How to write a specialization in your resume?

To make it easier to navigate in the indication of specialization in the resume, we will introduce a kind of hierarchy. Work is a collective term: you are looking for well-paid and modern activities in general. A profession is a business that you will be busy with in life. A major is what you studied for. Specialization is what you clearly distinguish according to the specialty you received.

What is Resume Specialization?
When in the resume the applicant indicates detailed information about professional knowledge, skills and qualities, after the column "Education" and before "Work experience", the specialization must be indicated... Without specifying the specialization, the recruiter or the director of the department of the company where you are trying to get a job will ask a specific question - what and with whom you will work.
For example, if by education you are a radio engineer, then in the diploma, for example, the specialty "Radio engineering", "Radio electronics" or something similar will be indicated. By profession, you are an engineer, technical specialist, by specialty, you are well versed in electronics. And what you will work with - with climatic and household appliances, with mobile gadgets (smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks, smart watches, trackers, etc.) - this is what you have to indicate.
If you have passed, for example, training courses on maintenance, diagnostics, replacement of components for smartphones and tablets from Samsung, Sony and Apple - an intelligent recruiter or manager will immediately understand that your specialization is the maintenance and repair of mobile devices. But you still need to indicate the specialization - this information will organically and 100 percent complement your resume as a characteristic of a promising, high-class specialist.
Simply put, specialization is what you want from your activity, from your future work. No specialization - most likely you will not get a job.

Tips for completing the section
Specialization is just one of several points on the resume. A short and clear definition: “psychologist” is a profession, “child psychologist” is a specialty, “child psychologist-conflictologist” is a specialization. But it is required to correctly fill in the complete information about education.
The recruiter will ask about your education if you do not include the full name of the university and faculty. Let's give an example for a resident from a Russian province. For example, if you are looking for a job as a psychology teacher in Rostov-on-Don, and you yourself, for example, were born and raised, studied in Makhachkala, but move to live and work in Rostov, enter all the data correctly.
- Do not write as the name of the university "DGU", "DagGU". That's right - "Dagestan State University".
- Please enter the exact name of the faculty. Avoid abbreviated phrases like “psychology”. That's right: "Faculty of Psychology and Philosophy." You can specify the address, the specific place of study - where the faculty is located.
- Indicate the department - for example, "General and Social Psychology".
- For example, your specialty is "Practical Psychology". Write its name correctly.
All this is reflected in your diploma. Work experience and information about additional courses aimed at improving your qualifications will help you to finally understand how to indicate a specialization.

When you have no work experience yet, immediately decide which of the specializations attracts you more than others. And what course will you take - if you haven't studied anywhere else. For graduates who have just received their diploma, this is the most crucial moment.
Avoid an abundance of common phrases in your resume. This is true for everything from education to personality. This is especially true of the column where personal qualities are listed. If you used the definition of "sociable" - for the same psychological and pedagogical specializations, such a definition sounds inappropriate, somewhat ridiculous. Have you come across an uncommunicative psychologist who has not found an approach to a child who has already learned to think and speak clearly? What about a non-communicative advertiser, content manager of sites, who does not know the methods of social engineering? Unlikely. Forget about unnecessary verbs, adverbs, participles, definitions and nouns. Brevity is the sister of your talent. As well as brevity.
If your university education has not affected you in any way, your resume does not include data on higher education. But specialization is a phenomenon inherent in those who graduated from school with a gold medal or a special school: sooner or later a person is determined in which narrow direction he works... Even the profession of a technologist at a fish canning plant has specialization - for example, technologies for canning rare and expensive fish species.
In addition to the resume, a cover letter is attached. In it, you can tell more fully about your achievements, successes both in obtaining your education, including additional or self-education, and about work, the profile of which intersects with the position required from the employer.

Examples of
Consider examples that are common in everyday life.
- Bank employeeseducated as a financier, they specialize in lending, deposits and investments. They work with just such clients.
- Economists, graduated from the relevant program, specialize in banking, stock trading (currency, resources, precious metals and other sectors of the stock markets).
- After unlearning at the Faculty of Law in the specialty of civil or criminal law, lawyers consider the work of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, legal advisers and several other subspecies of work. Their specialization is administrative, criminal, civil, family law.
- At the engineer, unlearned as a designer, there are dozens of specializations: shipbuilding, machine tool building, aircraft building and others. It is tempting and promising to work in a space agency - rocket science, planetary rover construction, probe construction (including stellar and solar observatories launched millions of kilometers from the Earth), the development of new generations of micro- and nanosatellites, the creation of orbital telescopes and radar cartographers. This is where the design engineer goes international. But in this area the competition is enormous - not everyone will be allowed to work at NASA or at least at Roscosmos.
- Doctor has any of hundreds of specializations - from dentist to radiologist. He is determined with a choice even in the process of university practice.
- Educator - this is a school teacher, and a university / technical school / college teacher, and a kindergarten teacher, and a nursery social worker. The head teacher, the director of the school, the methodologist of distance learning at the university fall under a separate category.
Your future depends on which specialization you choose. Even if you are 40 years old, say, change the profession of a doctor to another (for example, an engineer) - the rules for writing a resume for a new job will remain the same.