How to write a resume for a waiter?

A waiter is a service worker. Contrary to the general belief that anyone can become a waiter, the selection for this position is quite strict. Moreover, each employer, depending on the specific institution, may put forward different requirements for applicants. How to write a resume for a waiter? What to write in your cover letter? What blocks must be included in the documents for hiring? You will find answers to these, as well as some other questions in our new material.

Fundamental rules
The resume of any waiter must include a photograph. The thing is that the work of this specialist is directly related to his appearance, so the employer often prescribes this requirement in the job description. In addition, the same general rules apply to the waiter's resume that apply to similar documents of other specialists. Among them are the following:
- structure, which will help you read the document easier and faster;
- absence of errors (for this you need to read the document several times before sending);
- uniformity of design (this applies to font and alignment);
- optimal length (no more than 2 pages).

Also, before submitting your resume it is important to read the job description carefully again. Some employers check applicants for attentiveness, so they may include some details at the very end of the ad. For example, there might be specific requirements for the use of colored subheadings or codewords. It's also important to make sure you submit your resume. on time (it is better to do this even a few days before the final date). This way you prove your responsibility and discipline to the employer.
How to write correctly?
When submitting a resume for the position of a cashier-waiter, senior waiter or ordinary employee, it is important to remember the simple but important rules for drafting this document. Let's take a look at the key sections that should definitely go into your resume.

Personal qualities
Since a waiter spends a significant part of his working time in dealing with clients, his personal qualities play the same important role as professional skills. First of all, a professional waiter should be polite and friendly. You must be able to create a pleasant atmosphere and good mood among the visitors who came to the establishment. In addition, among the personal qualities, the following can be indicated:
- stress tolerance - the employer will appreciate this characteristic of the waiter, since this employee often has to work with a large number of orders;
- good memory - you will need not only to remember all the menus of a cafe or restaurant, but also to keep in your head all the orders of visitors;
- non-conflict, calm - this characteristic will be useful if the client is not satisfied with the dish or service.

Wherein you should not try to pass yourself off as an ideal person. Of course, it's not worth writing down your negative traits in your resume. Be sincere and be yourself. One way or another, your inner nature will definitely manifest itself in the process of work.
Job responsibilities
Despite the fact that the main responsibility of a waiter is serving tables and communicating with customers, the set of job requirements can vary. For example, some catering organizations require the waiter to know the basics of the bartender's work - this is necessary so that the waiter himself can prepare a drink (for example, in a situation of a large influx of visitors).
In general, in this block, you must write the position for which you are applying, as well as the responsibilities that you are ready to fulfill. However, you should not include those activities that you do not know professionally. Otherwise, you can get into a rather awkward situation.

Professional skills and achievements
In order for a waiter to be hired (and especially if you are submitting your resume to a luxury restaurant), he must have a certain set of key skills that will be useful in carrying out professional activities. That is why in the column "Professional skills" such important skills for the waiter should be written, such as:
- knowledge of the composition and technology of cooking;
- ability to work with the automated R-keeper system;
- understanding the basics of dietetics;
- mastering the art of serving;
- knowledge of dress code rules;
- salesmanship;
- knowledge of etiquette;
- knowledge of foreign languages and so on.

And also in this block they often prescribe their professional achievements. For example, you can talk about how you were named Employee of the Month at your previous job or won a regional competition among service workers.
A big advantage among other applicants for this position will be the availability of a certificate or diploma of completion of professional courses.
Hobbies and hobbies
No matter how professional the waiter is, he is not only an employee, but also an ordinary person. This is why most employers will happily read about your hobbies and passions. In this category you can write both traditional options: reading or sports, and extreme (for example, skateboarding) or unusual (cross-stitching) hobbies.

What to write without work experience?
If you have no work experience, but you want to get a job as a waiter, then the employer should be told about this directly. Do not disguise yourself - the resume should contain the line "No experience". However, in order for the employee of the personnel department of a cafe or restaurant not to immediately dismiss your candidacy, it is important to show some resourcefulness. For example, you can say on your resume that you have all the key skills of a waitress: you can retell the menu by heart (however, make sure in advance that you have a good command of this information).
Besides, you can focus on your personal qualities: perhaps you are good at persuading people and are the “soul of the company”. It is also important to say that you are ready and determined to learn.
If necessary, also indicate that you are ready to take the required internship course. This information will assure the employer that you are serious.

Additional information about yourself
As additional information about yourself, you can write that you are now studying at the university in the specialty "Restaurant business", so you want to study the matter, so to speak, "from the inside".
You can also indicate that you are ready to work night shifts. This column is suitable for any additional data that was not included in the main document.
How to write a cover letter?
It should be noted that a cover letter is not a necessary document for employment as a waiter. The need to provide it should be separately indicated in the vacancy. If there is no such mark, then you should not write it (this is just extra paperwork for the employer). In the same case, if a cover letter is required, it should be drawn up according to certain principles and rules.
First, it should be said that A cover letter is an opportunity to tell about yourself in more detail, to reveal yourself as a professional and as a person. In a cover letter, you can tell about your education, describe in detail previous jobs.

Important! Neither the cover letter nor the resume should contain information that is not directly related to the position of "Waiter".
When writing a resume only formal business style can be used. In no case you can not use colloquial expressions or artistic means of language (for example, metaphors or epithets). Remember this is a business white paper. While your cover letter may contain details of your personal life, you shouldn't get carried away with unnecessary biographical details. remember, that the letter in its length cannot exceed the resume.
It is important to write about your motivation for applying for a resume for this vacancy. Indicate what interests you in a particular position (for example, you like the cuisine or the concept of a particular restaurant). Motivation is especially important for those candidates for the position of a waiter who have no previous work experience.

In order for your head to fully develop a plan for writing a resume for a waiter, let's look at a few good examples.

If you adhere to all the rules and recommendations for writing a resume and a cover letter, then you will be able to write professional official documents that will make a good impression on the employer and set you apart from the crowd of applicants.
You can learn more about writing a resume in the video below.