Tips for drawing up a resume for a 1C operator

At the moment, almost all industries are computerized, so the 1C operator profession is quite in demand. But in order to make the most of the functionality of this program, you need to have considerable experience and knowledge. When looking for a job for this position, you need to draw up a competent resume that will tell you about the applicant's skills and show it to a potential employer in the most favorable light.
Key points
To compose any resume, it should be borne in mind that it does not have a standard established structure, but at the same time it should answer most of the employer's questions and recommend the applicant as useful as possible.
Typically, when applying for a job, a specialist uses the following points in a resume:
- career objective;
- personal data;
- education;
- work experience and responsibilities;
- skills;
- personal qualities.
When compiling a resume, you will need to indicate the position for which the applicant applies. The employer seeks to hire a person who has an idea of where he wants to work. A resume without indicating a vacant position is most often sent to the trash can.

From personal data it is worth indicate full name, age data of the applicant (an option with the number of years or date of birth is possible), marital status and citizenship... Contact phone number and e-mail will help to contact you if you wish to invite you for an interview.
The level of education is filled in according to diplomas. If you have a secondary specialized education, write down the specialty. The school is usually not indicated.
A college degree is not key for an operator, but it will be an excellent career opportunity.The university is indicated with full decoding, in brackets you can indicate the abbreviation, year of graduation, faculty and specialty, as in the diploma, the city of its receipt.
Work experience is also very important. Most often indicate 3 last jobs or those that will be useful when applying for a specific position. If there is no work experience in this area, then the last 3 places are indicated, and in the list of personal qualities in this case it is worth talking about quick learning (if this is really the case).
The broader the list of skills required for a specific job, the better.

Personal qualities should be not only positive in the human sense, but also useful for the desired position.
Also, quite often the graph is used "Personal achievements" and "Additional education". They usually indicate some kind of gratitude and diplomas from the previous place of work, certificates of completion of trainings and courses, work with a coach, letters of thanks or confirmation of an increase in the organization's turnover and other professional achievements. Even myself long-term work experience in one organization can be regarded as an achievement, the ability to get along well with the team and perform their duties well.
Recommendations from the previous place of work are usually not attached to the resume, but you can specify that you will provide them upon request, if you have them.
Also, a definite plus for a resume sent by email will be transmittal letter. In this letter, the applicant introduces himself, informs about the availability of information about the vacancy, briefly describes the work experience or job skills that are useful for a specific position.

How to compose?
The position of a 1C operator requires great perseverance and attentiveness, the ability to do monotonous work, responsibility and diligence. Often comes in handy ability to work in multitasking mode or at stressful situations with clients or buyers. All of these supposed skills come in handy when writing a resume.
The 1C operator is usually engaged in a specific area of the program, for example, "Trade and warehouse", "Company", "Accounting", "Personnel".
Accounting for goods movement, paperwork during the sale, maintaining and creating a database of counterparties and nomenclature, receipts and expenditures of funds, accountable transactions, advance payments and salaries - all these and other operations can be performed by an operator in the 1C program. This kind of experience would be well received by a potential employer.
Each vacancy may have several directions, not all of them may be present in their pure form. Usually, the position of the 1C operator borders on something else, be it a secretary-assistant or an assistant to the head. It all depends on the organization. Therefore, it would be wise to indicate the ability to use other common programs, be it Excel or Microsoft Word.

Often enough matters the skill of touch typing, the ability to use office equipment, presentable appearance and the ability to win over, since you have to combine the duties of an operator and an administrator. More serious knowledge will require the direction of accounting and logistics.
The following sample will help applicants in writing a resume for the position of 1C operator.