What computer programs should I include on my resume?

The labor activity of the majority of modern specialists implies fluency in specialized computer programs. When writing a resume, it is necessary to show the employer your knowledge and skills in this matter.
To do this, you need not only to indicate a list of software products that you have mastered to perfection, but also to select the most important ones that meet the requirements of the vacancy for which you are applying.

Value in summary
If the applicant indicates computer skills in his resume, then this fact increases his chances of finding a job, even if the specifics of the job for the vacancy do not at all provide for the use of a PC. Depending on what position you are applying for, the list of programs and requirements for knowledge of the computer will be different. For example, there are specialties where, in order to fulfill their official duties, a person needs to know basic office computer programs: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Power Point and others. This list can be combined with one capacious name. MS Office.
For vacancies that provide for narrow-profile knowledge, the candidate is required to own an extended list of specialized computer programs. For example, a modern accountant carries out his work in programs "1C: Accounting" or "SBIS", and an architect will be able to make a project if he owns a computer product called ARCHICAD.

Whether to describe knowledge of office programs?
Writing a resume is not easy. It is important to remember that this document should be short, but very succinct in terms of its information content. Therefore, it is not always appropriate to get too carried away with describing your computer skills, especially if this is not the main feature of the specifics of the vacancy. When mentioning which office software products you have mastered, you can briefly indicate their name with one common phrase - "knowledge of MS Office programs." Wherein it is not at all necessary to describe the whole set of standard programs with which you worked. From this phrase, the employer will understand that your computer skills are at an average user level.
In some cases, a detailed description of office programs is still necessary. As an example, the position of a secretary or assistant manager can be cited here. In this case, the main work of the candidate will be in the field of office work: writing texts, sending business correspondence via electronic communication channels, preparing a presentation, formatting documents, and so on.
By indicating in the resume the main office programs and their correct name, you will clearly demonstrate that they are familiar to you and are accustomed to in your daily work, which means that you will confirm your professional experience in this matter.

How to determine the degree of ownership?
The level of computer knowledge for each user is different, Therefore, it is possible to summarize the degree of awareness in this matter for a resume rather briefly:
- First level;
- average level;
- advanced (confident) PC user.
Determining your degree of ability to use the capabilities of a personal computer in your work is quite simple. Each of the levels implies a specific set of skills that you must possess. Try to objectively indicate your PC user level on your resume so that no unpleasant misunderstandings arise during the interview.
- For entry-level computer skills you need to know how to compose a text document and print it, open a calculator and use it, go online, create and move files and folders on the desktop, use a media player, a scanner, send an email. Printing speeds at this level are generally quite slow and often done with one hand.
- Average level the user implies the development of additional programs. For example, in Microsoft Excel you need to be able to build tables and graphs, in Power Point you need to prepare a presentation from files with images. You need to know how and where you can quickly find the information you need on the Internet, be able to independently install the simplest software products. The typing speed in this case can be average and already with the use of two hands.
- Advanced PC Users they know how to use various graphic editors in their work, they can independently configure the operation of a computer, fix minor problems, download or uninstall any program and connect office computer equipment. In addition, such specialists are fluent in specialized programs related to their profession and even the basics of programming. Their printing speed is quite high, with two hands.
Each vacancy implies its own level of computer skills and, of course, the employer gives preference to those candidates whose skill in this matter will be higher than that of other applicants.

How do I make a list?
To write a resume for a vacancy you are interested in, pay attention to the requirements of the employer for knowledge of computer programs. By specifying the list of programs you have mastered, you are demonstrating your professional aptitude for the position you are applying for. Whether you are a confident user or a newbie, it can play a decisive role in hiring you.
In order to ensure a high level of labor productivity, every modern specialist has an advanced level of computer skills. He knows not only basic standard programs and text editors, but also specialized software products. If you decide to write a resume, then you must definitely indicate the knowledge of the programs.
In case you don’t know how to write about this correctly, consider as an example the most popular and common specialties where you need an advanced level of PC skills, and also study the list of required programs.

Accountant and Accountant Assistant
To do his job, an accountant needs to be an advanced PC user and be able to use programs "1C" or "VLSI". You also need to be able to build tables and graphs in Microsoft Excel, quickly find the information you need on legislative acts in the system "Consultant Plus", make cash payments and control the arrival of finances through the option "Client-bank"and also know the standard set of programs well MS Office.
For designer
The designer's level of computer knowledge must be high. Create a design project, process the image for sending it to the printing house or make a product layout in the electronic version the designer can use the following graphic editors:
- CorelDraw;
- APM Graph;
- Adobe Photoshop;
- Adobe Acrobat;
- AutoCAD;
- 3Ds Max;
- 3D Geometrical Objects;
- Compass 3D.
In addition to professional programs, the designer is fluent in MS Office programs.

Sales manager in the office
Working in the sales market, the manager must be able to work in the program Microsoft Excel, and also know the basic programs MS Office. Quite often, sales managers themselves carry out the work on the preparation of primary accounting documentation, issuing an invoice to the client for payment, an invoice and a waybill. To do this, they need to be able to work in the program "1C: Enterprise" or "SBIS"... E-mail is often used in large companies. Outlook Express, which you also need to be able to use. Almost every day, the manager uses a file reader in his work. PDF, document archivers ZIP or WinRAR.
PHP programmer
Developers of computer products will not be able to fulfill their job responsibilities without skills in programs such as JavaScript, ITSM, WordPress, HTML, API, PL-SQL, CSS, C ++, PHP programming. But besides these professional programs, programmers are fluent in simpler basic software products intended for office workers.

Other professions
For accounting of the economic activities of bars, cafes and restaurants, programs are relevant YUMA, Quick Resto, Iiko, R-Keeper, GBS Market. They help to take into account all the material and technical means and their movement. Thanks to such computer programs at catering establishments, the loading of the hall is planned, orders are automatically transferred to the kitchen, dishes are delivered to customers without unnecessary delay. In addition, many programs are endowed with the ability to take into account the financial side of the issue: they calculate not only costs and profits, but also immediately show the amount of bonuses for staff, motivating them to work actively.
Warehouse accounting is performed using the following programs:
- 1C: Enterprise;
- "Warehouse accounting and trade";
- "Warehouse and implementation";
- "Warehouse and Trade";
- "Inventory of goods in the warehouse";
- "Elf";
- "Warehouse accounting of goods".
Such products help to see the receipt, consumption and balance of goods, their wholesale and retail value, determine the warehouse stock, and avoid overstocking for any items.
Legal professionals often use software such as "Guarantor", "Consultant Plus", "SUIDELO. рф ", XSUD, Aflatum," Yurayt ". These programs carry the necessary legal background information on legislative acts, contain templates for the preparation of standard documents, allow you to maintain your own database on lawyer issues or a list of court cases. Such programs are used by lawyers, attorneys, notaries, judges.

A well-thought-out resume allows a candidate for a vacant position to demonstrate to the employer that they are professional. The recruitment of a person to work depends on how competently this document will be drawn up. It is not uncommon for job seekers to make embarrassing blunders in describing their computer skills, thereby creating an unfavorable impression of themselves.
You may find tips and tricks from experienced HR workers useful.
- Before you start writing your resume, remember what programs you own. Even those that you have not used for a long time, but you know and understand how to work with them, matter. It is possible that these particular software products will play a role in the selection of a candidate.
- It makes sense to talk only about those skills that you actually have and have practical experience in using them.... It is possible that right at the interview you will be asked to demonstrate your skills to work in the program you specified.
- If you clearly do not have enough work experience, and you are not sure of your abilities to use certain software products, write in your resume truthfully... It is possible that you will be hired as an assistant or trainee, and over time you will become an advanced user of the programs necessary for work in the company.
- A specialist is valued much higher in the labor market if he regularly improves his level of knowledge, keeping pace with the times, and mastering new software products that are necessary for his professional activities. It is good if you inform the employer on your resume that you have completed advanced training courses and received a certificate of the ability to use a new computer program.
- Do not overload your resume with a description of what you know how to use office equipment: printer, scanner, copier. All office workers have these skills by default, and this information does not carry any unique information about you, but only perplexes the employer.
When composing a resume, you need to think over every little thing, since this document is a kind of commercial proposal, according to which potential employers evaluate you in the labor market.
Pay attention to important points, do not focus on insignificant and biased facts.