Tips for writing a speech therapist resume

The profession of a speech therapist is not the most common, but it is very important. Those who want to connect their lives with this activity, like other specialists, are forced to prove their professional competence. In this they will be helped by advice on writing a speech therapist's resume.
A resume for a job as a speech therapist begins with the indication of contact information. These include:
- Date of Birth;
- the city where the person lives;
- phone and email address.

After that, indicating the goal (the position that the applicant is planning to receive), they describe the existing education. At the same time, it is desirable to single out additional education (if it is directly related to the profession). The next item is an indication of the places where the candidate worked before. Describe the earlier, and then later jobs.
Key professional skills include:
- possession of log massage;
- the ability to determine speech status;
- willingness to organize classes on speech correction in a playful way;
- other methods and approaches adopted in modern defectology;
- knowledge of foreign languages.
Recommendations for compilation
The resume of a speech therapist (defectologist) is subject to the same requirements as the resume of a school teacher. It is desirable to indicate among personal qualities:
- tolerance;
- benevolence;
- sociability;
- psychological stability;
- the ability to build an individual course of speech correction for each patient.
It is very good if the specialist already has an original method of professional activity, or at least develops it. Not all would-be speech therapists are able or willing to take full-time jobs.Then, in the resume, it should be noted which schedule will be most suitable for the candidate. It is worth pointing out whether the person is ready to work with home visits to patients.

Resume writers believe that mentioning the negative aspects for applicants for the position of a speech therapist and defectologist is necessary. But they should be said briefly and in passing. More attention needs to be paid to the positive aspects - both as a person and as a professional. In addition to contact information, it is recommended to indicate also the marital status.
In the section on work experience, before indicating previously held positions, indicate the period of time when a person worked in a particular position. Speech therapist and speech pathologist should definitely indicate their professional achievements. It is necessary to write what has been done specifically, and not where the person just participated. The experience can be improved if the candidate brings recommendations from the previous place of work.
The fact that a person is ready to provide such justifications for his professionalism, even if no one calls his former bosses, will strengthen his reputation.
A good example of a speech therapist resume is:
- contact block;
- the desired mode of employment (temporary or permanent);
- general experience;
- knowledge of a foreign language;
- specific places of work (in reverse order, indicating the main professional responsibilities there);
- education;
- professional skills of the candidate;
- general personality characteristics (sociability, absence of bad habits, punctuality).

In another version of the resume, the candidate characterizes himself with the indication of such points as:
- completed trainings;
- the age of the children with whom the specialist can work;
- having your own children;
- willingness to travel.

And this sample resume characterizes the work experience of a speech therapist with an indication of the following positions:
- the ability to conduct individual and group lessons;
- the ability to conduct classes for the development of motor skills;
- willingness to diagnose speech disorders and establish speech status;
- the ability to compose individual programs.