Nanny resume: features and rules of drawing up

Looking for a job as a domestic staff today is associated with the need to present yourself and your professional skills as best as possible. This is important both when applying to the base of the recruiting agency, and when you are free to search for yourself. Not only recommendations are important to a potential employer: a nanny's resume should at first glance speak of her experience and practical skills. To write such a document correctly, it is worth taking as a model the options already used by successful job seekers in their careers.
When deciding what to write about yourself for work as a governess, nanny, it is worth focusing on key professional skills and responsibilities... So, it will be important to have a specialized education and real work experience in the specialty. For some employers it will be essential that the governess has her own children.
Special skills often become priority: knowledge of foreign languages, methods of early childhood development, a diploma in exercise therapy and massage. All important data should be mentioned in the resume - this will increase the chances of success when looking for a job as a nanny or governess.

One of the main points in drawing up a nanny's resume can be called the correct choice of its structure. An applicant for the position of governess for a child will have to figure out the peculiarities of drawing up this document, otherwise it will be difficult to get a job. The following points should be referred to the mandatory blocks in this document today.
- Title. It indicates the profession or position for which the applicant applies. "Nanny" is indicated if the tasks will include only childcare.The duties of a governess are broader; she also plays the role of a home teacher. You should not write a more impressive job title if you do not have similar experience or skills.
- Personal data... This is a standard questionnaire, which contains information about age, place of residence, marital status. The full name is also indicated in full - no diminutives and pseudonyms.
- Contacts for communication... Here, too, everything is quite ordinary - a phone number and an e-mail address. Additionally, you can specify an account in the messenger. To find a job, it is better to create a separate e-mail box with the most neutral spelling - personal options like kisulya777 will not work.
- Job search goals. At this point, it is customary to indicate wishes for the specialization of the vacancy (for example, the work of a speech therapist-defectologist, rehabilitation of a disabled child, preparation for school and accompanying the child to classes). It is worth specifying the desired schedule and type of employment (full day, partial, substitute babysitter for the weekend). If there is a readiness to move out of town, to live in the employer's territory, it is also customary to write about this in the resume.
- The expected level of wages. Here it is worth indicating an amount 10-15% higher than the existing one or the market average.
- Skills. This includes proficiency in various methods of child development, foreign languages, massage skills, rehabilitation. The ability to drive a car can also be entered.
- work experience... It is listed in chronological order. In the case of pedagogical activity, work as a nanny or a governess, you can indicate only those places of work that relate to the chosen profile.
- Education. This includes not only basic information about the diploma, but also data on retraining, passing refresher courses. It is recommended to mention specifically specialized education. If a university or technical school diploma is not in the specialty, it can be mentioned without additional details, but with an indication of the specialization.
- Personal qualities useful in work. These include non-conflict, punctuality, stress resistance, physical endurance.
- additional information... This can include data on certificates or diplomas received in the field of pedagogy, work with children. You can provide a link to a personal thematic blog, profiles on social networks.
- Recommendations. If this is your first work experience, do not hide information from clients. An experienced nanny should have recommendations from employers.

When applying for a nanny or governess resume, it is important to make the right first impression on the employer. That is why you should choose the simplest template - almost any free text editor has one. Creativity will be redundant here and will rather produce the opposite effect. A standard resume is 1-2 pages of text, divided into thematic sections and typed on a white background. In the upper right or left corner, there should be a 3 × 4 cm photograph.
The very presence of a snapshot already serves as a guarantee that attention will be paid to the questionnaire. It is best to take a portrait photo without unnecessary interior details in the background. Choose a business or casual but rather formal style of dress.
It is not worth embellishing reality with the help of special photo correction programs. Where attention is paid to the appearance of domestic staff, this factor will only become an excuse for refusing to obtain a vacant position.

Recommendations for compilation
The main guidelines for writing a resume relate to its key sections. For example, in the "About Me" section, it is better not to indicate hobbies or skills that are of little use in professional activities. Love for knitting and embroidery, swimming in an ice-hole is not the kind of information that should be of interest to an employer.
The desire to work as a nanny at home can also visit a novice teacher with no experience or with minimal experience.In this case, there is no need to "reinvent the wheel" it is better to honestly write that this will be the first such work. If you have experience, but the experience was interrupted, it is better to indicate the reasons. For example: maternity leave, freelancing, change of field of activity.
Particular attention should be paid to what key skills will be included in the resume. This can be knowledge of early development techniques, foreign languages, knowledge of the primary school curriculum, organizational activities. It is worth immediately clarifying what professional duties in a family without living the applicant is ready to perform. A nanny is not a housekeeper preparing dinner for the whole family. Her tasks are caring for a child, feeding, monitoring compliance with the daily routine, accompanying for walks and classes. Literacy is very important. It is worth checking your resume for errors several times before submitting.
There is no need to use an abundance of foreign terms or special designations, to shorten words unnecessarily. This can interfere with the employer's objective assessment of the resume.

Examples of
A sample resume writing, which can be taken as a basis, can be useful for novice nannies and governesses. Ready-made forms help to navigate in those moments that are necessary for self-presentation, a successful job search.
- A prime example of how you don't need to write a resume. When applying for several positions, it is better to immediately draw up separate applications for each of them. The presence of letters of recommendation is also difficult to attribute to achievements. When looking for a nanny job, it is better to focus on the experience of interacting with children.
- Example of a winning resume for a governess applicant... Here the emphasis is placed on professional success and skills. But the employer may be confused by an overly personal accompanying photo. A more business-like style would be more appropriate and would make the resume even more effective.