How to write a resume for a welder?

The profession of a welder is one of the most demanded. The higher the qualification, the higher the specialist is valued in the labor market. A welder is needed everywhere: from modest workshops and car services to defense enterprises. There is also a steady demand for specialists who are ready to work on a rotational basis. Resume writing should be taken very seriously. Everything is important here: profession and qualifications, category and availability of certificates, special knowledge and professional skills.
Actual work experience should be specified in detail, which may differ from qualifications - this may be of interest to the employer. The qualifications can be very modest, but if you have experience in welding aluminum with argon, this can be a pleasant bonus. A plus can be the existing experience in welding car bodies, especially when applying to a car repair shop.

The resume is compiled individually, but has a certain structure. There are a number of items that are required. Sometimes the desired work schedule and salary are indicated. The main points are:
- personal data;
- education;
- work experience;
- personal qualities;
- additional data.

In point "Personal data" name, name, address, telephone number and e-mail are indicated. Also at the beginning of the summary, the "Purpose" is indicated. The goal can be to designate a job search or a job as a welder. The item "Education" implies an indication of the profession / qualifications and the presence of a NAKS certificate. For example: an argon welder, an electric and gas welder of the 4th or 5th category.
"Work experience" Is an interesting and important point that should not be underestimated. It is worth mentioning all work experience here, the more detailed the better.It should indicate where you worked, what duties you performed, maybe you have experience working in a team, as well as professional skills acquired in the course of work.
Work experience may differ from education and employment. If you have experience with semi-automatic welding machines or experience in unusual conditions, you should definitely write about it. Such facts can be decisive when choosing your resume from hundreds of others.
With some experience, points might look something like this:
- welding work in any position, including at height;
- welding of stainless steel and non-ferrous metals;
- possession of manual arc, semi-automatic welding, as well as work with argon;
- welding of pipelines of various diameters, as well as pipelines that imply operation under high pressure;
- welding of frame structures and construction fittings;
- installation / dismantling of systems and structures;
- knowledge of safety in the production of welding, knowledge of the production process (something);
- experience in managerial positions (if any).

The key requirements are high qualifications, work experience, good physical fitness (including the absence of bad habits), good eyesight - all this can play a decisive role.
Also, the decisive factors can be the willingness to work on a rotational basis (for example, in the Far North) and the possibility of organizing a welding team by you (if you have such experience).
What shouldn't be written?
You definitely shouldn't write a lie. In this case, you can get into an ugly position. Cheating is unlikely to help you get the position you want, and it certainly won't help you meet it. You should not write unnecessary and unnecessary information, against the background of which its important points may be lost.
The text should be short and informative, understandable, excluding complex wording.

Here are some examples of an average resume.
Electric welder
FULL NAME... - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.
Desired Salary - 27 thousand rubles.
Desired schedule - full employment.
Date of Birth - 09.06.1994
Family status - single, no children.
Education - GPTU No. 2, Murmansk, qualification “Manual arc welder”.
Work experience:
2015-2018 - LLC "TeploService", Murmansk. Manual arc welder 3 category. Welding of frame structures in the lower and vertical position. Welding the pipeline in the lower position.
2018-2019 - LLC Gorvodokanal, Murmansk. Welder, 3rd grade. Welding of pipelines, including with water, elimination of leaks.
Professional skills:
- welding of metal structures by manual arc welding in the lower, vertical and inclined position;
- welding of pipelines;
- possession of the skills of welding with a semiautomatic device.

FULL NAME. - Stepanov Stepan Stepanovich.
Date of Birth – 08.09.1990.
Family status - single, no children.
Education - Construction College No. 5, Moscow, by profession "Welder of the 3rd grade".
Work experience:
2011-2015 - LLC "Stroyelectroservice", Moscow. Manual arc welder 4 categories. Welding of frame structures and fittings, welding of low pressure pipelines.
2015-2019 - LLC "Boiler room No. 24", Moscow. Locksmith for the repair of boiler installations. Repair of boiler equipment, welding of high pressure pipelines.
Professional skills:
- welding of frame structures, low and high pressure pipelines in various positions;
- proficiency in welding a ceiling seam;
- certification "NAKS";
- have experience in working with a semiautomatic device and a plasma cutter.

See below for how to create a professional resume in Word.