What salary should be indicated on the resume?

When you apply for a new job, the first thing you do is provide the employer with your resume. This document is a kind of presentation of the candidate for the position, and the more necessary information it contains, the more chances the applicant has to interest the employer and get an invitation for an interview. However, one sub-paragraph of the resume often raises questions - the level of the desired salary. Do I need to indicate it, how to justify the named amount? Let's figure it out.

Do I need to write the salary level on the resume?
This item is optional, but if you seriously expect to get the desired position, you should write, if not a specific number, then at least a “fork” (from and to) of the salary. There are several reasons for this.
- An employer, wanting to "close" a vacancy, looks through many resumes. Most of all he will be interested in the document containing the most complete information about the skills and expectations of the candidate. Since a good leader appreciates both his own and other people's time, he will invite for a personal conversation only those applicants who are “affordable” for him and at the same time satisfy the requirements of the declared position.
- If the resume indicates the level of the desired salary, this means that the applicant not only passively waits for any offer, sometimes not entirely beneficial for him, but strives for an objective assessment of his knowledge and worthy remuneration.
- When mentioning the minimum possible amount of remuneration employers wishing to save money on the employee and expecting fewer requests from his side will be automatically "eliminated". And there are a lot of these.
A specialist who values his work will never cooperate with a company where people work for food.

How do I determine the minimum income?
So how much should you include in your resume, so as not to scare off a potential employer, but also not to make it too cheap? There are several options.
- Overstating the cost of services. It is justified only if the specialist has unique expensive knowledge and skills, which must be mentioned in the resume. This includes refresher courses, professional retraining, work experience abroad or in large companies. If there is nothing of the kind in the document, the employer will not even invite a candidate with exaggerated requirements for an interview.
- Understatement of the cost of services. Perhaps, if you have absolutely no experience in this field, and you want to get it, working for a little less money than more qualified specialists. This is most often done by yesterday's students.
- Indicating the average amount. The average wage level is a figure obtained as a result of an analysis of the job market in a particular region. If you do your research and you have an average on your resume, your chances of getting the job you want will increase significantly.
- Do not write anything about the size of the salary... Your right is not to put this subparagraph in your resume, but to discuss it directly at the interview, if you are invited to it.

How to justify the calculation?
So, you have decided on the desired salary level. Now the question arises: how to substantiate your requirements when communicating with an employer? Read below.
- If you have worked in a similar position, you can indicate the amount that was paid to you before, adding 10% to it. When a recruiter asks why you are interested in this figure, you can answer that during your work you have gained new knowledge and experience that should be appreciated. It is also not forbidden to mention the inflation rate for the last year (about 8%).
- There are situations when a specialist is literally “torn to pieces” because of his additional knowledge and skills. Such a lucky person can easily request wages 30% higher than their current income. Let us give an example when such a requirement is justified: a candidate's work experience in this area exceeds 10 years, he underwent additional training, improved his qualifications, the profession is quite rare, and it is difficult to find a suitable specialist.
- If suddenly you urgently need a job and you are ready to agree to the minimum possible wage level for the position you are looking for, write in your resume the amount that is at the lower limit of the salary "fork" of your region.
It will help attract the attention of more potential employers.

Now let's take a look at the typical mistakes allowed by job seekers when drawing up a resume and further interviews with a recruiter.
- The resume indicates one amount, but in the course of the conversation, the candidate reduces it by almost half.... This always looks suspicious in the eyes of the employer, making him doubt your professionalism and the availability of the knowledge that was previously mentioned in the resume. Therefore, you should never deviate too much from the original expectations (unless in the direction of "plus").
- Overstating your "price" and further "bargaining" with the employer is another mistake of the applicant. A potential boss will see that you are a frivolous person, ready to give up your own opinion for a "nth" amount.
- If at the first interview you felt that you are interested in you as a specialist, you do not need to change your requirements when passing the second and subsequent levels (with the head of the department, the general director of the company). However, it is not forbidden to ask questions about bonuses for good work, about the possibility of further career growth with an increase in the wage rate.
- If you are applying for this position for the first time and do not know how much remuneration you can expect, it would be a big mistake to mumble inaudibly when asked about the desired level of salary: “I don’t know how much you will give, let it be so much”. Conduct a preliminary analysis of the job market in your region of residence, at least simply by looking at the popular ad platforms on the Internet - so you will have an idea of what minimum and maximum you should be guided by.
- Do not "load" the employer with unnecessary information about why you want to receive this particular amount. All these phrases - “I took out a mortgage and now I have to pay 15,000 rubles every month”, “I am a mother of many children”, “I dream of buying a car next year” are of no interest to anyone but you.
It is best to justify your requirements with your own achievements and skills - then the head of the company will understand why he will pay money to this specialist.