

Education section
It will not be superfluous to indicate the data on the availability of diplomas. This section is of great importance if the company is looking for a specialist and they need an employee with higher education. A plus will be the availability of specialized education (for example, a merchandiser).
Information about education must be indicated as follows:
- the name of the institution (school, technical school or higher educational institution);
- years of education;
- name of the specialty.
When compiling the list, you should adhere to the chronological order. Also, the document can indicate the presence of certificates confirming the completion of courses, lectures and various trainings.
Any information about the knowledge gained will be useful and will present a potential employee as an educated specialist. The presence of several diplomas of education indicates a desire to develop and improve.

Work experience and achievements
Employees who have experience in a similar position receive a great advantage over the rest of the applicants. It is recommended to place this section in the central part of the document in order to focus attention on it.
When completing this section, use the following rules.
- When compiling the list, follow the reverse chronological order.... First, indicate the most recent place of work, gradually moving to the first.
- It is desirable to indicate job functionsthat the applicant coped with.
- The maximum number of previous jobs is five... If there are more of them, it is better to indicate the most recent or significant ones.
- Work achievements talk about the professionalism and skill of the employee. Diplomas, awards, letters of thanks, certificates and other documents are indicated here.
- As additional information indicate the size of the warehouse in which the applicant worked for the position. You can also talk about the volume of products stored in the room.
In the event that the applicant has no work experience, you can specify information about the internship at the warehouse.

Professional skills
Among the large list of skills that, according to employers, an employee should have, key skills are distinguished.
The following skills are considered the most significant and in demand:
- confident PC user, including knowledge of the programs necessary for the preparation of documentation (MS Office, Excel and other software);
- skills in working with equipment for loading and moving products;
- collection and processing of data;
- organization of warehousing accounting;
- availability of knowledge in the field of warehouse management;
- competent reporting and inventory of goods;
- working with an address storage system.

Personal qualities
Among the large list of characteristics, companies especially value the following personal qualities of job seekers:
- honesty and decency;
- endurance;
- desire to develop;
- accuracy;
- responsibility and organization;
- purposefulness;
- resilience in stressful situations;
- punctuality;
- hard work.
Don't put too many positives on your resume. A large list can make a negative impression on an employer.

What shouldn't you write?
A correctly drawn up document implies not only indicating important information, but also refusing to indicate unnecessary data. Remember that a storekeeper is a financially responsible employee. In this regard, you should not point out violations of the law and other issues of discipline and responsibility.
When drawing up a document, it is also worth following the recommendations that are suitable for other professions.
- There shouldn't be a lot of personal information. In a modern resume, you can omit the date of birth, exact address, and middle name.
- This document is not a place to denote religious, political or other beliefs. This information is irrelevant and distracts attention from important data.
- Don't write about your pastime and hobbies. This is personal information that the company's management is not interested in.

At the end of the article, we will consider ready-made examples, on the basis of which you can independently compose a competent resume.
- Detailed resume for the position of warehouse manager. All necessary information is included.

- An illustrative example with photography. The snapshot is located in the right corner and does not take up much space.

- Another option with photography. This is a more concise example.A better quality image is also used.

- A short and clear resume for the position of a storekeeper.

- The preparation of this document was approached with great care. Clear presentation of data, presence of a photograph, colored headings and other distinctive characteristics set the document apart from the rest.
- An example of a simple resume that you can compose yourself at home using a standard text editor.

- Form of resume in table format. On its basis, you can compose a document by specifying your own data.