Builder's Resume: Structure and Drafting Tips

In order to get the position of a builder, you need to successfully pass an interview with an employer. However, before that, it is necessary to provide the potential employer with a well-written professional resume.
What is the structure of a builder's resume? How to write a document correctly? In this article, you will find answers to your questions, as well as see examples of successful resumes.
To be hired, a builder must write a resume. It should include several mandatory items.
Most often, builders have specialized secondary education. However, if you are applying for a more qualified position (e.g. civil engineer), then you must have a university degree.
In any case, before sending your resume to the employer, carefully read the job description and make sure that you meet all the necessary requirements.

In this block, you need to write what position you are applying for, and also clarify what responsibilities in construction you are ready to perform.
Key professional skills
The content of this paragraph will vary significantly depending on your specialization. So, for example, you can write the following skills:
- knowledge of brick and stone masonry technology;
- the skill of installing reinforced concrete structures;
- the ability to install window frames;
- experience in the construction of brick partitions;
- the ability to install balcony blocks, etc.
Remember that the skills you describe must be fully consistent with the nature of the job being offered by the employer.

work experience
In this block, you need to write about where you worked before and what exactly you did.Prepare to be the employer in a personal interview may ask clarifying questions about why you left a particular company. You can also write in your resume about your personal qualities and hobbies.
Regardless of what position you are applying for (for example, master of construction and installation works or construction and installation work, construction worker, universal builder, construction designer, site foreman, etc.), Your resume for applying for a job must comply with all the rules of the business community. Only in this case your candidacy will be taken seriously by the employer.
How to write?
To make your resume look professional, there are a few simple rules to follow when writing it.
- Formal and business style. The use of colloquial speech or jargon is not allowed. Remember that a resume is an official document on the basis of which the employer creates the first impression of you as a specialist.
- Only up-to-date information... It is not necessary to indicate irrelevant work experience (for example, in the field of trade), unrelated education (for example, a chef diploma) and personal information.
- High literacy rate... The resume should not contain errors and typos. If you send an unfinished or hastily document to an employer, then you will make a negative impression on him and are unlikely to get the desired position.

To make it easier for you to write your own resume, we suggest that you rely on competent examples.
- As you can see, this example builder resume is clearly structured. The applicant describes in detail his professional skills and abilities, and also outlines the responsibilities that he is ready to perform in the course of work. However, it is also important to note that he included important additional information that is relevant to the employer. So, for example, the resume contains a column stating that the candidate for the position does not have bad habits.

- This resume is more complete and detailed, which may be required by some employers. In this case, all key subsections are highlighted in green, respectively, the employer can simply navigate the document.

- A civil engineer is a more qualified position in the same field. In this regard, the applicant described his functional responsibilities in more detail and in full. At the same time, they are structured using a bulleted list, which makes the overall appearance of the employment document more accurate.