How to write a salesperson's resume?

In order to get a job, in most cases a resume is required. Even if you want to take such a seemingly simple position as a salesperson, you still need to collect all the information and present it correctly.
Basic compilation rules
To write a salesperson's resume, you must follow certain rules. First of all, it should consist of several blocks, each of which is filled out thoughtfully and in great detail.
To apply for a job, you must provide your data. These include:
- surname, name and patronymic;
- personal phone number and email address;
- the position for which the person applies;
- the size of the desired salary.

When describing the point about education, it is necessary to indicate not only the educational institution in which the person studied, but also the faculty and specialty. All information must be properly structured. Next, you must indicate the experience of previous work, personal motivation.
If this is not the first job, then you must indicate the reason for dismissal from the previous place. Details of the dismissal should not be indicated.

Transmittal letter
Some executives require a cover letter to be attached to the resume. There are no clear guidelines on how to write it. But at the same time, there are tips that are worth listening to in order to attract the attention of a potential leader. So, in it it is necessary to indicate personal motivation for getting a job, existing work experience, all skills, as well as personal qualities that will be required in the future for successful work.
The letter can be short or long. It all depends on the amount of information that a person considers it necessary to communicate. In some cases, they are hired after reading such letters, without an interview.
The cover letter should be written in a formal style. Sometimes some deviations are permissible, but only if the work of the seller is connected with creative work.

How to write correctly?
In order to write a resume correctly (it does not matter for a senior salesperson in a grocery store or a simple seller of auto parts, furniture, plumbing or food products), it is necessary to indicate all the strengths of the applicant and not mention the weak ones.

Personal qualities
A good salesperson must have certain business qualities and an easy character.
- First of all, it is purposefulness... A person must be able to achieve the set goal and be able to teach this to his fellow workers.
- Ability to learn, because, if necessary, the seller must improve his qualifications in order to keep abreast of everything new.
- The applicant must be able to work in a team.
- Another important quality is punctuality... A successful person should always be on time and never be late. This should be required of all team members.
- The appearance must be presentable. Untidiness in clothing or appearance is never encouraged.
- Among other things, the prospective seller must take responsibility for work and be decent.
- The seller's speech should be correctly delivered, because the ability to make money depends on it. The applicant must convince the buyer that this or that thing is necessary for him. This skill is the most important for the store employee.

Job responsibilities
At the workplace, a person should be able to:
- work with a cash register or terminal;
- be able to advise their clients;
- to be aware of all emerging new products, as well as to know everything about the offered product;
- accept and upload goods;
- be able to sell the required products;
- keep records, as well as take part in the inventory;
- keep the room clean and tidy.

Professional skills and achievements
All key jobs must be listed in reverse order. You need to start from the last place of work. In addition, in this paragraph it is necessary to indicate everything that the applicant is able to do. You can split this item into several sub-items.
- First of all, these are sales skills... That is, a person must be able to answer calls, sell goods in bulk. If necessary, the seller should be able to work with foreign clients.
- Ability to work with computers and with different types of documents.
It is very important to talk about your past achievements. All this must be confirmed by relevant facts and figures.
Hobbies and hobbies
Employers do not pay too much attention to this section. Still, it is worth paying some attention to this point. In it you can write about the study of foreign languages, about reading books. If a person plans to get a job in a sports store, then you can talk about your hobby for sports, if in a flower one, then note that he has the talent of a florist.
What to write without work experience?
If the person has no work experience, but wants to get this place, the following characteristics should be indicated in the resume:
- the ability to quickly learn, as well as the desire to develop;
- susceptibility to stressful situations;
- the ability to independently make decisions if necessary;
- honesty, perseverance, as well as a focus on a positive result;
- speed and mobility;
- initiative, as well as the possession of persuasion skills;
- desire to earn.

Additional information about yourself
At this point, you must indicate your education. That is to write, what educational institution was graduated from, as well as the level of qualifications obtained.
Besides, you need to list all courses or trainings that have been taken to improve your qualifications. Also in this item you can include everything that was not included in the previous ones. For example, if you have a driver's license, then this can also be indicated in the resume. Indeed, in some cases, this skill can be useful to a person. Also, in some cases, love for floristry, sports or books will come in handy.

To fill out the resume correctly, you need to consider an example of a well-completed template.
Seller vacancy
This is a simple and concise summary that talks about the main point. Highlights include: personal information, work experience with a brief explanation of job responsibilities, education and skills. Personal qualities are also briefly listed, which both reveals a person and does not overload the resume with unnecessary details.

Sales assistant vacancy
This summary is already more detailed. Work experience describes not only the duties performed in the store, but also shows how a person's work helped employers to make a profit. A little more is also said about education. At the same time, the point "personal qualities" still remains short. This is a very correct approach - to write down what the employer really needs to know, but not get too carried away at the same time.

To summarize, we can say: in order to correctly compose a resume, you need to collect all the necessary information in advance and clearly structure it.