How to write a merchandiser resume?

Quite often, people are faced with the problem of writing a resume, even if they have work experience. Each profession has its own nuances, they should be taken into account when drawing up an application for a vacant position. This article will discuss how to write a resume for a merchandiser.
Writing rules
An employee with no work experience can often be hired for the position of a merchandiser. Despite this, the resume should attract a human resources specialist, and not alienate him with its illiteracy or awkward data.
When submitting your resume, you should clearly indicate the vacancy for which you are applying. This will make it clear to the employer that the applicant plans to get this particular place, and not any possible one of all the vacant ones, which means that he is interested in permanent work. An employer often takes a negative resume without specifying a position and immediately weeds them out.
Personal data will help you figure out the full name and date of birth (you can simply indicate the age) of the applicant, by which phone to find him and how to write to him by e-mail (in case they could not get through to him). Citizenship and marital status should also be indicated.

The knowledge gained in different educational institutions is very important for a resume. If the applicant has a special education, then it should be indicated without information about the school. If you have a diploma from a university, you should write the detailed name of the institution (indicate the abbreviation in brackets), year of graduation, faculty and specialty from the diploma, form of study.
Work experience is usually not key in such a profession, but it will do well if it is available.If you know how to lay out products, put up price tags and decorate windows, then you should definitely indicate this. Also, the undoubted advantage of a resume will be the ability to work with planograms, promote goods and services, be able to draw up an order and a pre-product. It will be correct to indicate experience in organizing promotions and presentations, recruitment of junior staff (such as promoters), the presence of a client base, the ability to work with staff outlets.
When writing a resume, it is necessary to emphasize personal qualities useful for work, such as accuracy, responsibility, attentiveness, an active lifestyle, communication skills and creativity.
From additional education, courses on increasing sales, buyer's psychology or training in the basics of marketing are suitable for a resume. Of the skills, active handling of tables or trade applications, the presence of a driver's license (for working at several points) will be useful.

The expected salary can be omitted specially if this column is not included in the questionnaire. But if you are counting on a certain level of cash incentive, you can of course designate it... In this case, a reasonable framework should be observed, otherwise this indicator will scare off the employer.
Achievements in a previous job will also be an added plus for a resume. This can be information about an increase in turnover, raising the organization's sales to a new level, gratitude for a good job or certificates from competitions or competitions in marketing or merchandising knowledge, the basics of sales. Even long-term work in the previous place can be regarded positively.
For the position of a visual merchandiser, it would be more correct to focus on the decoration., competent presentation of a novelty or expansion of an established line with new accessories or models. Here it would be better to indicate the knowledge about the interaction between physical processes and sensations of the subject, in design and psychology. Knowledge in the field of economics will not leave indifferent any employer who has a vacant position of visual merchandiser.

Resume structure
There is no strict form for writing a resume. If you do not fill out an applicant's application form from an organization, then you should pay attention that the structure of the resume should include the following blocks:
- position of the applicant;
- personal data and contacts;
- education;
- work experience (usually these are the last 3 jobs or related to the position);
- job duties performed;
- key skills;
- personal qualities;
- additional skills and additional education (preferably - related to the position);
- expected salary (optional);
- achievements and recommendations (optional).
References from the previous place of work can be provided upon request.

Transmittal letter
This point is optional when writing a resume. He only confirms your interest in the position, the ability to conduct business conversations and establish contacts. In this letter, they usually greet a personnel worker, talk about awareness of the vacancy, disclose key points of work experience and indicate a willingness to take on duties in the near future.
Resume errors
It is not necessary to indicate invented facts or experience in the resume - all these data are easy to verify. The same goes for education. All skills and abilities can be asked to confirm right at the interview - such cases are repeated.
The reasons for dismissal from the previous job should also not be written if they were conflicting, or veiled under other needs (a desire to try yourself in another industry or expand the area of responsibility, etc.).
It would also be a mistake not to indicate a specific position for competition or a salary that is incommensurate for job responsibilities, a desire to receive additional benefits or vacations.

Examples of
The ready-made sample will serve as a good example for writing a resume for the position of a merchandiser. It should be remembered that the information you provide must be true.

For writing a cover letter, the following example will help.