How to write a resume in English?

It's not a secret for anyone that the initial acquaintance of the employer and the applicant takes place through a resume. This document is a kind of presentation sheet, briefly describing a person's work experience, his achievements. A correctly written resume is of interest to the employer, which means that the applicant will certainly be invited for an interview.
Today, a presentation document familiar to everyone is necessary for applying for a job in a domestic company. To get a job in a foreign company, you need to write a resume, or rather, a CV in English.

What it is?
For job seekers wishing to get a job in a foreign company, it is important to be fluent in foreign languages. However, this is not the only requirement imposed by the employer. In search of a new employee, foreign companies sometimes go over all the boundaries of the possible, but sometimes even their overestimated requirements can remain in the background before a well-written resume. A resume is a presentation document that allows the employer to find out brief information about the applicant. For an interview in a foreign company, a resume is drawn up exclusively in English. Each paragraph of the document must be competently worked out, due to which the chances of getting a job increase several times.
Today, in post-Soviet countries, job seekers send employers a resume form. It briefly describes the personal data of a person, his work activity, achievements. But in America and Canada, acquaintance with potential leadership occurs through CV. These letters are an abbreviation, the decoding sounds like this: Curriculum Vitae, literal translation - "the way of life." Compared to a resume, a CV is an expanded document. It signs the biography of the applicant, his titles, achievements, published works, if any.
Personal characteristics, dignity, features must be indicated.

Basic compilation rules
A CV or resume in English is actually not difficult to prepare. The main thing is to know several important rules for drawing up this document.
- The CV form must be written in-house. No recruiting agency can tell about a person better than himself.
- When drawing up a CV document, you must adapt it for the companyin which the applicant wishes to continue working experience.
- CV should be more developedthan a resume. But at the same time, you cannot talk about everything in detail.
- When filling in contact information it is important to check that there are no mistakes.
- It is important to indicate the truth in the CV... Any information can be checked today.
- After drawing up your CV, it is important to check the entered information for spelling and grammatical errors.
Key points
Any document has an individual structure. And this even applies to CV. However, special attention should be paid to key points when drawing up a presentation sheet, namely:
- Personal data;
- Objective;
- Education;
- Experience;
- Skills;
- Extracurricular Activities;
- References.
It is important not only to disclose these points correctly, but also to formalize them. Well, now you need to understand what exactly should attract attention in these sections of the document.

Personal data
The upper right corner of the CV document should be decorated with a photograph of the applicant taken in a photographic studio. To the left of the picture, personal data is indicated:
- Name - filled in as in a foreign passport;
- Address - the order of writing complies with foreign standards: first, the house number, then the street name, after - the apartment number, city, zip code and country;
- Phone number - international mobile number;
- Marital status - marital status;
- Date of birth - the date of birth is registered as abroad, for example, 24th April 1990;
- Email - a business email address.
This paragraph requires you to indicate why and why the applicant wants to get this or that position. Faint phrases and simple words in this case will be inappropriate. The goal must be presented with a "twist", for example, like this.
- I am interested in the position of translator, as it is in this position that I will be able to use my ability to communicate with people in a foreign language.
I am interested in the position of a translator, since it is in this position that I will be able to use my ability to communicate with people in a foreign language.
- I am interesting in the vacancy of a logistics manager, because a person who occupies such a significant position helps companies and individuals to deliver various types of cargo in any direction in a short time.
I am interested in the vacancy of a logistics manager, because a person occupying such a significant position helps companies and individuals to deliver various types of cargo in any direction in a short time.
- I was interested in the position of marketing assistant, as this position gives me the opportunity to work with foreign partners, find an approach to each person, thereby increasing the company's profit.
I was interested in the vacancy of a marketing assistant, since this position makes it possible to work with foreign partners, find an approach to each person, thereby increasing the company's profit.

This part of the CV requires you to indicate your post-secondary education.... And each educational institution must be spelled out in detail, starting from the name and ending with the diploma qualification.
If the applicant graduated from several educational institutions during the training period, he must register them in the reverse order. In simple terms, when graduating from college and after graduating from college, the first in the CV document is the higher education institution, and after the secondary or specialized secondary.
- Moscow State University, Faculty of Law, Master's degree in Law (2001-2005).
Moscow State University, Faculty of Law, Master's Degree in Law (2001-2005).
- Krasnoyarsk College of Marketing, specialist of the highest category in marketing (1999-2001).
Krasnoyarsk College of Marketing, marketing specialist of the highest category (1999-2001).
Work experience
This paragraph of the CV-document gives the employer the opportunity to learn about the professional experience of the applicant. The main thing is to remember that it is necessary to list labor activity in the reverse order, that is, from the last place of work to the first. It is equally important to indicate the positions held and to write down the job responsibilities. Then the employer will roughly understand what skills a potential employee has. It is equally important to correctly indicate the names of the companies in which the applicant previously worked. Clarify their scope of activity.
For students who have just graduated, it is almost impossible to create a Work experience section. However, in the CV document, it is allowed to register not only official work, enshrined in contracts, but also part-time jobs, for example, freelancing or student practice.. Here you can also write about achievements, for example, an increase in sales by 10% or an increase in sales by 40%.
By the way, I would like to give a little advice. After completing the internship, you must ask the employer to write a cover letter. This is a kind of characteristic presented by the leader.

Special skills
This paragraph prescribes the personal skills of the applicant. And what's most interesting, this part of the resume is divided into several more subsections:
- Language skills - Knowledge of foreign languages;
- Computer literacy - computer literacy;
- Driving license - availability of a driver's license;
- Hobbies - hobbies, hobbies.
You have to be extremely careful with the last subparagraph. You can't describe your hobbies on 10 pages. It is enough to indicate 2 or 3 of your most soulful hobbies. And, of course, indicate information about achievements in your hobbies.
Personal qualities
On the one hand, it may seem that this section is very easy to write, but it will not be possible to create it using ordinary phrases. The job seeker will need to show semantic ingenuity and be able to strike a balance between praise and excessive modesty. For example:
- candidate for the position accountant must indicate such qualities as attentiveness and perseverance - care and perseverance;
- candidate for the position programmer must prescribe "out-of-the-box thinking";
- candidate for the post economist should put in the resume "entrepreneurship, ability to analyze" - entrepreneurial spirit, ability to analyze;
- in summary design engineer such qualities as attention, good memory - attention, good memory should be indicated;
- in CV document teacher there should be “responsibility, stress tolerance” - responsibility, stress tolerance;
- well and waiter boasts "efficiency, good memory" - efficiency, good memory.

This key point should contain contacts of persons who are able to characterize and recommend the applicant as the best specialist in their field.
If the applicant does not want to put this item in the CV-document, he can indicate the following information.
- Recommendations are available upon request.
Recommendations are available upon request.
- I am ready to provide documents of a recommendation nature at the request of the employer.
I am ready to provide documents of a recommendation nature at the request of the employer.
Well, now it is proposed to consider in detail each separate paragraph of the CV-document and understand the peculiarities of filling them out.
personal information
For many employers, it is important to see the appearance of a potential employee. That's why CV-document must be filled out with a photograph, which should be taken in a photo studio... It must be placed in the upper right corner. The applicant's dress code in the photo should be business-like, and the background of the photo should be neutral.
On the left side of the applicant's photo, you must indicate the applicant's personal data, the same ones that were mentioned earlier. You can supplement personal information with the item nationality, that is, nationality. By the way, in the Email item, you can specify not only the email address. Here it is appropriate to register the name from Skype and the nicknames of the pages on social networks.

This is a unique section of the CV document, sometimes allowing the employer not even to look through the rest of the resume sections, but immediately invite the applicant for a live interview... Potential leadership needs to be intrigued and set apart from other resumes. Examples of goals that can attract the attention of a potential boss have already been indicated earlier.
The main thing is to remember: in no case should you indicate what the applicant wants to have in the future. The document must contain data on the actual time, that is, today.
This section should include information about education... How and in what order to register educational institutions was presented above. When filling out this section, you cannot indicate the months of study, only the years, for example, 2001-2005. In this case, the years should be written in brackets.
The names of educational institutions must be spelled out in full. It is especially important to check that there were no spelling and grammatical errors in the names. Even an extra comma will already lead to unpleasant consequences, or rather, cause a negative attitude of the employer towards the applicant.

Additional qualifications
This part of the CV document contains information on the passage of professional courses, seminars, trainings, conferences, online training, master classes and other options for improving or confirming qualifications. For example:
- Designer's certificate (2015) - designer certificate;
- Certificate of advanced training in the courses 3D-fashion designer - Certificate of advanced training for courses 3D-modeler.
The presence of such documents is an undeniable advantage over other candidates for the same position.
work experience
One of the most important points of a CV or resume document. Studying it, the employer will be able to understand what professional skills the applicant has, and whether he can show himself in the desired position. It is important to write down the job descriptions next to each job. Then the potential boss will understand what functions can be entrusted to the future employee.
Well, now it is proposed to get acquainted with the terms that can be appealed when filling out information about job responsibilities:
- Preparation of business projects - preparation of business projects;
- Development of 3D layouts - development of 3D models;
- The projections of the financial market - drawing up forecasts of the financial market.
When writing achievements in a previously held position, it is necessary to prescribe information in the past tense, for example:
- Increased sales by 15% - increased sales by 15%;
- Attracted 20 new suppliers - attracted 20 new suppliers.

Personal qualities
This part of the CV-document allows the applicant to talk about personal qualities. But in no case should you overdo it. Yes, this section makes it possible to advertise yourself not only from the side of work, but also from the side of everyday life.
When filling out this part of the presentation document, you should be especially careful. We need to find a balance between praise and modesty. And in order for everything to work out, it is recommended that you imagine yourself in the place of the boss. This is the only way to understand which personal qualities of a potential employee he will pay attention to, and which he will miss. And, of course, do not forget that personal qualities must correspond to the desired position.
This point in the CV document is key. Any employer pays attention to him... And if the applicant tries to become part of a foreign company, then it will not be possible to do without a correctly filled Special skills section. As mentioned earlier, this item is divided into 4 subgroups, and the employer pays special attention to each of them. In no case should you try to cheat. The lie is sure to be revealed.
For example, you can indicate fluency in French. You just need to prepare, executives and HR-managers of foreign companies can speak this language and start asking questions in French right at the interview, after which they expect a clear answer in the same dialect. Likewise, employers can "catch" applicants for driving skills or computer literacy.

This item should be entered into the CV-document only if you have something to "boast about". For those who do not have awards, it is recommended to skip this section. Entering it and leaving it empty is ugly and incorrect. If there are awards for achievements, they must be entered in reverse order, starting with the last one.
Scientific activity
This resume item cannot be considered mandatory, because not every specialist is able to boast of scientific activity. The Research experience section should be included in the CV document if, in fact, the applicant has previously conducted scientific work and consolidated them on paper.
Another optional resume section. It should be entered, if records of the applicant were published in any publications. If there were several articles submitted, they should be indicated in reverse order, starting from the last one.
The title of the publication and the date of publication of the article should be placed near the title of each publication.

Membership in organizations
This item is included in the CV-document or in the summary as required. If the applicant is a member of any party or organization, he must indicate this fact. For example:
- Russian Association of Teachers and Educators - Russian Association of Teachers and Educators;
- Krasnoyarsk Sports Association - Krasnoyarsk Sports Association.
This resume paragraph describes the applicant as a person outside of work. But this does not mean that you have to write I like to draw - "I like to draw" or Sometimes I play the guitar - "sometimes I play the guitar." The following information will seem much more interesting to a potential boss.
- Journeys. I traveled throughout North America in search of new material for the study of mental and religious practices.
Trips. Traveled across North America in search of new material for the study of mental and religious practices.
- Volunteering over the animals. I am engaged in the rescue of animals who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
Volunteering with animals. I am engaged in the rescue of animals in difficult life situations.
There is no need to describe your hobbies on 10 pages. Nobody will read them. Well, before you enter certain types of hobbies, you need to think, because your favorite hobbies should have a close connection with the desired position.

This section shows that different people can vouch for a job seeker. If the list consists of 2-33 people, then the chances of getting the desired position increase several times.
Having dealt with the intricacies of filling out a CV for foreign companies, it remains only to consider a few well-written CVs. Ready-made examples can be used as a template, the main thing is to enter only correct information into the sections:
- a simple and completely understandable summary that does not raise additional questions;
- a very effective resume for the position of a teacher;
- a bright CV document with which you can go to a creative foreign agency.