How to write a resume for an account manager?

A resume is a "calling card" of any employee. Most often, it is with him that the acquaintance of the head of the company and the candidate for the position begins. How to avoid mistakes and stereotypes when drawing up a resume of a customer service manager, make it informative and interesting for a potential employer?

Who is a client manager? This is a specialist who advises visitors to the company in terms of the features of the products or services offered, with the aim of their further sale. We can say that the client-manager is the “face” of the company, on the correct presentation of which its prosperity and profit depends. It is he who can both increase the customer flow and scare off potential customers with his incompetence or disrespectful attitude. The employer must, at the interview stage, “weed out” candidates who do not have the necessary key skills and personality traits.
Consider the job responsibilities of a client manager:
- analysis of the target audience of the company, identification of needs;
- development and implementation of methods for finding new customers;
- drawing up a competent algorithm for a conversation with a potential customer;
- forecasting further relationships with the client, his capabilities (including material ones);
- organization of negotiations at higher levels of management (if such a need arises), preparation of documents;
- work with objections;
- conclusion of contracts;
- maintaining good relations with regular customers, developing special offers (discounts, promotions);
- formation and maintenance of a client base;
- analysis of the work of competing firms.

Now let's talk about the necessary personal qualities:
- initiative, activity, ability to analyze information;
- love of acquiring new knowledge, striving for constant self-improvement;
- high degree of efficiency;
- readiness to be responsible for the decisions made;
- well-delivered speech;
- high level of self-discipline;
- sociability and ability to be "on the same wavelength" with the client;
- constant striving to increase the company's profitability and own earnings;
- ability to work in time trouble;
- focus on the final result;
- an optimistic view of the world, resistance to external stress factors;
- overconfidence (in a good way, not to be confused with arrogance).

Writing rules
A competent resume for the position of a client manager contains several main blocks. Let's consider them in order.
Personal information
Here are indicated:
- Date of Birth;
- telephone;
- residence address;
- e-mail.
Position for which the candidate is applying
Since the company may have several vacancies for different specialists at the same time, mark in your resume which position you are interested in.
Of course, you need to skip secondary school and start listing places of study from a college, technical school or university. The years of the beginning and end of training, the name of the place of study (in full), specialty (according to the diploma) are indicated. In addition to basic vocational education, you must indicate all completed courses, advanced training, retraining (if any). However, there is a small amendment here: do not indicate those that are not related to the desired position. For example, courses of a massage therapist or manicurist will not help you to become a good client-manager in any way and will not add "points" to you in the eyes of the employer.
It is necessary to list the places of study from the first (as opposed to listing the places of work).

work experience
Describe your professional career. First, indicate the last place of work (start and end dates of cooperation, position and job responsibilities), moving further in the opposite direction (to the first). If you have changed many companies while building a career, you do not have to list all of them (the employer may be alarmed by frequent job changes). If, on the contrary, your experience is small, it is recommended to mention all your achievements, for example:
- you did your undergraduate internship at a university in a company similar to the one where you are now working;
- you wrote a term paper / diploma / dissertation on client management;
- you have experience in self-employment.
Describe in detail the work activity at each place of work (of course, related to the desired position) - this will add volume to your resume and allow the manager to find out if you have the necessary skills to work in his company.

Additional Information
Here write everything that will add value to you in the eyes of the employer: language skills, knowledge of basic and special computer programs, the presence of a driver's license and personal vehicles, the possibility of a business trip (or even a change of residence), readiness to work in time trouble.
Mentions would be useful:
- about awards;
- on receiving a grant;
- on the presence of a red diploma.
Personal qualities
Write only about those that will be useful to you in your work in the desired position.

When you graduate from school or leave your previous job, you can ask your former teacher / boss to write and sign a letter of recommendation for you. In this case, you can mention its presence in your resume, as well as the readiness to present it at the request of the employer.
The resume does not need to indicate:
- Place of Birth;
- marital status;
- anthropometric indicators;
- who are you according to the horoscope;
- your religious preferences;
- nationality;
- hobbies (with the exception of activities corresponding to the profession).
The employer will be able to ask all these questions during the interview, so you should formulate concise answers to them. You can indicate the desired salary level in the resume, however, this is not necessary. As for the style of writing. Of course, brevity is the sister of talent, and no one requires you to write an autobiography on 20 pages. However, refrain from what has already become an anecdote: “Do you know the 7 deadly sins of a manager? Creativity, sociability, activity, dedication, learning ability, diligence, stress resistance "... This enumeration of such seemingly necessary qualities is so stereotyped that it will become clear to the employer that there is no smell of “creativity” here.
The resume is printed on A4 sheets, the reverse side of the sheet is not used. If the document turns out to be two-page, do not staple the sheets, it is better to use a paper clip. Number sheets, contact information should be duplicated on both. Use the classic font - Times New Roman, size 14. Use bold (not italic) to highlight sub-paragraphs in your resume. Place a 3x4 cm photo in the upper right corner.
Don't use cheerful selfies or other frivolous photos - you are taking a serious job and must make the right impression.

FULL NAME. | Ivanova Yana Olegovna |
Date of Birth | 05/12/1984 |
Residence address | Novosibirsk, st. Lenin, building 5, apt. 13 |
Telephone | 8-800-000-00-00 |
ivya @ mail. ru | |
Target | Applying for the position of account manager |
Education | 2001-2006 - Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management Specialty - organization management |
Additional education | September-November 2006 - completed a course on practical accounting for beginners, Academy of Modern Technologies, Novosibirsk April 2007 - completed the course "1C: Enterprise", Academy of Modern Technologies, Novosibirsk |
work experience | 13.04.2016-20.10.2019 - LLC "Vega", customer service manager. Responsibilities: • meeting with clients in the office, conducting telephone conversations; • preparation and conclusion of cooperation agreements; • maintaining a base of regular customers, developing special offers for them. 25.10.2009-01.04.2016 - "Alye Parusa" company, office manager. Responsibilities: • receiving incoming calls, forwarding to a specialist; • meeting clients in the office; • fulfillment of small orders of the head; • maintenance of current office documentation. 13.12.2006-10.10.2009 - LLC Cyrus, customer service manager. Responsibilities: • negotiations with clients in the office and by phone; • conclusion of contracts; • maintaining a client base. |
Professional skills | Possession of a PC at the level of a confident user (MS Office, 1C: Enterprise, Internet), experience in conducting telephone conversations, including "cold" calls, working with customers in the office, concluding contracts, the ability to work with objections |
Knowledge of languages | Basic English |
Other | There are rights of category "B", personal car, business trips are possible. There are no bad habits. |