Nurse resume: features of drawing up and execution

A nurse is an indispensable companion for a doctor. It is the nurse who spends most of the time with the patient, assessing the dynamics of his condition, performing medical appointments. The experienced nursing staff is a particularly significant staff. Each employer strives to create a workforce with competent, competent employees.
The resume is the document that creates the first impression of the person hiring for the position. Allows the employer to select a candidate that meets his expectations. Therefore, the preparation of this document requires a careful, thoughtful approach.
Since a resume is a document, its preparation requires adherence to certain rules. A nurse's employment questionnaire must contain the necessary data that reveal the experience and skills of the future employee. The questionnaire includes the following items.
- Personal data. The section contains the following information: full name of the employee, age (date of birth), home address, contact phone number, e-mail address.
- Preferred position.
- Education. The nursing staff has a secondary specialized education: a medical college or college. In addition to the name of the institution, you must specify the specialty: "General Medicine" (paramedic) or "Nursing" (nurse).
- work experience... A list of former places of work is indicated. Years of employment, positions held. This paragraph is also obliged to contain a list of duties performed by the person in each position.
- Personal qualities. The item contains a list of character traits that help a person to perform duties at the proper level.
- Additional information. Includes data on passing refresher courses, the presence of letters of gratitude for excellent work. It is also possible to mark additional skills: PC skills, knowledge of languages, attendance at trainings, seminars.
It is also allowed to attach a high-quality photo to the letter.

Each nurse resume has similarities and differences. The general principles of work of nursing staff are similar:
- fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions;
- operation of medical equipment;
- organizational aspects of the treatment process: record keeping, disinfection of working equipment;
- control of the work of the junior medical staff.
However, certain specialties have specific functions that other sisters do not have. These skills must be indicated when drawing up a job application form.

Thus, the specific responsibilities of the operating room nurse are:
- preoperative preparation of the patient;
- knowledge of the classification of surgical instruments_ preparation of instruments necessary for a specific operation;
- knowledge of the course of the operation in order to supply the right tool on time;
- postoperative finishing activities.

Dentistry nurse:
- prepares the workplace, dental equipment;
- correctly seats the patient in the chair;
- assists the doctor in the treatment process;
- possesses knowledge about the properties, purpose, use of dental preparations;
- disinfects, sterilizes instruments.

In the treatment room:
- carries out all types of injections: intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal;
- carries out intravenous drip administration of drugs;
- takes blood for tests;
- conducts dressings for surgical patients.

Senior, chief nurses of medical institutions have a slightly different specifics of work activity, which is of a documentary nature.
Head nurse of each department:
- draws up a work schedule for the middle, junior medical staff;
- keeps track of medicines: order, delivery to the post;
- is the financially responsible person for the medical equipment of the department;
- monitors the activities of the middle, junior working staff, for this must have the knowledge and skills of nursing skills of this department of the institution;
- conducts classes regularly, maintaining the optimal level of knowledge of the staff;
- regulates organizational issues: medical examinations, refresher courses, etc .;
- communicates innovations to employees.
The head nurse oversees the nursing activities of all departments:
- draws up the order of medicines, disinfectants for the entire institution;
- issues funds to branches;
- supervises the activities of the middle, junior staff of the hospital;
- solves organizational issues of the medical unit;
- carries out storage, delivery of narcotic drugs;
- must have knowledge of the labor activity of the sisters of any department in order to understand the course of the treatment process and its modernization.

There are specialties that require special skills. In demand among employers. For example, a nurse anesthetist. The key skills of this profession are:
- the ability to give intravenous, intravenous drip injections;
- work with narcotic drugs: receipt, consumption, storage, as well as documentation;
- preparation of the patient for anesthesia;
- monitoring the patient's condition during and after surgery;
- work with anesthesia and respiratory equipment;
- carrying out resuscitation measures.
Also, an anesthetic nurse must have special personal qualities:
- attentiveness;
- quickness;
- endurance;
- the ability to quickly respond to a sudden change of circumstances;
- literacy.

Helpful writing tips
The preparation of a nurse's resume should be approached responsibly, since the document reflects the main professional aspects of the applicant.Literacy and brevity are some of the leading characteristics of the questionnaire. Competent filling of the document, performed in a uniform style, characterizes the employee as an educated, highly intelligent, collected specialist... The head of the institution where the letter is sent will certainly appreciate the coherence of the presentation.
The brevity of the narrative will make it possible to focus on the abilities and skills of the applicant. A bulky document full of unnecessary information will tire the employer while reading and make it difficult to draw up a full-fledged professional portrait of a specialist. The conciseness and consistency of the text of the resume will allow you to highlight the main, necessary professional resources of a nurse. These are the key skills of the employee. A nurse with work experience indicates all medical institutions in which she happened to serve.

It is necessary to write the functions performed in each position. This will allow you to assess the degree of professionalism of the employee. It is undesirable to copy duties from the job description. It is better to describe it in your own words, in an accessible and understandable way. Particular attention is paid to the last 3 years of employment, the most interesting to the employer. If a nurse with no work experience, the emphasis is on the training experience completed. The medical institution, the date of the internship, the acquired skills, knowledge are indicated.
It would be appropriate to indicate the personal qualities inherent in a professional nurse:
- accuracy;
- attentiveness;
- stress tolerance;
- sympathy and empathy;
- conscientiousness;
- literacy;
- endurance.

Examples of
There is no one template for a paramedical resume. You can find many ready-made samples, on the example of which a nurse's own resume is compiled. It might look like this.
Ivanova Natalia Ivanovna
Date of Birth: 18.09.1987
Address: Omsk, street ..., house ..., apartment ...
Telephone: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Education: 2004-2007. - Omsk Regional Medical College, General Medicine.
Work experience: 2007-2019. - Regional children's hospital in Omsk, resuscitation and intensive care unit; guard nurse.
Job responsibilities:
- participation in resuscitation measures;
- timely fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions;
- monitoring the patient's condition: assessment of the skin, physical activity, chest excursion, rhythm and frequency of respiration, pulse;
- work with breathing apparatus;
- monitoring of equipment that reads patient indicators (pulse oximeter);
- assistance to the doctor in setting up the central venous access, tracheal intubation, puncture;
- filling out the documentation;
- work with narcotic drugs.
I own the following manipulations:
- gastric lavage;
- technique of intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous injections, intravenous drip of drugs;
- transfusion of blood, blood substitutes;
- setting of compresses, ice bladders, heating pads;
- prevention of pressure sores;
- care for the umbilical wound of newborns, oral, nasal cavity, external genital organs;
- bladder catheterization;
- oxygen supply;
- care for central, peripheral venous access.
Personal qualities:
- attentiveness;
- diligence;
- composure;
- good memory;
- tact;
- endurance.
- 2013 - refresher courses, specialization "Anesthesiology and resuscitation", received the second qualification category.
- 2017 - refresher courses, specialty "Anesthesiology".
- 2018 - received the first qualification category.