How to write a resume for an English teacher?

Today the labor market is overflowing with qualified specialists from various fields. English teachers are no exception. This profession is quite in demand, but at the same time, there is competition among highly qualified specialists. When applying for a job, a professionally written resume will help you to reflect all your advantages.
The document must comply with all the rules and reflect your competencies. You should know how to properly write a resume to make a positive impression on the employer.

Key points
To apply for a job, the teacher must provide a resume. The resume of an English teacher who plans to work at the school must be prepared in accordance with all the rules. So, traditionally, such a document includes the following subsections:
- document's name;
- the photo;
- biographical data;
- position of interest;
- information about education;
- work experience;
- professional skills and abilities;
- personal qualities;
- hobby;
- recommendations and reviews;
- Additional Information.
The above columns are considered standard for each resume, but it should be borne in mind that depending on the specific place of work and on the requirements of the employer, additional information may be included in the official document.

Compilation rules
The rules for writing a resume for applying for a job are pretty simple. But non-compliance can lead to the fact that you do not get the desired position. First of all, it is important to remember that a resume is an official document. That is why, when drafting it, it is important to observe all the rules of the official business style of writing and etiquette. Besides, try to describe your experience and competencies as briefly as possible, but do not miss important details of your biography.
The first line of your resume should be the title of the document. A little lower on the left side you can attach a photo. When doing this, make sure that this photo is in business style. Do not use photographs taken outdoors, at the beach or at a picnic. Make sure you look professional. You can use a photo taken in the office, or a photo where you are depicted in a suit against a solid background. Proportional photography should not be too large compared to the overall size of the sheet.
Next, we proceed to the direct filling of all the necessary columns. The biographical data column should contain your last name, first name and patronymic, year of birth and age, city of residence (if necessary, you should also write about whether you are ready to move to a new place of work). And also here they often indicate marital status and the presence or absence of children.
After that, it is important to write in detail all contact information: mobile and landline phones, e-mail, instant messengers.

Below we write about the desired position and responsibilities that we are ready to fulfill. In addition, you can specify your salary expectations, if the employer provides you with such an opportunity. If the salary is directly spelled out in the vacancy, then such a line should not be included in the resume.
In the subsection on education, in chronological order, you need to name all the educational institutions that you graduated from: schools, technical schools, colleges, universities. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe specific dates of study, as well as specialization. With the development of computer technology, the employer expects that you did not limit yourself to classical education and improved your qualifications in special courses, took master classes and trainings. All such information should also be specified in detail.
When describing your work experience it is important to list all of your previous positions with specific organizations. And also here you can indicate your achievements. You may have invented a unique teaching method. It will impress every employer.
Professional skills and abilities include such characteristics as possession of computer programs, knowledge of special methods of teaching a language.

The most important personal qualities of any teacher of English are love for children and the transfer of knowledge, responsibility and discipline, resistance to stress, punctuality, the ability to work with large amounts of information. In the “Hobbies” column, briefly describe your hobbies and what you enjoy doing at your leisure. Revered hobbies include reading and sports. You can also attach positive reviews and recommendations from former employers to your resume.
As for the "Additional information" block, it is optional, but in it, if you wish, you can specify any additional data about yourself. For example, you know not only English, but also other foreign languages, which can be a plus for a school with international students.
remember, that resume should be clearly structured... Each subsection can be highlighted in bold large print. If an item contains several subsections, then it is advisable to use lists so that the employer can quickly navigate. Throughout the document should be used same font type and same formatting.
The ideal length for your resume is 1 page. If all the information cannot be contained, then you can send 2 pages of the resume, but this should only be done in extreme cases.

How to write a cover letter?
A cover letter is a document that will allow you to tell the employer more about yourself, describe your experience and education, talk about your personal qualities, and also explain why you are suitable for this position.
In the cover letter do not provide the same information that was indicated in the resume. You can tell about your experience in more detail and even give a few situational examples from life. You can describe your personal and professional qualities in the same way. Remember that in its form, a cover letter is not as strict a document as a resume, so you can tell everything in your own words - this will help you stand out from the crowd of competitors for the position. For example, when applying for a job as an English teacher, it will be useful for an employer to learn about your experience of life and work abroad, about the use of a foreign language in practice.
The most important section of the letter is the motivational part. In it, you must tell about why you want to get this particular position and have chosen this particular educational institution. Before you start describing your motivation, it is very important to carefully study the employer. For example, the school where you plan to get a job has a rich and interesting history, and if you want to get a job at a university, find out the number of professors who work at this university.

It is recommended to name such details in the cover letter, namely they will let the employer know that you have approached the study of the organization responsibly and, accordingly, are very serious.
Although the language of the cover letter and the form of its writing are more flexible in relation to the resume, it is still worth remembering that this document is official, therefore, when compiling it, you should not use artistic means of language or colloquial expressions. Thus, you will emphasize your professionalism.
It is also important to take care of the length of the letter. It is not necessary to describe in detail your entire biography. Pay attention to the employer only for key points, which directly relate to the position you want to take. The fact is that the employer will receive a large number of applications for the vacancy, respectively, he will not have enough time to study in detail all the submitted documentation. A short and concise cover letter will make it clear to your employer that you value their time, which, in turn, will present you in a favorable light from the competition.

Let's look at a few examples of well-written resumes for the position of an English teacher.