Manager's resume: rules for filling it out

The word "summary" in French means "summary". Nowadays, this is the name of a document that contains important information about a person's skills, work experience and other data necessary for considering a candidate for a position proposed by an employer. When drawing up this document, applicants often make mistakes, due to which their resume is postponed to the far shelf or even sent to the trash can.
According to statistics, most often this happens with the resume of candidates for the position of manager.

For a job seeker for a manager's position it is extremely important to draw up a competent presentation document - a resume. Its structure should have several components interconnected. A resume is not an arbitrary retelling of life, but a specific presentation list that most accurately reveals the capabilities of the applicant.
When compiling a resume, it is necessary to consider several options for the execution of the document. For personal delivery, delivery by courier, fax or e-mail, different document structures must be selected, but with identical information. For example, a job seeker complements a text presentation document with his photograph. Just by faxing such a resume, it’s scary to imagine what a black and white image would look like.
An important rule of writing a resume for a manager's position is to convey information for a job on a maximum of two sheets. Key information should be on the 1st page, and at the bottom of it, in small print, indicate that the continuation is on the next sheet. If the full resume is more than 2 sheets, each page must be numbered and next to each number, except for the first page, indicate the name of the applicant. If the size of the resume turned out to be modest, the information will need to be spread out so that the page is completely occupied.
Required condition - identical font size 12. It is desirable to use readable formats. Designer filters are misplaced.
A resume is a document; a strict style should be visible in it.

Each information section should be kept separate from the other. Headings should be bold or underlined. Don't forget about spelling too. When composing text in Microsoft Word it is important to check for errors with an editor.
When writing a resume, you must follow the page layout. The text should not start from the very edge of the sheet. On the top, bottom and right sides there should be an indent of about 2 cm. The left side of the sheet assumes an indent of 2.5 cm. If there is a lot of information, the working space of the page can be increased by 1 cm on each side, and the font size can be reduced to 10.
And the most important - for printing a resume, you must use thick white paper. Low density beige and cream sheets are out of place.
A non-standard resume can be interesting, but not suitable for all companies. It is possible for creative organizations to send a presentation document with a slight deviation from strict standards. In other cases, it is necessary to have a resume that meets strict standards.
It is worth noting that many job seekers in search of work turn to recruitment agencies. However, the chances of finding a job with their help are negligible. The reason for this is the incorrectly specified desired position. When filling out the questionnaire, in the “Desired position” column, the applicant indicates the position “manager” and indicates the direction, for example, “for sales” or “for working with clients”. This information is entered into the agency's database, and it is for this position that an open vacancy is offered.

How to format the text?
A well-written resume is a guarantee of quick employment for a new job. In some cases, creative approach to filling it is allowed, but you should not be too zealous.
There are several details that can complement the strict style of the document.
- The photo. By the standards of office work, the image of the applicant should be similar to the photo for the passport. However, today most of the personnel in the HR department are ready to argue with this method of completing a resume. Modern creativity involves not using rectangular photographs, but using cut-out silhouettes.
- Design approach. Assumes writing key points in a non-standard font type.
- Epigraph. It is not prohibited to use quotes from famous people. However, not all employers are ready to hire too “smart” employees. And yet, when writing a resume for a managerial position, a job seeker can insert a famous person's statement into the "personal qualities" section.

Recommendations for filling
The word "manager" in translation from English means "to lead, organize, manage". It follows that people holding such a position have a certain power and status, which means they are responsible for their actions and the work of their subordinates. To the manager it is important to know all the subtleties of the company's work.
For applicants wishing to fill the vacancy of a purchasing manager, you should indicate in the resume information about the experience in negotiating, the skill of research work on the procurement market, and the ability to draw up contracts for the supply of goods. But the resume of future HR managers should contain information about knowledge of labor legislation, job descriptions and the ability to draw up orders. But the most important thing is to have a clear and well-defined speech, since you will have to conduct interviews.
The future content manager is obliged to indicate in the resume that he has experience as an editor in a print publication.The resume of a tourism manager should contain information about work experience, knowledge of several languages. The responsibilities of a logistics manager include drawing up routes for the transportation of goods; it is very important for an employer that such an employee has an established customer base and rich experience.
Applicants applying for the position of a top manager need to have extensive experience in business development. An important nuance in a top manager's resume is information about the successful development of regional and territorial projects, for example, a restaurant chain. The resume of a brand manager (category manager) should contain information about the success of promoting goods of any brand.
Financial manager is not a very common job. Most often, employers hire accountants for this position. The resume should contain information about knowledge of the rules for drawing up and concluding financial contracts, reporting. It is best to attach a letter of recommendation from your last job to your resume, after all, this activity implies serious material responsibility.
It is important for future advertising, cleaning, procurement and marketing managers to indicate in their resume their experience of working with people and the ability to resolve conflict situations.

This section in the manager's resume plays an important role. Studying the student's life of the applicant, the employer gets to know the potential employee in absentia, understands what he is capable of and what skills he possesses. When registering the "Education" section, you must affix student experience in reverse chronology. Initially, the main direction of study, university and faculty with a time period is indicated. 2nd education, if any, is indicated in a similar form. The date of completion of the courses and certification should also be indicated there.
Information about high school is indicated in several cases. First, if school education was given in a foreign language. Secondly, if it was a special school with a certain bias, or if, after graduating from high school, the applicant received a gold or silver medal. We must not forget about the technical school, if it was present during the educational period of life.
Young specialists with no work experience should pay special attention to the "Education" section. For such cases, it is recommended to indicate information about the subjects studied, especially those where the applicant has achieved great success. It is appropriate to provide information on grades, awards. Indicate data on victories in competitions and various olympiads, provide information on published works, developments, own inventions.

work experience
Graduates of universities are experiencing huge problems in employment. Despite an excellent diploma, certificates of completing additional courses, the lack of even minimal work experience subconsciously frightens employers. And if even a small amount of experience is indicated in the resume, the picture completely changes.
Work experience must be indicated in reverse order, starting from the last place of work. On the opposite side of the name of the company and the duration of work, it is necessary to indicate the position and describe what the main responsibilities were. As additional information, you should leave marks on the acquired professional skills. It is worth noting that undergraduate internships and internships are also listed in the Education section in reverse chronology. A characteristic from the place of internship is considered work experience, and a positive assessment speaks of the prospects of a young specialist.
It is enough for an applicant with a long experience to indicate in the resume the last 3-5 jobs with a duration of no more than 10 years. Young professionals should indicate all places of work with a detailed description of their activities.

key skills
This section implies a description of professional skills that are not related to a specific position and job responsibilities. In simple terms, this column contains information about the presence of a driver's license and experience of working with a PC... Here the level of knowledge of foreign languages is indicated.
The resume section on a job seeker's business skills allows the employer to get a rough idea of the potential employee. A maximum of skills regarding the desired vacancy and a minimum of general information will only improve the impression of the resume. However, you should not get too carried away with the design of this section. An excess of information will only scare off the employer.
A very important part of the resume, which should be seriously worked on, because this is where all the merits need to be reflected. The future manager will be extremely interested in learning about the results of the work of a potential employee. This information should be as complete as possible, indicating numerical values, if possible. For example, “increased sales from 40% to 80%”, unless this information is a trade secret.
However, not all managers have responsibilities that involve increasing sales or acquiring new customers. Some are obliged to do monotonous work every day, where it is impossible to get any serious achievements.
However, even such managers can establish themselves as responsible and executive employees.

About myself
In Western countries, this point is of great importance. There resumes without brief information about the preferences and interests of the applicant are not even considered. According to psychologists, it is this part of the presentation document that allows you to reveal the personal qualities of a potential employee, his positive and negative characteristics, as well as show strengths and weaknesses.
In this section, it is appropriate to indicate favorite hobby, hobbies, interests, musical preferences. In no case should you write on your resume about belonging to various parties and religious communities. Firstly, this is personal information that does not relate to work moments. Secondly, employers do not welcome members of such organizations in their team, fearing that they will begin to sow confusion in the team.

Examples of
In this version, you can see clear structure of writing the document. No unnecessary information, professional skills are clearly presented, there is information about awards and achievements. Work experience is scheduled according to the rules of office work. There is a place for a photo in the upper part in the corner.

The second resume sample is fine people of creative professions... With such a document, you can go for an interview with a printing house, advertising agency or other organizations closely related to artistic activities. Although the color form of execution of the resume may also please the management of technical companies. After all, a bright palette is an indicator of a person's state of mind and his mood in life.