How to write a resume for an installer?

Assembler is one of the most "busy" professions. This is the link that holds any company that carries out the construction and maintenance of all kinds of technical facilities. We will talk about how to write a resume for a specialist in this kind of activity in the article.
Resume structure
As with any resume, a job seeker's application for a fitter job is divided into blocks: personal data and information about acquired key skills. Depending on what kind of character, type of work awaits the applicant, when the vacancy is closed by him (with the approval of this candidate by the senior manager or head of the department), the summary indicates:
- personal data (full name, age and gender, mobile number and e-mail);
- data on education (secondary, secondary, higher, university name, years of study, specialty);
- work experience (name of the previous company and years of work, job responsibilities);
- data on continuing education (name and essence of special courses, awarded certificate, new qualification, date of additional training);
- personal qualities - traits and abilities that speak about how a person finds a way out of emergency situations, organizes and optimizes his work;
- professional skills.

General rules and summary content for installers of different profiles are generally the same. But the enumeration of skills has some peculiarities in each of the specific cases.
- For installers of cellular equipment and climate technology (installation of split systems), fiber-optic and telephone inter-house communication lines, external house wiring, boiler room elements, a certificate (certificate) of an industrial climber is required. They will have to work "steeplejack" - at a height of more than a dozen meters (facades, side bearing walls of buildings). Here the slightest omission - for example, insufficiently fixed supports and suspensions - can cost the master his life. It confirms the right to access work at high altitudes. The same restrictions apply to antenna masts working at regional and district TV towers (RTPC towers). Although it is possible to use a truck crane, the contractor is unlikely to hire such a machine. Especially when the work is comparable or less in terms of the rental price of the truck crane itself, then it is cheaper for a separate company to send a professional "climber" than to hire a special lift or build a temporary lift.
- Almost all installers - heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems, steel and reinforced concrete structures, windows, doors, shutters, swing and sliding gates, barriers (and other massive and large-sized assemblies) - must be physically strong and hardy, because we are talking not only about carrying tools and sliding ladders to the place of work, but also moving, installing prefabricated sections, each of which weighs far more than one kilogram ... A striking example is PVC windows: even the sash of such a window weighs more than 10 kg (including a double-glazed window). However, such work is best done in a team. A typical example is fitters-fitters working with heating systems, water and gas supply. They are united in teams of several workers - when it comes to, say, replacing an entire section of a leaky heating main.
- The installer of low-current systems, high-precision and "delicate" electronics (CEA) must also be hardy, stress-resistant, decisive. He also works for an absolute result, easily navigates the drawings and project diagrams. Such a master should be able to find solutions from non-standard situations. The fact is that electronics (for example, an OPS) sometimes tend to freeze in the presence (appearance of a nearby) interference, improper assembly, a significant violation of the structural and technological schemes. Correct installation is half the battle during commissioning. In fact, these same qualities are also required on resumes and other installers.
- Working with stretch ceilings requires utmost clarity and precision. The installation of the canvas can be performed alone (in a small room, in the corridor), but in the case of large rooms it is better to get a job together.
The same applies to the installation of pure metal doors, cable ducts, pipelines, elevators, as well as professional refrigeration and freezing equipment for hypermarkets and cafes.

When writing a resume, it is important to adhere to a number of rules.
- The resume should be easy to read... Remember that a recruiter will not have to go through one resume for an hour or more. He has to look through dozens of them in a day - to select those that best meet the company's expectations. Font, line spacing, brevity and completeness of content, division into sections, style of presentation are formalities informing the company employee that the applicant is a mandatory and accurate person.
- List your responsibilities in your previous position briefly but comprehensively. They should not disagree with the acquired experience.
- If you have changed a dozen jobs, there is no need to indicate everything. List the most significant.
- Do not ignore the received higher education, additional education. Mention your courses.
- Attach a photo, make sure it is purely business-like. You should not publish overly candid photos.
The best resume doesn't last more than one page. You do not need information about five different specialties that do not complement each other. Superfluous and worn out definitions of your qualities, such as "active" and "purposeful", are also not required. Explain them more fully.
In exceptional cases, you can briefly give a couple of specific examples in which you can demonstrate your qualities of an excellent employee visually - but do not overuse it.

A perfect resume template is shown below.
FULL NAME.: Petrov Ivan Albertovich
Residence address: Rostov-on-Don, Malinovsky Ave., 73.
Date of Birth: 02/09/1982 g.
Requested vacancy: installer, commissioner of low-current systems.
Achievements and skills: experience in supervising the work of a team of foremen, professional installation of low-current systems for at least 6 years, I can handle power tools and equipment, I can easily navigate the project documentation.
Higher education: Don State Technical University, 2001-2006, specialty - radio electronics, faculty “Radio electronics and multimedia technologies”.
Work experience: 2012–2019, LLC "Agroelectroservice", position: low-current systems installer.
Job functions: coordination and control of the work of teams, installation of control systems and access control, burglar and fire alarms. Work with instrumentation, power and signal lines.
Achievements: assigned electrical safety group - III.
Skills acquired: ability to work with teams of craftsmen, "advanced" PC user, laying communication lines and wiring, installation, connection and configuration of electrical and electronics.
Personal qualities: high level of responsibility, punctuality in the execution of approved plans, fast and accurate work for the result.