How to write a resume for a kindergarten teacher?

The ability to correctly write a resume will help not only to successfully get a job, but also to quickly and accurately resolve issues related to self-presentation in a new position. Therefore, even if you already have a job, business psychologists recommend having a resume as a strategic document that will be at your fingertips in the event of a career change. The educator also needs such a document.
In a competitive environment, a well-written resume gives a head start to its owner.

Fundamental rules
Desire and the corresponding education are not enough for getting a job today. The employer is looking for concise, accurate and meaningful information, a business portrait of a potential employee. And the resume should be composed in such a way, so that the submission of information could satisfy a person who wants to quickly get the right answer to his request. As the same psychologists say, reading "diagonally" is a frequent habit of the employer. And if you know how to write like that, they will pay attention to you.
What should be on the resume of a kindergarten teacher.
- Purpose of submitting a resume. Indicate the position you are applying for here.
- Education. List everything: courses, retraining. Certificates also need to be marked.
- Additional education... If you assume that the first point will be cumbersome, transfer the trainings and seminars that took place with the issuance of the certificate to this point.
- Work experience. Indicate the time period, place, position in chronological order.
- Professional skills. There is no need to list the subjects that are indicated in your diploma. Check the points that make you stand out as a specialist.For example, experience with experimental programs, extensive experience in holding open events, your own effective system for working with parents, etc.
- Personal qualities. Indicate 5-7 qualities that describe you more vividly, for example: responsibility, accuracy, emotional stability, initiative, attentiveness.
- additional information... It is important for job seekers to immediately inform the potential employer about their marital status, the presence of young children, etc. discrimination. And the applicant should not make excuses when applying for a job, but he can tell about the marital status or the peculiarities of the state of health at this point.

Do I need a photo?
If you are sending your resume by e-mail, you can attach a file with a photo to the letter. It is not strictly necessary to do this, but this business communication will be more open and your portrait will make your resume more complete. It might just be a portrait photo, the best in your archive. Or you can send a photo from your place of work, where you, for example, interact with children.
Professional photo sessions today are not a luxury, but one of the signs of the times. Find an opportunity to order such a set: high-quality photos, where the master has depicted you most successfully, profitably, and at the same time, of course, can be useful to you more than once. Even attaching a photo to a resume.

Transmittal letter
There are generally accepted rules for how to write such letters. It is drawn up on a separate form, sent in a printed form. If you attach a letter to your e-resume, you can scan it.
There are basic points to be aware of in an accompanying letter.
- The position for which you are applying (or related positions).
- Link to source - indicate where you learned about the job.
- Proposal to consider your candidacy.
- A short excerpt from the resume - why you should be considered, literally 1-2 sentences.
- Motivational part. Indicate when you are ready to start work and in what mood you plan to do it. For example: "From October 1, 2019, with enthusiasm and professional ambitions, I am ready to start work."
The cover letter should be short, literate, and easy to read.

How to make it right?
Try to write your resume using the guidelines. Write short, choose words, and do not go beyond business style.
Personal qualities
There are qualities that are not directly related to your profession. For example, you may be a hospitable and generous person, but such information is of no value when applying for a job.
What is really important for the employer:
- how responsible and obligatory you are;
- are you tactful;
- how empathic you are;
- do you know how to restrain emotions, react calmly to stress;
- are you ready for professional growth - do you have ambitions, reasonable vanity, interest in development in the profession.
Note such qualities, try not to embellish reality. Such an analysis usually shows what is worth working on.

Job responsibilities
What job duties did you perform at your previous workplace: specify them, if required, with an explanation. In addition to the main responsibilities of the educator, you may have led a methodological association or led a family club. Perhaps you were in charge of trade union events or organized communications with social structures. Through such a point, the employer can see your strengths, identify your prospects in the new team.
Professional skills and achievements
It is not necessary to list the usual work points here. Indicate those events, projects for which you received certificates or were awarded in some other way.Here it is appropriate to indicate qualifications, participation in professional competitions. Even if you did not take a prize at the competition, indicate the very fact of participation.
Mark here the key points of your career - some projects that became a step up a notch for you as a professional. Show your own organizational skills, it is very important to make it clear to the employer that you know how to work with parents, with the team and, of course, with the children.

Hobbies and hobbies
Of course, if you indicate that you like to draw, you will soon be asked to help with the design of the exhibition, etc. Therefore at this point, sincerely indicate only what you are not averse to demonstrating in a professional environment.
For example, you go in for sports, like active games and, if necessary, are ready to take part in the Olympics of educational institutions.
What to write without work experience?
In this case, you need to focus on the skills and experience that you received during your studies and practice. Perhaps your thesis project was on a relevant topic and its developments can be used in the practical work of the educator. The curator's testimonial on your undergraduate practice can be attached to your resume as an expert statement.
Every teacher should be engaged in self-education. Before applying for a job, choose a topic that will become an in-depth study for the coming years. Designate a topic and how to study it on your resume as one of your professional goals: this will show the employer that even without work experience, you are already included in the process, you are already ambitious and do not intend to remain in the role of an “eternal newbie”.

Additional information about yourself
At this point you indicate that what seems important to you to communicate to the employer... For example, you know a foreign language well or have experience working with children with special needs. Perhaps, at your previous place of work, certification, accreditation, frontal inspection, etc. took place, the experience of passing which also helped your professional growth.
Indicate here your marital status, place of residence... Perhaps you live a stone's throw from work and this is some bonus for you - It is convenient for an employer to have an employee who will not be late, etc.
What shouldn't you write about?
There are words that are best not to be used in a resume. For example, “learner” is not the most correct and accurate word. First, it puts you in a notoriously uncomfortable position, as if you are begging for work and are ready to learn it. But you should not present a beginner, but a competent specialist. Secondly, the lack of precision in the wording is not the best characteristic of a teacher.
You should not include the following points on your resume:
- negative reviews about the previous place of work;
- information that compromises you;
- false information (do not over praise yourself, do not ascribe to yourself non-existent merits);
- vague goals (do not write that you agree to any position and any schedule);
- own requirements - they are inappropriate.
Finally, avoid verbosity. Make lists, enumerations. Write in short sentences. The tone of the message is businesslike and friendly.

Most applicants are interested in ready-made examples. If you are looking for a job as an after-school teacher, a correctional boarding school, a camp teacher or assistant, a junior teacher - follow a certain pattern.
Let's take a look at a sample resume template.
- Ivanova Olga Antonovna. Date of birth - 10.08.1984. Contact information (mobile phone, e-mail).
- Target - search for new opportunities for professional growth and development, appropriate use of experience and skills.
- Education - Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, specialty “Preschool education. Foreign language ", 2005-2010 academic year.
- Additional education. Pedagogical courses on the study of modern pedagogical technologies, 2014, Moscow, Modern Humanitarian Institute, refresher courses on the basis of the Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, 2016
- work experience... Nursery-kindergarten No. 17, Novosibirsk, educator, head of the English language club (2006-2011), State Educational Institution Child Development Center, Novosibirsk, educator, head of the methodological association (2011-2019).
- Professional skills. Knowledge of FGOS DO, the ability to work with multimedia tools that contribute to the informatization of the educational process. Knowledge of foreign languages - English (main), French. Organizational skills, ability to work with large volumes of information, electronic catalogs. Business communication skills. Experience in organizing training seminars for parents. Knowledge of developmental psychology. Experience of participation in competitions of professional skills. (Here you can list the achievements in a separate list - certificates, gratitude).
- Personal qualities. Organizational and leadership skills, emotional stability, punctuality, conscientiousness. I know how to work in a team, competently organize the workspace. She is sociable, friendly, active.
- additional information... Married (husband, Ivanov Igor Aleksandrovich, process engineer), two children - Ivanova Yulia, 1st grade student (7 years old), Ivanova Elizaveta, a kindergarten student (5 years old).
There is no strict resume form for the position of an educator; you can develop your own document structure yourself, focusing on general recommendations.