Sales Manager Resume: Guidelines for Completing

If you are applying for the position of head of sales, then you will have to write the correct resume. Let us dwell in more detail on what personal and business qualities an applicant should have, what experience, basic knowledge and skills he should have. And in conclusion, here's an example of a successful resume for this position.
To begin with, let's define the main functions of the head of the sales department - it is from this that the content of the resume will "build off". It is possible to fully determine the scope of duties of this specialist only after a general acquaintance with the work of the company - heads of departments can be endowed with a variety of tasks, while the larger the enterprise, the more specialized and narrow the job responsibilities will be.

Overall Sales Director:
- analyzes the market for goods and services;
- works out a promotion and marketing strategy;
- is responsible for expanding the client base;
- oversees the supply of goods and the provision of services to customers;
- monitors the accounts receivable of counterparties.
The responsibilities of a department head often include working with major clients and negotiating with potential customers. Summing up, we can conclude that this specialist is responsible for all sales and purchases of the company and its development as a seller. The responsibility of a specialist is extremely high, the profitability of the company as a whole directly depends on the efficiency of the structural unit.
How to correctly write a resume for the position of the head of the sales sector? It is impossible to suggest a single correct template, but it is easy to give some useful recommendations.

Main sections
Education is an important building block in any resume. Most employers require a “tower”, although if they have a lot of experience in trading, some may “close their eyes” to the lack of it in the applicant. However, it is generally accepted that only university graduates can apply for managerial positions, most often these specialists graduate from institutes and universities with a degree in Management, Marketing, as well as Sales Technologies, Commercial Activities or Public Relations - as statistics show, it is these areas that are most often found in "business cards".
Any other economic or commercial education is allowed. In a number of companies, people of humanitarian and technical specialties can be approved for the position of head of the sales department. The most important thing is education in principle and suitable personal qualities.
Few employers will hire someone who does not have relevant work experience for a managerial position. Therefore, the resume of a successful candidate must necessarily contain a list of previous duty stations at which the applicant served as the head of the sales department:
- market analysis and drawing up a sales growth strategy;
- organization of an effective sales system;
- planning the budget of the commercial department and control over its rational distribution;
- selection and training of sales agents and sales representatives;
- conducting business negotiations with major clients;
- document flow control.

For a candidate for the position of the head of the sales sector, it is extremely important to numerically confirm the effectiveness of work, therefore, professional achievements, expressed in numbers, should be an indispensable block in the resume.
For example:
- increased trade turnover by 30% over the year;
- expanded the client base 2 times;
- achieved a 15% reduction in accounts receivable.
It will not be superfluous to indicate how many employees were in your subordination.
The next block is optional, but nevertheless it is difficult to imagine the middle manager as a whole without it - this is language proficiency. In most cases, a vacancy for the position of "head of the sales department" contains an indication of knowledge of English, a little less often - German. It is these directions that are valued more than others these days.
Keep in mind, any specialist who is fluent in a foreign language is appreciated - no one knows which customers they will have to communicate with in the future. It is possible that as the company grows, it will enter the world market, and then knowledge of languages will benefit your professional growth and career.

A competent candidate for the position should be able to work with a computer, optimally, so that he or she owns standard office programs, 1C, and also has a basic understanding of the work of graphic editors.
Please note that when looking for the head of the sales department, the employer pays special attention to the personal characteristics of the candidate. First of all, it should be a sociable person, open and active - such qualities, no doubt, will be useful in business negotiations. Also, it will not hurt to indicate knowledge of psychology - if you took any courses in this area, then be sure to indicate them in your resume. The head of the sales sector by the nature of the activity is forced to constantly communicate with people, and sometimes you have to put pressure on a potential client - in this case, knowledge of psychology will be very useful.
In addition to all of the above, the resume should include an indication of such characteristics as:
- the ability to quickly make decisions in risky situations;
- high erudition and good outlook;
- Analytical mind;
- organizational skills.
The ability to think several steps ahead and courage at once are very important - all this will certainly attract the attention of the company's top manager to your candidacy, so it is better not to neglect these points.

Recommendations for filling
When writing a resume, you should adhere to some rules for filling it out:
- throughout the text should adhere to uniform design style: the same font, the same size of line spacing and indents;
- the text must be written perfectly correctly (no spelling and syntax errors);
- if you plan add a photo to the text - stop at the classic version "for documents", there is no place in the resume for any artistic images against the background of palm trees and carpets;
- try to complete your resume cover letter - it will make a favorable impression on the employer, demonstrate to him that you sent an individual response, and did not complete a template mailing for all suitable vacancies;
- avoid unnecessary information - your hobbies, hobbies, marital status and bad habits do not in any way characterize you as a specialist, so leave this information for an interview, and then only if the employer touches on these topics.

Examples of
In conclusion, we will give an example of a successful resume for the vacancy of the head of the sales sector.
Petrov Ivan Ivanovich
D. p .: 12/17/1980
Place of residence: Kaluga
Contact number: ***. **. ***
Target: application of professional experience as well as business skills in the position of the head of the sales department.
State University of Economics with a degree in Commercial Activity.
2013 BC "Expert" training "Dealing with accounts receivable"
2018 BC "Expert" training "Technique of effective sales"
Work experience:
May 2012 - July 2015 - Top Market Plus
Position: sales manager
Job responsibilities:
- organization of the distribution system;
- ensuring the fulfillment of the established sales plan;
- control over budget execution;
- work with accounts receivable;
- search and training of personnel.
Subordinates to 30 employees.
Professional achievements: increased the customer base from 200 to 500 points of sale per year;
July 2015 - present time "Confectioner wholesale"
Position: supervisor
Job responsibilities:
- hiring and subsequent training of personnel;
- fulfillment of the established sales plans for the division;
- conducting business negotiations with potential and key clients;
- formation of working routes.
Subordinates to 10 employees.
Professional achievements:
- increased trade turnover by 2 times in 2018 compared to 2017;
- reduced accounts receivable by 1.5 times over the same period.
Professional skills:
- advanced level of computer skills;
- proficiency in English;
- experience in personnel management.
Personal qualities:
- purposefulness;
- sociability;
- active life position.