
Pisces child: personality, suitable names and parenting tips

Pisces child: personality, suitable names and parenting tips
  1. general characteristics
  2. disadvantages
  3. Girls
  4. Boys
  5. How to educate correctly?

Babies born in late February - early March are sincere, kind and sensitive, have an amazing imagination and have good intuition from childhood. Let's take a closer look at their character traits and learn how to raise a little Pisces.

general characteristics

Pisces children feel most comfortable alone, but at the same time surrounded by their favorite toys and books. They are not whiny or capricious, rebelliousness is very rare. Pisces are quiet, closed dreamers, very attached to their mother, who for many years remains the center of the Universe for them.

Girls usually have a refined beauty, pretty appearance, people often pay attention to them. Boys also differ from others in their elusive attractiveness, which is why they are often invited to appear in advertisements, compared to other signs.

Love for music and dancing manifests itself very early on, it is important not to miss this moment and take the child to appropriate classes. The task of the parents is to support the indecisive and insecure Pisces, so that she decides to take classes in an unfamiliar team.

Pisces love it when parents read stories aloud. Usually they start reading early on their own, after which they do not part with their favorite books.

These dreamers, with a penchant for hovering in the clouds, come up with amazing stories that, over time, can begin to write down on paper.

In adulthood, most Pisces are creative individuals. It is important for parents to remember that the children of this sign are unique in many ways, and it is important to support and develop their talent, and not to blame for it. Anyway, Pisces will never become mundane and ordinary.

They study well at school, they have an excellent ability in humanitarian and creative subjects. However, sometimes there are children of this sign and with excellent mathematical abilities. Pisces has a light, good style and a natural ability to learn languages, so teachers read their essays, and classmates listen to incredible stories that Pisces can come up with on the go.

Try to find a friendly school and class for your child with this sign., since these children cannot stand conflicts, fights and aggressive attitude towards themselves. Boys and girls rarely become excellent students - an innate love of hovering in the clouds interferes, but they will always be good and obedient students, teachers' favorites.

Unfortunately, Pisces is not endowed with good health, in childhood they are painful, often allergic. Do not neglect preventive measures in order to prevent diseases, always take your child to the sea or to nature during the holidays. Do not worry, with age, the body will get stronger and the child will gain strength. It is quite possible that the child will start playing sports.

Pisces need to be raised gently, without screaming and aggression. They are very well influenced by an appeal to natural kindness, sensitivity and affection for loved ones and things. Otherwise, the parents will get the opposite effect - the child will not listen to you, will withdraw into himself, he may even fall into apathy and depression.

As already mentioned, these are very interesting personalities with outstanding abilities. They have a sensitive nature, they tend to dramatize everything. But there is no need to scold your child for this - such is their subtle nature.

This is a very empathic zodiac sign, many Pisces have heightened empathy from childhood. They feel the mood of other people well, they can sincerely share sorrows and joys, and this applies not only to real people, but also to characters from films or books.

It is always difficult for Pisces to decide on something, because of this they suffer their whole life. Therefore, children of this sign love to put off everything "for tomorrow", which is why they are often left with nothing.

If you notice your child's indecision in some important matter, try to help him take the first step, and if he is successful, he will not need further help.

Many of them are visuals, it is easier for them to remember something by presenting it in the form of a picture. Therefore, they are very fond of watching documentaries and scientific programs - the information presented in this form is well accepted by Pisces.

Many may feel upset for no reason and be in a state of sadness. These kids are very vulnerable, because of the slightest offense they start crying. They often live in a world of invented illusions. Pisces need friends like them who will understand their inner world.


The tendency to fall into apathy and despair is the main character flaw in Pisces. Over time, this begins to annoy others, and Pisces begin to be considered too capricious. The trouble is that Pisces cannot do anything about it, and only with age, they may temper their character after hard work on themselves.

The second drawback is the inability to make decisions. These children often cannot make a choice in favor of one thing, as a result, they are left with nothing.

Remember that little Pisces is highly influenced by other people.which may not always be good. The task of parents is to monitor their child, not allowing communication with those who can influence them from a negative side.


People around them characterize these girls as very nice and cute. Usually they have natural beauty, femininity, which manifests itself from childhood.

The girl loves to draw attention to herself, many want to be friends with her, especially members of the opposite sex. Because of this, she often has many friends among boys, and there is no time for girlfriends.As a result, many girlfriends dislike Pisces, no one will like it when boys pay attention to only one girl. Unfortunately, this can turn negatively for Pisces - in adolescence, boys continue to see in her only a friend, but do not pay attention to her as a girl.

The main negative trait of young Pisces is excessive laziness, but with age, with proper upbringing, it can disappear. If she manages to get carried away with something, she will surrender to this with diligence and dedication. That is why he achieves success in his career at a fairly mature age.

Remember that natural laziness is normal for Pisces, sometimes they need to do nothing for a day to gain strength and energy.

You should not blame the child at such moments, but you also should not let this weekend drag on.

Girls are especially prone to immerse themselves in their inner world, often making imaginary friends. It is difficult for them to focus on reality, to make independent decisions.

Pisces are well-rounded children, so it can be difficult for parents to understand what kind of talent their daughter is hiding. Let her do whatever she likes, over time the daughter will choose one thing. Of course, any activity should be related to art - dancing, singing, music, painting.

Most of all, soft, gentle names are suitable for girls, with which the refined Pisces will be in harmony.

The names of Pisces should be associated with warm light, immersion in warm water. For example, the name Anna or Alina would be an ideal choice.

Vera, Eva, Valeria, Irina, Lada, Lilia, Maria, Marta, Polina, Elina and other soft, sophisticated names are also suitable.

One of the most appropriate options is the names associated with the sea. Parents will not be wrong if they call the girl Marina or Marianna.


These are soft, sensitive, vulnerable young men, parents often do not like this, they worry that such features would be more suitable for a girl. But you need to be careful and not put pressure on your son, otherwise he may show selfishness and even cruelty.

This is a closed and difficult child who hardly makes contact with others. Give the boy a pet so that he learns to take care of others, he will show natural empathy and pity for others.

At the same time, it is important not to forget to develop determination and firmness in the son. Remember that it is easy for a guy to offend, teach him not to show weakness in front of others and be able to stand up for himself.

Quarrels and conflicts in the family will be a lot of stress, so you should support your son in such situations. Pisces boys grow up later than other signs, but sensitive and caring men grow out of them. They enjoy success with the opposite sex, but rarely can they open their souls to anyone.

For boys, names are suitable that will unleash their energy and enhance positive character traits. For example, Arseny, Vasily, Vadim, Vladislav, Ilya, Nikita, Timofey, Valentin.

How to educate correctly?

Parents should constantly help their child make the right decisions. Be prepared that you will have to push the child so that he can decide on some new business, help in the development of positive qualities. Otherwise, they will be able to lead him astray, and there is a risk that the grown-up child will take the wrong criminal path.

Teach your child to look at things objectively. This is necessary so that he ceases to be a sufferer and begins to depend less on the surrounding circumstances.

Don't let little Pisces dive into the problems of others. Surround children with positive emotions and impressions, they should receive them as much as possible.

It is easy enough to nudge Pisces to achieve the desired goals. To make the child stop just dreaming, teach him to implement his plans. Help Pisces overcome negative traits as a child to nurture perseverance and resilience in them.

You must understand that little Pisces sometimes needs to be alone in order to just dream, there is nothing wrong with that. However, do not let toddlers dive into the virtual world of addictive computer games for a long time. Teach your child to notice positive moments in everything and trust his intuition so that he can freely learn about the world around him.

See the advice of a psychologist on the intricacies of raising a Pisces child.

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