How to write a chef resume?

An important stage in the employment of a cook is to demonstrate your own abilities. However, it is not always possible for people of this profession to get an invitation for an interview. The reason for this is an incorrectly drawn up resume, which did not catch the employer's attention in any way.
Fundamental rules
According to legal legislation, a resume can have a very different form and contain any data, because there are no standards for this document. But in practice, everything looks a little different. Any resume is a success if, when compiling it, you are guided by the unspoken rules of office work. In general, the principle of creating an effective resume involves following the structure and maintaining the style of the document. But the content of each part of the presentation document depends on the profession.
The structure of the summary is the arrangement of different parts of the presentation information in a certain order. Following it, you will be able to draw up an effective document that will help you get a new job in a short time.

A prerequisite for any document is to indicate its correct name. All sections should be completed correctly and honestly.
- Personal data. This section indicates the name of the applicant, age, address, marital status and contacts for communication.
- Special purpose. It is important to indicate the position of interest here.
- Education... This section should be filled with information about educational institutions, courses, seminars.
- work experience... In this block, it is necessary to list the work experience indicated in the work book. A prerequisite is the reverse order.In simple terms, at the beginning of the list is the last job, respectively, at the end of the list will be the first work experience.
- Professional skills... In this part of the resume, the applicant should describe his own knowledge and skills.
- Personal qualities. The section should contain the positive aspects of the applicant's character.
- Additional information. In this block, the applicant can show imagination. After all, it is here that you can tell about yourself in brief, tell a potential leader about your own interests and preferences. However, this part of the summary also suggests the need to touch on working points. For example, you can indicate information about knowledge of foreign languages, put a mark on readiness for business trips. These indicators are very significant for most employers.
- For an applicant for a chef position, it is extremely it is important to have a few letters of recommendation from previous employers.

A separate part of an effective resume is the presence of a photograph of the applicant. Recruiters It is highly recommended that applicants seeking a position related to customer service include a photo with their resume. However, for a chef, this fact is ambiguous. Ordinary employees of the kitchen of any institution do not communicate with the client. The exception is places where cooking is practiced in front of customers.
Another thing is the position of a restaurant chef. The person in this position must have a presentable appearance. Indeed, for special guests, it is the chefs who make personal presentations of new dishes. For this reason, recruiting specialists not only study a person's work experience, but also get acquainted with his external data presented in the photograph. The main thing is that the image is of high quality. However, HR officials point out that an applicant for a chef position should not include a passport photo. Such persons, on the contrary, frighten and repulse. A true master of kitchen production should look neat, smile a little, even an informal style of dress is encouraged. These features indicate a person's self-organization, which is highly valued by employers.
An important factor in an effective resume - correct text formatting. When drawing up a presentation document, you must follow the business style. The size of the resume should not be more than 2 pages. In some sections, you will have to make some abbreviations.
It is important to adhere to text consistency, the same indentation and way of highlighting sections, the same font. But the most important thing is that the finished text does not have grammatical errors.

Transmittal letter
The main purpose of this document is to attract the attention of a recruiter. The content of your cover letter must comply with generally accepted standards of business communication. A creative approach and a little joke in the cover letter will be appropriate for people who want to work in a creative direction. On the other hand, the position of a chef is a culinary art, where the prepared dishes should not only be tasty, but also beautifully arranged on the plate. So, the employee must have a creative streak, which will help to tell about the letter accompanying the resume, the text of which deviates slightly from the business style.
When writing a cover letter, it is important to correctly address the addressee. For example, "good afternoon, Elena" or "dear Anton Igorevich." If the details of the company recruiter are not available, you should use a standard polite greeting. For example, "ladies and gentlemen." In your cover letter, it is important to indicate the source of information about the open position.Whether it's a friend or an ad on a company page on a social network, or an acquaintance who already works for this company.
Further in the text of the cover letter, its essence should be indicated. In a few simple sentences, the applicant must tell why he wants to work in the chosen company. It is important to reinforce the essence of the text with your skills, knowledge and achievements. For example: “My experience as a cook is 5 years. In my last job, I was able to create several culinary delights that have become the signature dishes of the cafe. Working in your restaurant attracts me with the opportunity to become part of a friendly close-knit team and together create new culinary masterpieces for our clients. " At the end of the cover letter, it is important to indicate your readiness to come to the interview and answer the questions that have arisen about the resume. Leave your details and indicate the contact number.

How to compose?
A resume is an official document that should contain only truthful information. After all, some managers, before inviting an applicant for an interview, can check the data from the provided resume. And if suddenly something turns out to be wrong, they will probably send the document to the trash can.
But the most unpleasant thing is that information about the deception can reach all restaurateurs in the city, because of which a person will not be able to quickly find a job.
Name and contact details
An important part of the resume, in which not a single mistake can be made. An applicant applying for the position of a cook, at the very beginning of the document, must provide about himself correct information, namely: full name, address of residence and methods of communication, for example, mobile number and e-mail. As additional information, you can specify the address of the social network page, where photos of ready-made dishes are posted.

Work experience, skills
It is important to pay special attention to this section. It indicates the seniority of the cook, a list of places where the applicant previously worked, in reverse chronological order. Must be indicated the name of the company, the position held and the functions performed. At the same time, when describing job responsibilities, it is necessary to indicate only the main points, without going into small nuances. A potential boss should immediately understand what culinary techniques and skills his future chef possesses.
The owners of large cafes and prestigious restaurants pay attention to the creativity of the applicant, which should be reflected in the text of the resume. However, it is very difficult for young chefs with no work experience. Their main task is to attract the employer's attention with a pronounced desire to learn and develop.
This section assumes an indication of specialized education, as well as refresher courses and any other information regarding education. Here it is necessary to mention the knowledge of foreign languages. This data increases the effectiveness of the resume and speaks about the competence of the future employee.
Today, chefs have different qualifications, which is also important to reflect in the presentation document. For example, a versatile chef is an ordinary kitchen employee. For a person of this profession, it is enough to have a specialized education and minimal work experience even as an assistant cook. But the chef of a prestigious restaurant must have a specialized education, additional training in foreign courses, internships on a global scale. It is very important that the chef regularly attends master classes on creating new dishes and has extensive experience in high-level catering.

Personal qualities
A chef is a serious profession that requires candidates to be able to follow job descriptions while being creative. Such characteristics will help to hint at this quality:
- accuracy;
- diligence;
- organization;
- teamwork skills;
- creative approach to work;
- hard work;
- endurance;
- stress tolerance.

Professional skills
The main task of any resume is to competently provide information to the employer about the professional qualities of the applicant. As the key skills of a cook, you can indicate the main functions that had to be performed in previous jobs. And it's not just about job responsibilities.
Generally each individual chef qualification has a number of differences. For example: it is extremely important in the resume of the chefs of Chinese and Georgian cuisine to have marks of taking courses in edible herbs, which should complement the dishes.
The sushi specialist should tell in the resume about the presence of his own recipes, which he is ready to share. And yet, the main requirement of employers to applicants, whether it is a home cook, ship's, senior or junior assistant cook, is sufficient experience and a non-standard approach to work. Only successful versions of presentation documents allow the applicant to get one step closer to the position of interest.
You can even confirm the information from this section of the resume at an interview. It is enough to offer the potential boss an updated version of the menu, corresponding to the concept of the establishment.

Hobbies and hobbies
A resume section that allows you to share personal information about yourself. It is here that you can talk about the interests and hobbies that correspond to the profession. However, the chef is not always interested in cooking books or original ways of decorating cakes. The male chef probably goes fishing on the weekend, and the female chef is happy to go shopping. And you shouldn't be silent about it. Favorite activity largely characterizes the applicant.
As an example, it is suggested to consider several interesting hobby options found in effective resumes.
- Sports are not necessarily extreme sports. It can be about dancing or chess.
- Music - perhaps a fanatical interest in a particular performer, or a love of creating melodies on your own.
- Hunting and fishing.
- Applied art.
- Literature.
- House, garden and vegetable garden.
Such personal interests seem perfectly acceptable. Based on the preferences of the applicant, the employer will be able to draw up a rough image of a potential employee.

Additional Information
This section assumes special information. For example, about personal achievements in the culinary arts or the creation of unique recipes that have become signature dishes of prestigious catering places.
What shouldn't you write?
When writing an effective resume, many job seekers make a lot of serious mistakes. And people who are looking for a position as a cook should not make even minimal mistakes in the text. Some facts should not be mentioned in the document:
- it is impossible to indicate in the resume information about the presence of bad habits;
- do not fill the presentation document with unnecessary data, for example, weight, height, data of relatives;
- do not leave marks about problems with the law;
- it is inappropriate to indicate the reason for dismissal from previous jobs;
- in the resume, you can specify the requirements for a new job, but do not overdo it.
Next, it is proposed to consider the ideal resume models for the position of a chef. A humble yet effective resume template capable of bestowing a new job.