How to write a programmer's resume?

Today programmers are among the highest paid specialists. That is why more and more schoolchildren and students are trying themselves in this field. However, regardless of whether the programmer works in a large company or is a freelancer, when applying for a job, he must provide his resume.
What rules should be followed when drawing up an official document? How to write a cover letter correctly and is it necessary? In this article, you will find examples of well-written resume for programmers.
Fundamental rules
A programmer's resume must be composed according to certain rules.
Well-defined structure
The summary should be divided into sections, and, if necessary, subsections. When filling out the columns "Education" and "Work experience" to describe all educational institutions, courses, positions, achievements, etc. it is best to use a numbered or bulleted list. This will make your resume very easy to read, and the document itself will look neat and thoughtful.

The formatting and presentation of a resume is just as important as the meaning of the document. Moreover, this applies to those people who are well versed in computers (and programmers belong precisely to this category of specialists). That's why it's important to make sure you use the same font throughout your document. Recommended font - Times New Roman, size - 12 or 14, alignment - in width.
If necessary, you can make headings or subheadings bold.
Lack of grammatical and punctuation errors
Typos, misspellings, and misplaced punctuation marks will negatively affect how your employer will perceive you. Although your professional qualities may be perfect for the position, you will not be hired if they decide that you cannot write competently and are inattentive to details. That's why re-read your document several times before sending it. If possible, ask your friends or relatives to do this, you can also use special programs to check the text.

Compliance with the requirements
It is important in your resume to justify why you are the most suitable candidate for the vacancy. That is why it is very important to carefully read the job description and paint your skills and abilities in such a way that they fully meet the requirements of the employer. For example, indicate that you have the required programming experience or that you are familiar with certain programming languages. Thus, you will be able to draw up not a template document, but an individualized resume that will fully meet the employer's expectations.
Formal and business style
When filling out a resume, in no case should you use colloquial words or artistic expressions. You should not use artistic techniques, for example, metaphors and comparisons, it is worth describing everything clearly and to the point, especially since you are applying for a resume for a technically oriented specialty.
The rules described above are basic when writing a resume for any programmer. At the same time, depending on the specific employer and specialization, certain requirements may change, therefore it is important to read the job description carefully.

Transmittal letter
A cover letter is a document that will allow you to reveal your identity in more detail, and not just talk about your professional skills. This is a document in which you can talk about why you are interested in programming and how you learned this profession (on your own or in college). You can also describe previous jobs, as well as the responsibilities that seemed most interesting to you, as well as those that you perform best.
Be sure to talk about why you were attracted to the job and what you can bring to the team or project. For example, tell us that you already had experience in developing similar software or worked on the design of the interface of computer games. Feedback and recommendations from employers from previous jobs can be attached to the cover letter.
Thanks to these documents, the new employer will be sure that he is hiring a responsible and professional employee.

How to make it right?
There are a large number of resume templates and examples for the programmer position. Any document should contain clearly defined blocks.
Personal qualities
This column should indicate your characteristics as a person: sociability, responsibility, benevolence, hard work, desire to learn. However, you should not describe your character in detail - tell only about a few of the most striking characteristics that will be useful in your work.
Job responsibilities
In this block, it is recommended to indicate the position for which you are applying, as well as to describe in detail the responsibilities that you are ready to perform. So, for example, this list might include lines like this:
- remote user support;
- software customization;
- organization of data exchange programs;
- development of reports;
- database administration, etc.
At the same time, it is worth indicating here only those duties that you know how to perform at a professional level. remember, that in the course of the workflow, one or another task may arise that you will have to solve on your own.
If it turns out that you indicated false information in your resume, then this will not only harm your reputation, but can also lead to dismissal.

Professional skills and achievements
First of all, it is necessary to describe in detail the key skills, for example, knowledge of programming languages PHP, Python, Java, C ++, experience as a web programmer, etc. It is also important to describe the skills you have acquired in previous positions. In this block, it is appropriate to mention the so-called soft skills, for example, the ability to work in a team, an adequate perception of criticism, the ability to work and show results in a short time, an analytical mindset.
In the "Achievements" category, you can tell about the projects you have created, the awards received, the programs or applications you have developed.
Hobbies and hobbies
It goes without saying that the programmer must first of all have all the key skills. However, the employer is looking not only for an executive employee, but also for an erudite and comprehensively developed person with a large number of interests. Thus, if you have additional hobbies, it will make it clear to your employer that you are a creative person who will benefit the team and the project.
Don't be afraid to include even the most unusual hobbies on your resume, such as skydiving. More traditional options are also suitable: fishing or playing chess.

What to write without work experience?
For a novice programmer or student, writing a resume is quite a difficult task. At the same time, the main difficulties arise due to the fact that the young person has no work experience. In order to attract an employer in such a situation, you have to show all your creativity.
So, the existing portfolio can become a big plus in such a situation. To do this, you will have to work for free or create several projects yourself in order to hone the technique. So, for example, if you want to work as a web programmer, then create several sites yourself and demonstrate them to the employer. Thus, in the absence of real experience, you will be able to demonstrate your technical skills.
It is also important to justify your motivation for employment without work experience. Tell us about how you learned programming on your own and created several projects. This will confirm your dedication and motivation, respectively, will make a good impression on the employer.

Additional information about yourself
The column "Additional information" in the resume is optional. However, if you decide to include it in the document, then there you should write down the unusual skills that you possess, or your position in life. In addition, you can indicate whether you are ready to move, whether you have a family and children, what principles you adhere to in your work. Be creative with the description of this block, but do not forget to adhere to a professional framework.
What do not need to be specified?
Remember that a resume is an official document that you send to the employer and on the basis of which he forms the first impression of you. This is why it is important to avoid popular mistakes when writing a resume.
For example, it is not necessary to indicate information that does not directly relate to your skills and abilities, as well as to the requirements that the employer imposes on its applicants... Today, a large number of specialists do not have specialized higher education or have not graduated from the university at all. If you are one of these people, then the indication that you graduated from college, for example, with a degree in Philology or Jurisprudence, is completely inappropriate, since this does not in any way affect your professional skills as a programmer.
Another common mistake to avoid is giving a detailed account of your biography and career path. You don't need to describe how you studied at school, then went to university, after that your friend told you about programming, you found online courses and now you are looking for a job. Save your employer from unnecessary details of your personal life.

We present to your attention a few examples of resume for the position of a programmer.
- Information systems developer.
- Development of new software for automated control systems.
- Java Programmer, Team Lead.
- 1C programmer.
- System Administrator.
Examples like these will help you write your own resume and get your dream job.