How to make growth flowers from corrugated paper?

Floral decorations are insanely popular and widespread today. So, spectacular growth flowers can amaze with their beauty and decorate the interior or become a wonderful addition for a thematic photo session. Such interesting and bright products can be made with your own hands at minimal cost.

Such interesting and attractive installations as growth flowers look very elegant and rich. The name of these products speaks for itself - they are distinguished by their high height. Together with the stem, a growth flower can reach 150–250 cm. A very interesting visual effect is created if an adult stands next to such a spectacular decoration. In this case, it seems as if the man or woman are actually very small, because there is a huge flower near them.

Bulky buds of growth flowers look great in both daylight and evening light. That is why themed photo sessions with a twist are often held with such decorations. Very often, growth flowers are placed in dedicated photo zones. Beautiful large flowers on strong and reliable stands are relevant in the following situations:
- when it comes to decorating the hall where the wedding is taking place;
- if a children's party, graduation party, corporate event or a major city holiday is being held;
- growth flowers are also appropriate at fashion shows, conferences, presentations (for example, this can be a presentation of a new perfumery);
- various exhibitions are often decorated with full-grown flowers;
- reporting concerts of vocal and dance groups are also often accompanied by such decorations.

Huge flower arrangements are never ignored. They can be made in any color palette. Many people think that making such an extraordinary installation is very expensive and difficult. In fact, this is not the case. Growth flowers can be made with your own hands.
This will not take too much time and money, so there is nothing to be afraid of.
A wide variety of flower arrangements can be made from inexpensive corrugated paper. For example, it will turn out to make very beautiful buds of roses, peonies, tulips or bells - there are a great many options. If everything is done correctly and gradually, then in the end you can get a large decoration, which, in appearance, will not differ in any way from a real flower, except for its dimensions.
There are many options for how to make a luxurious growth flower from corrugated paper. Each of the techniques involves the use of certain materials and methods of work.

Required materials and tools
To make beautiful and high-quality growth flowers, it is very important to stock up on all the necessary materials and tools in advance. Such installations should be made of high-quality materials that look aesthetically pleasing. The paper should be clean and attractively colored. It is necessary to prepare the following components in order to make a growth flower of any kind with your own hands:
- you need to buy high-quality corrugated paper, the density of which is 180; it is advisable to purchase a set of 5 colors: yellow, red, coral, red, burgundy;
- you will need sharp scissors;
- about three plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5 liters;
- a few more plastic bottles with a volume of 0.5 liters;
- prepare a sharp clerical knife;
- you will need to find and prepare in advance pipe sections made of metal-plastic with a diameter of 16 mm;
- a special glue gun will be useful - it will be much more convenient and cleaner to work with it;
- you will need tape, wire and a ruler.

Having all these components, you can proceed to the direct manufacture of the original growth flower. It is very important to select only high quality materials and tools.
Only if this condition is met can good results be expected from the manufacturing work carried out.

Master classes
As mentioned above, growth flowers can be freely made with your own hands. The production of such an installation, as a rule, takes very little free time. All work will seem easy and hassle-free if you clearly follow the step-by-step instructions and act without haste (rush in needlework is very often unnecessary). Let's take a closer look at several especially interesting master classes on creating such flower decorations.
Growth roses with gently twisted edges look very beautiful and soundly. They are very simple to do. The buds in such an installation should be lush and voluminous. It is not at all necessary to wind many layers of corrugated paper for this. All that is needed is a sheet of this material, a decorative ribbon and wire.

And now we will analyze step by step how such a decoration should be made.
- The first step is to carefully cut a strip with a size of 5 by 50 cm. One edge needs to be wavy. To do this, twist a small flagellum over it.
- Having made a small stretch along the length, you need to take the upper corner of the cut, located on the right side. It must be carefully bent inward.
- Holding the lower part of the formed triangle with the thumb of your right hand, you need to wind the edge that is on top of the index finger. The result will be a kind of influx.
- The final curl will need to be fixed with your left hand. In this case, with your right hand, you will need to straighten the loop that appears.
- In the future, you need to act on exactly the same principle. You will need to carefully rearrange the fingers, gradually moving to the next link. The elements are wrapped in the same way. It is necessary to make such twists along the entire length of the tape.

The result should be a long strip of playful, charming curls. All you need to do next is to twist this material into a lush bud. At the base, it should be well secured using a strong thread. It will be possible to quickly and easily make a neat and attractive stalk of great height from wire and special floristic braid. Having fixed its core, properly straightening all the petals, it will be possible to get a very beautiful and solid growth rose.

But not only roses can be made from corrugated paper. From this material, simply gorgeous peonies are obtained. They are done a little differently. When making them, it is advisable to keep instructions on hand, especially if you are doing this for the first time. First, you will need to prepare the following components:
- multi-colored corrugated sheets;
- papier-mâché newspaper;
- convenient glue gun;
- thread with a needle;
- balloon.

If you have found all the necessary components on sale and prepared them for work, then you can start making large peonies.
- First you need to inflate the purchased balloon. On top of it, you will need to glue scraps of newspaper, gradually making the layers denser. The base must be quite dense. Further, the workpiece will need to be set aside so that it prepares and dries. This usually takes about a day. The balloon can then be deflated.
- Next, you need to be extremely careful, without rushing to divide the resulting sphere of newspapers into two halves.
- Then the selected slices will need to be combined. The edge will need to be stitched with threads.
To achieve a better result, it is recommended to treat the edges with an adhesive.
- Next, you can proceed to making flower petals. They can be of various shapes and sizes. Working with these elements is much easier and easier if you use pre-prepared templates. Do not be lazy, pre-cut a lot of such blanks - at least 10 pieces of each type. Of course, you can do more, but definitely not less.
- Now you need to stretch each of the petals, then roll them up into small tubes. The base will need to be carefully folded back so that the parts can be more easily glued to the newspaper base.
- Then you should slowly begin to glue the prepared components. It is advisable to start working from the center, securing smaller parts.
- It is not forbidden to leave a very small distance between the rows of curled corrugated paper. Thus, you will need to fill out the entire available form. The side sections of the pedestal should be decorated with the same paper. The largest petals should be used for external cladding.
- As a result, you will get a very beautiful and solid peony, which can be used as a festive headdress or supplemented with a homemade stem made of wire, thereby constructing a spectacular decoration for any event.

You can make a very beautiful and lush flower arrangement on the wall. Thus, you can create a whole bright photo zone against which you can take stunning pictures if you want to have an interesting photo session. The buds themselves for such a composition can be made according to the same principle as the options described above. But permanent fastening in this case is not necessary at all, because over time, the buds will inevitably begin to gather dust, or you can accidentally tear them off.

Several solutions can be used for fastening.
- Double-sided tape. In stores, you can find special adhesive tapes or circles already prepared for such elements.For fixing the composition on the wall, this method is unlikely to work, since noticeable ugly traces will definitely remain from the double-sided tape. Of course, you can use a plastic bottle that is well attached to the wall as a base.
- Hooks. You can find ready-made Velcro fasteners in specialized stores, but you can also make wire fasteners on the back using hot glue solution.
- Velcro... In most cases, standard sewing Velcro is used, which is attached to the base with a construction gun. In this case, the reverse side of the flower is treated with hot glue.
You can also buy special Velcro on a special adhesive base, but for reliability, it is still advisable to additionally reinforce them.

Huge growth flowers can also be made in a rather simple way, which does not imply separate cutting of petals and leaves, using stencils. You can simply cut a lot of paper circles in a free style. They can have different diameters. At the edges, you should diverge in a zigzag with scissors. The blanks will need to be carefully arranged in stacks - from large parts to small ones.
Each of the layers will need to be thoroughly coated with glue. Next, they are attached to a pre-prepared stem. Such decorations can be made in any color that their creator prefers.
Important! These interesting and easy-to-manufacture installations look especially impressive in spacious wedding halls or at children's parties. But you cannot overdo it with such an "artificial greenhouse", otherwise the general view of the situation will seem ridiculous and oversaturated.

With a similar set of materials and tools, you can make another huge flower using corrugated paper of different colors. For the middle in this master class, a scarlet material will be used, and all other details of the bud will be cream. First, you will need to carefully cut the petals according to the template. The shape can be selected individually, based on your own preferences. For example, it can be a neat oval with the bottom cut off.

The sizes of the petals can be different, but it is better to make them in the range from 1.5 to 14 cm.To get really huge inflorescences in size, it will be necessary to prepare many blanks - at least 10 pieces of each size. Small petals should be doubled. It is necessary to start work with them - you need to apply a hot glue solution, and then fold them and give the desired look. You will need to act further in a similar direction, adding volume.

Each previous part must be located inside the new one. Large leaves should be placed in pairs. The finishing touch will be beautiful green clippings. As soon as the craft dries up to the end, you just need to carefully spread the flower. Each of the sheets will need to be pulled off, but only separately. The composition will need to be given the necessary attractive shape.
This is just a small part of the step-by-step master classes on creating spectacular growth flowers. In fact, you can make many more beautiful flower arrangements of huge sizes with your own hands. It can be not only single flowers, but also a gorgeous bouquet or a lush bush. There are no restrictions on the types of flowers produced. You can make your own tulips, carnations, dandelions, poppies, chrysanthemums, chamomile, and lilies - the list is endless.
The main thing is to act carefully and gradually, as well as to use quality materials. Then the result will surely delight you.

Care advice
Spectacular floral installations made of corrugated paper not only delight the eye with an unusual appearance, but also require proper care.Of course, they do not need to be watered or transplanted, because they are artificial, but it is worthwhile to competently clean them of contamination.

It is necessary to carry out several procedures.
- Large buds should be cleaned with a special dust brush. It can be fitted with short silicone bristles. There are also convenient brushes in which there are feathers instead of plastic or silicone fibers.
- It is also permissible to use a hairdryer to cleanse giant flowers. They can quickly and easily blow out all formed and settled dust from the flower installation. Moreover, even from hard-to-reach areas, dust deposits will be removed without problems when using a hair dryer.
- Another practical and effective tool for cleaning growth flowers is a can of compressed air. Such a "tool" can be purchased at a store that sells office supplies. The same can can be safely used if you need to remove the dust that has settled between the buttons on the keyboard. The result will be the same as after using a hair dryer, but more expensive.
- Do not forget about cleaning the structure with a damp cloth. But it should not be wet through and through, otherwise you can harm the installation.
It is especially important to wipe the base and stems of flowers with a damp soft cloth.

Useful Tips
It is worth taking into account a few tips from experts.
- Please note that not all growth flowers should be made of fairly thick corrugated paper. There are times when the petals in a flower arrangement must be pliable and bend freely. For such designs, only thin paper should be used. Suitable materials may have a fine crepe mark.
- It doesn't matter what exactly you want to decorate with such spectacular large-sized flowers - a banquet hall, a conference room or a room in your own apartment. In all cases, you need to remember to observe moderation. Otherwise, the furnishings may turn out to be not beautiful, but ridiculous and oversaturated-cheap.
- Wall compositions are not recommended to be firmly fixed on the wall in the house. The installation may bore you. It is best to refer to the temporary fasteners described above. Thus, you will decorate the environment, and at any time you can remove unnecessary decorations without harming the finishing materials.
- Such spectacular corrugated paper flowers can be made not only huge and tall, but also miniature, similar to natural plants. Moreover, corrugated flower bouquets can be used to make a wonderful present for any occasion. In the center of the buds, it is permissible to fix various chocolates, forming a "tasty" chocolate bouquet.
- For cutting petals or leaves, it is recommended to prepare stencils and templates in advance. With such components, the manufacture of a neat and attractive flower of large sizes will be noticeably easier - there will be no details that are sharply different from other elements.
- If you decorate the environment with full-grown flowers, this does not mean that there is no room for natural flower arrangements and bouquets. Moreover, with natural ingredients, the overall look will be more harmonious and attractive.
- Stems can be made from a wide variety of materials. It is permissible to use not only pipe sections, but also dense cardboard tubes, which usually remain from a roll of foil or cling film. True, it is a plastic pipe that is the best option, since later it can be easily mounted on a rack made of iron rods.
- A good solution is a stem made of wire framing. There is no need to be afraid of such a foundation, since it can be made very reliable and strong. You just need to put the frame in a plastic cup filled with cement mortar. Instead of a plastic cup, it is permissible to use other, stronger containers, for example, a flower pot.And instead of a cement mixture, you can use another building mixture, such as gypsum or alabaster.
- For cutting corrugated paper, you need to use only well-sharpened and sharp scissors so that the material is cut from their impact, and not crumpled.

You can learn how to make a large rose out of corrugated paper by watching the video.