How to write a translator's resume?

The profession of a translator is to translate both oral speech and written documentation from one language to another. This profession is in high demand in many industries and is well paid. To get the desired vacancy, you need to correctly compose and submit your own resume.

To understand what features of the profession should be taken into account, we list the requirements that apply to the position of a translator. In addition to knowing a foreign language, the applicant is required to know the following:
- methods and rules for translation in a scientific and technical style;
- rules of the current translation coordination system;
- specialization and scope of the customer;
- terminology on the topic in selected languages;
- standards, reference books and reference material for the customer's specialization;
- rules for editing in scientific and literary styles;
- grammar and syntax of the selected languages.
If you are a freelancer, you will be spared from studying part of the documentation. If you are going to get a permanent job in an office, then you will need to know the following regulatory documents:
- labor organization methodology;
- labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- safety engineering, fire safety rules.
The advertisements for the admission of a translator indicate that the requirements for applicants are different. Depending on the offered vacancy, there will be the following features and requirements:
- if you plan to get a job translator of the 1st category, then you will need a higher professional education and work experience as a category II translator at least three years;
- if vacancy an interpreter of the II category, then it is necessary to have a higher professional education and work experience as a translator for at least 3 years;
- if the goal is simply to get a job as a translator, then you will need a higher professional education of a translator or translator-linguist.

Like any document, a translator's resume has its own structure, consisting of several blocks.
- Contact details. In this section, you must specify the address, mobile phone, e-mail. It will not be superfluous to add in which messengers you can contact you. This eliminates the possibility that they will not be able to reach you or miss the email.
- Languages. All languages that you speak, as well as the direction of translation should be entered in this field. For example, "from Chinese to Russian, from Russian to Chinese" or "Greek - English".
- Education. It indicates not only higher education, but also what trainings, refresher courses and seminars you took within the framework of the translator's profession.
- Experience as a translator. In this section, the length of service is indicated, the places of work are listed (if the confidentiality conditions are not violated). Recommendations from past jobs and contacts of the leaders who gave the recommendations will serve as a good addition.
- Additional Information. Here you can add the following points to your resume:
- attach your photo - you should choose a photo in good quality, which captures only you, without strangers;
- indicate specialization, professional interests and topics of translation;
- list the skills which will be useful precisely in the profession of a translator.
From the structure of the resume, it becomes clear that the cornerstone of obtaining a vacancy or order will be the item "Work experience". Lack of experience significantly reduces the chances of ordering. Employers are extremely responsible in choosing translators. To gain such a valuable and necessary experience, you will have to take on projects that are somehow connected with the profession of a translator. Especially the freelance exchange will help with this, where, in addition to experience, there is an opportunity to receive positive feedback for your work.
It is worth remembering that it is not difficult to receive an order. It is more important to complete it in such a way as to get a positive assessment and continue cooperation.

Transmittal letter
A cover letter must be attached to the resume. The body of the letter is a short version of the resume. It should be sure to indicate the language pairs and topics with which you work. It is by these parameters that managers search for translators. A good solution would be to indicate the desired rate and payment methods. And also it is worth adding to the text the mode of operation and the speed of translation.
Search managers will definitely pay attention to those who provided them with the most complete information.
There is a small list of things to look out for when writing a resume. There are several aspects to consider.
- Don't write your resume in English, unless this condition is spelled out in the announcement for the position. Such a resume will not surprise anyone, and search managers may simply not be proficient in English. Therefore, your application will be ignored.
- Don't overload your resume by listing a long list of computer programs that you own.... The design of your resume will tell you everything for you.
- As mentioned in the last paragraph - try when you design. Avoid grammatical mistakes, check the consistency of sentences. Make the correct layout of the document with uniform indents, spacing and font. To prevent the layout from moving out due to different versions of the programs, attach your resume in PDF format.
Important! The size of the resume should not exceed one page.

To consolidate everything written above, we will give an example of a translator's resume.
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
Date of Birth: 25.10.1985
Town: Vladivostok
Mob. telephone: +4 (000) 000 00 00
Viber: +4 (000) 000 00 00
Whatsapp: +4 (000) 000 00 00
Email: ivanov @ gmail. com
Languages: Russian - technical German, technical German - Russian, technical English - Russian, Russian - technical English.
Education: September 2002 - June 2006 Vladivostok State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Philology, specialty "Translator-linguist".
Additional education: May 2007 - August 2007 Advanced technical English and German language courses.
work experience: translator May 2007 - April 2009 in the city of Vladivostok.
Additional Information:
- I am an advanced PC user;
- I have abandoned oral speech and correct diction;
- understanding the rules of business etiquette;
- responsible, sociable, I easily find a common language;
- I have a high concentration on the task at hand and a high level of organization;
- I have analytical thinking and good learning ability;
- married, no children;
- the possibility of business trips: available.