
Pisces man, born in the year of the Dragon: characteristics and compatibility

Pisces man, born in the year of the Dragon: characteristics and compatibility
  1. Characteristic
  2. In finance and career
  3. In love and relationships
  4. In family and marriage
  5. Compatibility with women of other signs

The Dragon Pisces man is an interesting person. Emotional and active, courageous and fair, he will never accept what seems wrong to him. The Pisces Star awarded him with a deep and vulnerable soul, which is able to love and make his chosen one the happiest.


The Pisces-Dragon man is a strong and unflappable person. He is endowed with assertiveness, swiftness, purposefulness. This sign is easily adaptable to any situation. He is also selfish, selfish - such qualities make him a real egocentric, who is not always understood by those around him. A complex and assertive disposition allows him not to make much effort to achieve goals. A man is able to easily solve all his plans.

The guy born in the Year of the Dragon is a cheerful and energetic person, the soul of the company. He always strives for justice and craves power. As for friendly relations, then here he shows gentleness and pliability.

The Pisces man has a well-developed intuition that helps to think adequately and realistically. All actions of the representative of this zodiac sign are calculated with extreme care and wisdom. Relationships with people are going well. But communication immediately stops in case of the slightest bit of hypocrisy and falsehood in his address. At first glance, it seems that Pisces men are aggressive, in fact, any troubles are experienced quite hard by them.

Astrologers call men born under the star Pisces very talented and lucky. Whatever business you undertake, success and awards are guaranteed. These are real darlings of fate.But there are qualities that can slow down the implementation of plans, as well as spoil relationships with loved ones: sometimes they can make decisions thoughtlessly, flare up in vain or show excessive aggressiveness.

The sign of the Dragon has endowed a man with the seriousness and reliability that every woman needs. Difficulties and responsibilities are not terrible for him. This person easily assumes all responsibility. The hard work and discipline in the character of the Dragon evokes sympathy among others. The dragon can always come to the rescue.

In finance and career

Fish-Dragon is a real workaholic who can spend all his time and energy on work. They are responsible and punctual employees who do everything one hundred percent. Everything that has begun will certainly be completed. The Eastern calendar has endowed a man with the quality of self-improvement, which allows him to understand almost any field of activity. For this, he can easily retrain and master new knowledge. Such an employee is highly regarded by superiors who are not stingy with promotions or monetary rewards.

In love and relationships

A girl who meets a Pisces man on her way is a real lucky woman. It is easy to find contact with this person, common interests. A man is always optimistic and positive. He willingly shares his cheerfulness with others. She always cares about her chosen one. Doesn't forget to give material and emotional gifts.

Pisces cannot be called leaders in male relationships. Such a man calmly leaves his companion to make a decision or express an opinion on any occasion. In a relationship with a woman, he is soft and gentle. The ability to truly appreciate and respect a girl is a big plus in his characteristics: thereby, mutual understanding and respect are achieved, which are the key to healthy and lasting relationships.

In family and marriage

Family concerns and problems fall exclusively on the shoulders of the head of the family - a man. At first, of course, his leadership qualities can scare a woman. But a woman does not need to act harshly, it is important to talk and discuss every little thing: it is not difficult to find a compromise with Pisces.

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to soberly assess their capabilities, as a result of which the Pisces fail. Therefore, you should not throw it with deeds and errands, since overstrain has a negative effect on moral and physical health. In general, the Pisces-Dragon turns out to be an ideal husband, who is able to listen to and understand his spouse, to find a common solution in a given situation. Therefore, it is not difficult to build a good and lasting family union with him.

Compatibility with women of other signs

Happy love relationships for a man of this sign can work out with the following representatives of the signs of the Eastern horoscope:

  • The Dragon;
  • Rat;
  • A monkey.

You should not expect a good outcome from living together with a woman, Dog, Horse and Tiger.

    Astrologers advise men born under the star of Pisces to sometimes retire to deal with themselves. At first, others will consider you unsociable and detached, but you really need to. But if the woman you have chosen is intended just for you, she will humble herself and accept such a feature of your character. The Pisces man always listens to his beloved, tries to become better in her eyes. Therefore, it is important for a woman not to forget to engage in self-development.

    How Pisces men behave in a relationship, see below.

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