How to write a resume for a massage therapist?

The profession of a massage therapist remains in demand today. Many specialists from this field prefer to work officially, providing services in specialized salons. To get the position you want, the first step is to write a competent resume.

What to write in the main paragraphs?
When looking at a masseur's resume for a prospective employee, employers pay special attention to key skills. They must be sure that when hiring an employee will fulfill all the duties assigned to him.
The massage therapist must have certain professional skills that are important to the employer.
- The techniques used during the work are constantly being updated and improved. The employee must comprehend them in a short time. Learning quickly can be helpful when learning new techniques and improving your skills. This pace is necessary to compete successfully with other massage parlors.
- The number of clients directly depends on how the specialist establishes contact with them. Sociability will help to deal with the problem of each guest and make the session as comfortable as possible. Competent and clean speech will be useful. It will be pleasant to communicate with such a professional.
- To perform several sessions per day, excellent physical shape is required. The employee is almost constantly on his feet. In one working day, a specialist can carry out about 20 procedures.
- In order for clients to continue to turn to this master, you need to be able to correctly and effectively present massage services. Sales skills will help to cope with this task. Employers will also appreciate the employee's ability to work with clients of all ages.
In some cases, the skill of finding new customers and the ability to make regular visitors out of one-time visitors will be assessed at a high level.

Personal characteristics of the employee
Personal qualities of a person are also considered important. They will help you get to know the employee better even before he starts his duties. Success in the work of a massage therapist essentially depends on personal characteristics, because in addition to direct duties, a specialist needs to communicate with people, engage in self-development, and improve.
The following personal characteristics will definitely come in handy in your work:
- maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle;
- knowledge of the basics of psychology;
- activity and initiative;
- courtesy and neatness;
- self-control in stressful situations;
- the desire to improve both the individual and the specialist;
- patience and hard work.

Not everyone knows how to write a resume correctly. Sometimes common mistakes in the document become the reason for rejection of the candidacy. The more popular and in demand the profession, the higher the competition. In order for your resume to be noted by the employer, it is necessary to exclude errors in its preparation..
The worst and most noticeable mistakes are typos. Even adults often admit them. As a rule, they appear in the document due to haste or carelessness. To avoid them, you should read your resume before submitting or printing. If you doubt the correct placement of punctuation marks or the correct spelling of certain words, use dictionaries or special computer programs to check the texts.
Modern text editors automatically correct words and sentences in the presence of various types of errors. This helps to present information correctly.

Compressed data
A dry statement of important information can distract the boss from the resume of a potential employee. Many describe professional and personal qualities formally, using common phrases. This description creates problems in composing impressions of the candidate's skills and abilities.
Don't be afraid to include details when describing your past job and other important information. In doing so, maintain a balance. Provide information as detailed and to the point as possible. Water in the text distracts from the essence and important data in the document.
Misuse of words and bad expressions
The next common mistake is using too many expressive words. Terms such as proactive, purposeful, and others can have a negative effect when reading a resume. Today, they are considered irritants, and in large numbers they can completely divert the attention of the boss from the candidate.
Bad humor
Jokes and other expressions of hilarity can get in the way of getting a job, especially if the position requires a serious approach. Some job applicants mistakenly think that funny phrases and words will make their resume stand out from the rest, but the opposite is true.
If you are not sure that your jokes will be appreciated by the employer, it is better to abandon them altogether and make a competent, detailed and interesting resume without inappropriate humor.

Interests that are not relevant to the job
The data indicated in the resume must relate to the work profession and describe the personal qualities that characterize you as an excellent candidate. Information about how you prefer to spend your free time is not of interest to your bosses. Some indicate their hobbies on their resume: fishing, handicrafts, collecting, and more. Do not forget that this is a serious document, where such data is superfluous.
In some cases, hobbies can be indicated, but only when they relate to a profession or self-development in this area.
Let's summarize the article with the best resume examples. The ready-made options will help you visually evaluate how the document should look.
- An example of a laconic yet meaningful resume. This sample has a photograph with which the employer can evaluate the external data of the candidate even before the interview.
- Another version of a document with a photo. The information is specified accurately and clearly. In this case, we are considering a pharmacist's resume, but do not forget that massage therapy specialists also work in the medical field.
- An example of a simple document layout, which is easy to do in a standard Word text editor on your own. Based on this sample, it is easy to create your own resume using personal data.