How to write a resume for a security guard?

The security profession is one of the most risky and responsible. It is on this person that the safety of the object that he guards depends: a kindergarten, a school, a medical institution, a manufacturing enterprise, etc. Today, every large organization employs one or more security guards. Due to the increased risk, recruitment for this position is fairly strict. First of all, each candidate must fill out a special document called a resume.
How to write a resume for employment as a security guard? What should a cover letter consist of? In the article you will find answers to these and some other questions, as well as be able to familiarize yourself with professionally written resume examples.

Basic compilation rules
The security guard's resume is compiled taking into account certain rules.
- Mandatory presence of a photograph. It is necessary to attach your photo to the document for hiring. This can be either an official photo (for example, you can use the same photo as on your passport), or a photo taken at a previous place of work (for example, in the form of a security guard or in a military uniform).
- No mistakes. Pay attention to spelling and punctuation in order for the employer to perceive you as a serious candidate.
- Brevity. There is no need to write long and detailed summaries, the document should be written concisely and concisely, but at the same time all important points should be covered.
- Provide only true information. Some candidates who have been unable to find a job for a long time try to make their resume better by giving the employer false information. In no case should this be done, since the position of the security guard itself is responsible, therefore you must take seriously the preparation of this official document.
- The presence of sections. Each new section should be started on a new line, and its heading should be bold to make the document much easier to read.
If you seriously and responsibly approach the preparation of this document, and also use all the recommendations, your resume will not go unnoticed by the employer.

How to write correctly?
To get a job as a security guard, you need to go through a careful selection. Employers pay special attention to such employees, as they are responsible for the safety of the entire company or institution. Often men are hired for the position of a security guard, but in some cases a woman can also apply for such a job.... One of the selection stages includes the need to write a resume. Let's take a closer look at the rules for writing this document.
Name and contact details
The block "Name and contact information" is the very first in the resume. Here you need to write your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as indicate the city of residence and contact information: at least 1 phone number (or preferably several), email address, instant messengers.

In the column "Position and responsibilities of interest" you should list all those responsibilities that you are ready and able to perform. Wherein filling in this block will differ significantly depending on what specific position you are applying for. For example, the responsibilities of the head of the security service, the head of a private security agency, and the security officer of an enterprise will differ significantly.
Nevertheless, despite the range of responsibilities depending on the level, there are several job responsibilities that must be held by every person applying for the relevant position. These include, for example:
- computer skills, in particular - the ability to work with video surveillance systems of varying complexity;
- the ability to use special equipment or weapons;
- knowledge of the rules of first aid;
- the ability to navigate in legislative acts related to professional activities, etc.
However, remember that in no case should you write down those responsibilities that you cannot fulfill. By cheating, you endanger not only yourself, but other people as well.

Work experience, skills
Work experience and professional skills are what the employer will focus on in the first place. Former law enforcement officers and athletes are often the guards. That's why in this section it is important to describe all your sports achievements (if, of course, there are any). Work experience is optional, but people with it are preferable.
In general, in order to fill out this column, you need to describe all your previous jobs, clarify what specific position you held and what responsibilities you performed. Besides, you can describe all the skills that you learned in the process. Thus, already when studying your resume, the employer will be able to assess your competence.
Higher education does not play a big role in employment as a security guard. However, the advantage will be the fact if you graduated from the Faculty of Law or have a diploma of completion of courses or trainings that were devoted to the study of Russian legislation and acts regulating the professional activities of security guards.
Much more important is not a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education, but the experience of serving in the army.Often the employer hires exactly those people who have served, as he can be sure that these people are used to discipline, following orders, working under stress, etc. Thus, if you have a similar experience, then it should be written in this block.

Personal qualities
The personal qualities of the security guard are of great importance for the employer. It is important that the specialist of the security department is very attentive and observant, because he will have to regulate the access of unauthorized citizens to the territory of this or that facility.
You can also write here about physical development (for example, indicate that you like to play football or exercise on horizontal bars). It should also be mentioned that you are able to carry out your duties even in stressful situations.
Also appreciated are the security guards who are attentive to details, polite when communicating with people, but at the same time are quite strict with violators of the established order.
Professional skills
As stated above, the key professional skills of a security guard include the ability to manage video surveillance systems, as well as handle weapons... At the same time, the latter skill is more specific, since not at every enterprise security personnel must have weapons. In any case, if you have a permit to carry and use a weapon, then you should definitely indicate this, especially if the employer requires it (such information is usually described in the vacancy).

Hobbies and hobbies
This block allows you to show yourself not only as a professional employee, but also as an addicted person. Here you can talk about hobbies such as hunting or fishing, reading, playing sports. Remember not to try to guess what your employer wants to read about you. Be sincere and show your personality. This will give you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd of applicants for the position.
Additional Information
In this block, it is appropriate to indicate any additional information that will be relevant to the employer. For example, in some enterprises, one person simultaneously performs the functions of a security guard and a driver. Therefore, in this column, you can write that you have a car, as well as a driver's license. Such data can be to your advantage.

Transmittal letter
The cover letter should provide more details about yourself, your work experience, and why you are the right person for the position. So, for example, you can tell in detail about the tasks that you solved for the previous employer or describe in detail the troops in which you served.
In addition, in the cover letter, it is important to emphasize those of your individual qualities and characteristics that are advantageous over other applicants (for example, a long work experience or a unique skill).
Also, the letter should include a section about what attracted you to a particular position (for example, a convenient work schedule or high salaries).

What do not need to be specified?
In order to get the desired position, some mistakes should be avoided.
- Do not list all places of work if your experience is tens of years, it is better to focus on a few of the largest companies.
- If you worked at a particular enterprise for a short period of time (up to 1 year), then you should not write such experience in the resume, because the employer may think that you are an irresponsible person who does not stay in one place for a long time. If you still want to include this item, then in brackets explain why you worked for such a short period (for example, it was an internship).
- No need to write with boilerplate and standard phrases or insert information from the Internet into your resume, the document must match your personality.
Consider a few ready-made examples of a resume for a position:
- security guard;
- security driver;
- bodyguard.
These examples will make it easier for you to write your personal resume.