How to write a coach's resume?

A coach is a person who devotes his entire professional life to the development of other people. In the classical sense, a coach is someone who works with athletes. However, today there are a large number of specialists who are involved in other areas of human life: for example, a business coach, a personal development coach, etc. Regardless of the specific field, in order to get a job as a coach, it is necessary to send summary.
How to draw up such a document correctly? What mistakes should you avoid? You will find the answers to these questions in our material.

What to write in the main paragraphs?
Today, coaches of various categories are in demand:
- swimming;
- on football;
- hockey;
- boxing;
- rhythmic gymnastics;
- figure skating;
- yoga;
- aerobics;
- dancing;
- exercise therapy trainer;
- business trainer;
- chess;
- gym instructor;
- personal trainer, etc.

Each of the above professionals (be it a football or business coach), when applying for a job for the appropriate position, must draw up a competent resume for the coach. This document should include the following items:
- Contact Information (city of residence, phone number, email, instant messengers);
- education (higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, refresher courses, master classes, trainings, etc.);
- professional skills (knowledge of weight lifting techniques, yoga varieties, dance training, etc.);
- work experience (specialists without experience are rarely hired, so any internships and practices can also be indicated here);
- personal qualities (sociability, customer focus, love for people, desire to constantly develop);
- Additional Information (for example, having a vehicle is especially important if your place of residence and place of work are located at a great distance).
When filling out a resume, you should be as sincere and honest as possible. Try to list all your strengths and advantages that will help you stand out from the large number of coaching candidates.

Frequent mistakes
In order for your resume not to go unnoticed, but to leave a good impression in the eyes of the employer, you need to avoid common mistakes.
Grammar and punctuation
The presence of grammatical and punctuation errors, as well as a large number of typos is one of the most common mistakes. This may indicate a general illiteracy of the person or that he was in a great hurry to send his resume. One way or another, but a document drawn up with errors will do you a disservice - the employer will not take you seriously as a professional and experienced candidate. That's why it is important not to be lazy and re-read your resume several times before submitting it.
Lack of knowledge of the employer
In the process of looking for a job, a fairly common mistake is sending the same resume for all vacancies... This does not mean at all that you have to rewrite your document every time, but it is still worth making small changes depending on the employer. For example, if you are looking for a job as a sports coach, then depending on the specific specialization of a particular gym, you need to slightly change your resume: for example, indicate current work experience (as a group trainer or personal trainer), education (for example, yoga courses or lifting large weights).
Thus, you will make it clear to the employer that you have responsibly approached the preparation of the resume, studied the specifics of a particular company, respectively, you are an interested and motivated candidate.

Large amount of personal information
A resume is a business document, so an employer doesn't need detailed information about where you were born, got married, or what your dog's name is. Indicate only those data that are directly related to the vacancy and do not delve into your personal life.
Lack of work experience and education
The work of a coach is quite responsible, so the employer will not hire a person without education and relevant work experience. Thus, it is not worth submitting your resume in the absence of the necessary knowledge and competence, even if you really want to try or if this is your dream job.
Using colloquial speech and artistic techniques
When filling out a resume for employment, it is allowed to use only the official business style of the language. The use of colloquial words and phrases or artistic techniques is unacceptable. The employer gets its first impression of you with the help of your resume, therefore you should immediately show yourself from the most professional side.

Very often, young professionals who are looking for a job for the first time and do not have much experience use templates and resume samples found on the Internet. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with that - this is how you learn. but in no case should you completely copy or rewrite information from samples. If you do this, your resume will be unremarkable, and you will not be able to stand out from all the candidates for the position.
The document must be personalized and individualized depending on your personal qualities, characteristics and skills.
By avoiding the mistakes described above, you will create a competent resume that will make a good impression.
To make it easier for you to write your own resume, We suggest that you familiarize yourself with examples of well-written documents for the position:
- gym instructor;
- business coach, management and organizational development consultant, NLP trainer in business;
- business coach of a consulting company;
- personal trainer.
By writing your resume correctly, you will grab the employer's attention and be sure to get the desired position.