Pisces Compatibility

Zodiac sign Pisces: personality traits and compatibility

Zodiac sign Pisces: personality traits and compatibility
  1. general characteristics
  2. Patrons
  3. Character traits
  4. Career
  5. Family behavior
  6. Compatibility
  7. Notable representatives

Each person has his own destiny and what accompanies him on the earthly path: a talisman, a patron planet, a horoscope by year and date of birth. These numbers and symbols were invented for a reason, but have their own meaning and meaning. The 12 signs of the zodiac are divided into groups and divided into four elements. Pisces is the very last sign in the horoscope, closing it and absorbing a little bit from each of the predecessors in the zodiac.

general characteristics

People born in the period from February 19 to March 20 are representatives of the element of Water. They are born under the zodiac sign Pisces, which is patronized by Jupiter and Neptune. They are sensual melancholic natures with a tendency to deep introspection and subject to outside influences.

The last, 12th sign of the zodiac - Pisces, is similar to its main symbol - two fish swimming in different directions. Sociability and kindness coexist in them with shyness and modesty. They are emotional, but restrained, purposeful, but contradictory, selfless, but focused on the inner "I". Their characters combine the qualities of many signs. They symbolize the limit and eternity - two opposite concepts. But this is the whole point of their essence.

Of course, many Pisces traits depend on the year in which the person was born. This means that interpreting the character of each is at least unambiguously wrong. But people whose birth month is February in the last decade and almost the entire March, with the exception of the last ten days, have generalizing inclinations and qualities.However, life begins in the same way for everyone, but develops differently depending on personal circumstances and twists of fate.

Representatives of this water sign attach great importance to their intuition and sensations. They strive not to be rich, but to live richly. Prosperity in itself is not their goal, but a beautiful life and delicious food mean a lot to them.

Fishes are favored by all shades of the water element and a noble steel color. The stones of this sign are amethyst, emerald, pearl, aquamarine, moonstone, coral and crystal clear rock crystal. The latter is a symbol of truth, and the penultimate attracts wealth and sharpens intuition.

Amethyst is considered the most powerful talisman for happiness, coral attracts love, and blue agate promises to realize dreams.

The metal of the sign is silver, but bronze and zinc also have a mystical meaning for Pisces. The main numbers that bring good luck: 3, 6 and 7 and all numbers with a multiple of 7-9-11-12-18. But Fortune does not turn away from them and on the 16th, 21st, 25th, 30th and the numbers 34, 43 and 52 are often lucky. There are also especially lucky days of the week for people born on these dates - this is Monday, Thursday and Friday. The fourth day of the week has a connection with Jupiter, and this is one of the planets that rules Pisces. It is advisable to schedule important meetings and events for Thursday. Good luck for all Pisces is from 10 am to 12 noon.

Among those born from February 19 to March 20, there are many talented individuals who glorified their names and zodiac signs in various fields: cinema, theater, ballet, painting, stage, literature, politics and sports. Such celebrities as Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, George Washington, Enrico Caruso, Victor Hugo, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Auguste Renoir, Albert Einstein, Elizabeth Taylor are just a part of the representatives of humanity who made the world brighter and more interesting.


The one who lives under the sign of Pisces is mystical, relies on luck, trusts the signs of fate and believes in the power of the talisman. As such, you can use any marine symbols and something related to water. It is believed that dolphins, corals, fish, jellyfish and other inhabitants of the depths and depths can bring them happiness.

The ruler of the water element is the sea god Neptune, and his symbol of power is the trident, which is also suitable for all Pisces. In general, horoscopes recommend that February and March birthday people keep before their eyes images of bodies of water: seas, waterfalls, oceans, etc. Such a sight helps to restore inner harmony and concentration, while relaxing and pacifying.

The favorite mascot of Pisces is a friendly dolphin, accurately symbolizing their nature. In addition, this sign also attracts love to the life of "fish" representatives.

Although the planet of the sign is Venus, it is not she who serves as a talisman of non-water symbols, but a silver pendant in the shape of the Moon or a heraldic lily, which symbolized monarchy in medieval Europe. Many Pisces get tattoos on their bodies with their iconic talismans. This symbolism is "closer to the skin" and evokes a great mood for success.

Flowers born under this sign are distinguished by a strong aroma and brightly colored petals. Purple violet, lilac lilac, yellow daffodil - juicy and fresh representatives of the flora. The same as those who have the right to call themselves Pisces by the horoscope. These plants love watering, and the Pisces element is water. And it means not only depth, transparency and fullness, but also changeability from calm to storm (emotionality), unexplored depths (confusion), fear of drowning (indecision).

There is a danger of being stranded aground, tossed ashore by a ruthless wave. However, like no one else, they are capable of adaptation and will find how to swim out into a clear creek, maneuvering among the stones.

So the representatives of this sign in human form, finding themselves in a hopeless situation, will try to find a loophole leading to salvation. Another point of the Pisces person is susceptibility to other people's moods.As soon as someone throws a pebble into his pool, ripples will shake the water for several days. The mood of Pisces changes more often than the direction of the wind at sea.

The horoscope considers not only the symbolism of each sign, but also which tree is its talisman. Pisces is no exception, they also have iconic trees.

  • Pine. Such a talisman endows a person with courage and willpower to overcome life's obstacles.
  • Birch. One of the symbols of Pisces, helping to find vitality and activity in all areas of activity and relationships.
  • Linden. Helps Pisces according to the horoscope in overcoming excessive sensitivity, leading to stress and inner feelings.
  • Also, only all good things in life are promised by talismans-trees thuja, elderberry and viburnum.

Character traits

The wisdom, responsiveness and receptivity of Pisces often makes them victims of manipulators. A highly developed natural intuition helps to adapt to any social order, to navigate in any environment, to find the best way out of a difficult situation and to establish business contacts, constantly finding benefits for oneself.

The description of this sign demonstrates them as idealists who have Robin Hood's qualities of protecting the poor and helping the disadvantaged. Pisces are ready to selflessly serve their ideal. Such people are not inclined to idealize themselves, preferring criticism and endless analysis to themselves.

The duality of the Pisces nature combines natural caution and the desire to take risks. This often manifests itself in dedication to service in rescue teams, participation in extreme expeditions, car races, a penchant for mystical teachings and the search for the meaning of life.

Another manifestation of Pisces's duality is the ability to manipulate. Yes, they not only become followers, but can also become leaders, using their innate gift of extrasensory perception and the gift of a psychologist.

Pisces is a strong sign that doesn't always look like this at first glance. Their internal resources are rich and inexhaustible. These people have equal chances of being rich and being left with nothing. Since they lack decisiveness and perseverance, and self-discipline is not their strong point, sometimes they go beyond morality and honor. Once happy people turn into alcoholics, drug addicts, asocial personalities that are not clean at hand.

If Pisces joins high ideals in time, then not only will he not stray from the righteous path, but will also bring many benefits to others. The gift of compassion and empathy is a valuable quality of people who are patronized by the great and indomitable Neptune.


Pisces's approach to work is not rational, but rather intuitive. They work in their own rhythm, do not seek to rule, "crush". The ruler is absolutely not their direction, but if “pressure” comes from above, people of this sign are also not to their liking. Now, if work is important for them and this is a personal matter, then Pisces is devoted to her to self-sacrifice.

These are often very gifted creative people, among whom there are many famous writers, artists, filmmakers, musicians, etc. But other spheres of activity are also suitable for them for a successful career. In pedagogy and medicine, research and shipbuilding, shoemaking and stock exchange, Pisces are able to achieve the best possible. Sharkers and swindlers are also often found among Pisces, when their artistry does not find a safe outlet in creative realization.

Many of the representatives of this sign gravitate towards everything unusual, are interested in yoga, palmistry and all sorts of occult sciences. Sometimes Pisces makes good mediums.

In general, some thrive where others fail and get lost where it is easy for someone to adapt. There are no equally successful or completely failed career paths for those born between February 19 and March 20.

Family behavior

In relationships and in love, people of this sign are not the same, like the types of fish in the sea.The range of a man is from a predatory hunter, like a shark looking for a new prey in the depths of the waters, to a romantic fry, dreaming of meeting his species, one love for life. A woman can also be fatal and windy, or submissive and devoted to her one and only. But she will never be boring, she will still try to test her feelings for strength, once again make sure of the love of her faithful.

There are specimens among Pisces who do not flaunt their predilection for someone. Love for such persons is at the highest step of the pedestal. They can love without reserve, otherwise it is not love at all for them. Or remain completely insensitive, overthrowing love to a lower level of perception.

There is no heart more difficult to unravel than those that beat inside Pisces. The lovers of this sign are as incomprehensible as the sea itself. Their souls are inhabited by different impulses. Love enters their lives stealthily and grows imperceptibly. Sometimes they themselves do not know when it all began and at what point it ended. Apparent indifference is caused by inner constraint and fear of losing their freedom for a long time.

They tend to enter into platonic relationships and remain alone with their passion, without showing an obvious need for her to go outside. Pisces' sensuality is attractive and infectious.

At the same time, Pisces prefer the role of prisoners, rather than the laurels of the conqueror. But you need to win in such a way that the victim understands that the fight was for her, and no one else was the target of captivity. Rivalry is not about the people of this sign. They are better off retreating and out of the way, not forgetting to wish the rival party happiness. A difficult sacrifice will be easier for them than a tough struggle and humiliating jealousy.

The main difficulty of a watermark in a relationship is the inability to start and break it. They, like dolphins on the waves, swing in different directions, wondering, "to be or not to be." They are characterized by silent gloom and love to the point of fanaticism. Many people choose cripples, moral outcasts as the object of love, believing that they are able to heal the souls and bodies of the chosen ones with the power of feelings. Because love for Pisces is help, support and self-sacrifice. For complete happiness, it is important for them to feel needed, important and desired. If everything works out, they will become the most devoted life partner.

This person can really find happiness with Taurus, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn. The idyll reigns in alliance with another watermark - Scorpio. Pisces should avoid Libra and Gemini as partners.

Analyzing a man in love with the last sign of the zodiac, you can compare it with the ocean for clarity. He is not always calm and serene. Often ripples appear on the water, waves rise and serious storms rage. Impressive ships and brave swimmers drown in it. But many with its help learn to swim and find in its depths a lot of interesting, previously unknown.

Such a man interests a woman with a certain gentleness, a penchant for romance, manifestations of tenderness. He is not conflicted and does not seek to rule. Traditional masculine qualities in the form of rudeness and toughness are not about him. He just sensitively feels the energy of others, knows how to capture the emotional atmosphere. This allows you to understand and understand women's desires. And the weaker sex appreciates such attention.

In love, such a man sometimes lacks realism. He is inclined to fantasize, inventing his own image, endowing the object of love with non-existent qualities, idealizing it, while there is enough imagination and strength. At the same time, the chosen one may absolutely not correspond to the ideal in reality.

A man wants to devote himself to his beloved woman without a trace, sometimes starting to live only by her interests and desires. He can put his desires into the background in the name of love.

It should be noted that Pisces are considered the most temperamental and sensitive sign of the entire zodiac, they live with emotions and feelings, perceiving everything with their hearts. This sometimes makes it very difficult to take control of emotions. Then an excitement of several points rises in their souls, like a storm in the ocean.

Pisces easily fall into all sorts of emotional states, but such bursts do not last long. Soon they are replaced by apathy, and then the habitual tranquility, which is replaced by inspiration and the expectation of joy in life.

This is a rather open man by nature, despite his inherent mystery, it is not difficult to unravel his emotional state, because the doors to his soul are always wide open. He constantly needs to pour out emotions, the need to pour out his soul.

Positive qualities of a Pisces man in a relationship:

  1. emotional and sensual;
  2. empathetic and intuitive;
  3. soft and romantic;
  4. gentle and caring;
  5. good-natured and open-minded;
  6. sincere and patient.

This dozen qualities raises him to the first place in the TOP-ranking of the best suitors of the zodiac circle. But insecurity, resentment, suspiciousness and vulnerability somewhat spoil the picture of masculine qualities that characterize the sign of Pisces.

In bed, a Pisces man knows how to subtly feel what a partner needs. He loves when everything is romantic and sensual. The mutual exchange of tenderness and affection is an obligatory component of intimate relationships for Pisces.

A woman needs to remember that her partner is vulnerable, and the rudeness and harshness on the part of her partner will cool him down and turn him away from continuing the relationship. He also does not accept callousness in emotions and coldness of the chosen one. The strict routine of life is not the element of Pisces floating freely in the sea of ​​life.

An intimate life will become ideal with the partner who shares the world of his fantasies with the Pisces man and realizes them in reality.

In family life, they all try not to command, but to cooperate. Harmony reigns in their home, each of the family members is surrounded by attention and not deprived of care.

This is a peace-loving sign, avoiding quarrels and scandals by any means. For the reign of peace in relationships, Pisces are capable of tricks, for example, if necessary, they will remain silent, and in some situation they will even pretend to be a victim in need of consolation.

A Pisces wife will never show her superiority over her partner. On the contrary, a wise woman will try to make her husband feel like the head of the family. She will begin to rely on him in all matters, to consult on any occasion.

Often the spouse of Pisces does not go into the intricacies of making money. But her husband's support from her will be unconditional, even if you have to endure some inconvenience together for some time. She will not be embarrassed if her husband is late from work or that they have to stay at home on holiday.

With the financial crisis looming on the family, the wise ama will cut her expenses on her own. But she also has one fundamental requirement for her spouse: to remember all the memorable dates of life together. Pisces will find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that the husband ignored the wedding anniversary or other significant event in the past of the couple.

It is quite difficult to drag such an instance as a Pisces man down the aisle, because for him love means pleasure, not an obligation. If a lady of the heart insists on getting married, most likely, he will consider this an encroachment on his freedom and life.

Such a man is seduced only by the anticipation of a comfortable life in marriage, stability and comfort next to his chosen one. And if the Pisces man nevertheless decided to marry, one must be prepared for his increased demands with regard to order and regime. In everyday life, he is very neat, even scrupulous. Requires the same from a partner.

Another trait characteristic of a family Pisces man is that he prefers to spend more time with the faithful, rather than spinning outside the house, striving for greater financial well-being.

In general, the Pisces man has nothing against marriage. He likes the calm, homely atmosphere. An eccentric by nature, the chosen one will not correspond to his ideal. Living with such a woman would break the rhythm of his own life.If he notices that the bride does not meet his expectations, he will not lead her to the registry office. A balanced and caring girl has a great chance of being invited there soon after meeting.

The Pisces man does not actively show a desire to help his wife with household chores, but does not refuse requests. Moreover, he does not understand the division of labor into male and female duties. If he takes up something, he does it from the heart, with a desire to help and achieve comfort in his environment. Elegance and aesthetics are what he strives for, wherever he is.

At home he sometimes wants solitude, but it also happens vice versa - he suffers from loneliness. In friendship, he does not put forward special requirements, choosing for communication even those with whom there are few common topics for conversation. It's just that loneliness is worse for him than the most mediocre society.


Compatible with Pisces according to the horoscope will be those who are attracted by emotional relationships filled with tender feelings and romance, who like to fantasize and dream and who do not accept aggression and pressure. Caring and sincerity are the main advantages of Pisces, and everyone who is bored with sentimentality and lyrics should look for a representative of another zodiac sign for themselves.

Rudeness, self-confidence and rigidity are unusual for Pisces, however, intuition itself will tell them with whom to connect their fate.

  • Aries woman and Pisces man will be a good couple. Aries know how to support and encourage to strive for more. And they do it gently, without pressure. Even more by example than logical arguments.
  • Lady Taurus with a water sign man - an ideal duet, because she will always be on his side and is able to listen, understand and accept all male decisions for granted.
  • Paired with Gemini much fewer points of contact. Probably, it will not be easy for them to find mutual understanding. These two signs are cut off from reality and live in their independent illusory worlds.
  • Cancer and Pisces will have peace and harmony. Cancers are not devoid of imagination, but moderately pragmatic. They are faithful companions in life, keeping the fire in the family hearth at all costs.
  • To the woman Leo the man of the last sign in the horoscope will not look seriously. Such a pair is very rare. Leo is a proud sign of the zodiac, distinguished by its firmness of character and expressiveness. These are pragmatists who will not waste time dreaming with Pisces. If a Pisces man falls in love with a Lioness, then the passion will be short-lived. The first criticism addressed to him, and he will withdraw and retreat
  • You can argue about the compatibility of the couple with Virgo. They are more likely to make an ideal friendly union than a love one, since Virgo lacks the sensuality that the partner of the watermark appreciates. If Virgo wants to get closer, it is she who will have to work on herself, and accept the partner with all his oddities and peculiarities.
  • A similar forecast is for the relationship between Pisces and Libra. Libra women are practicality itself, an adherent of everything that is understandable and accurate. It will be difficult to build a harmonious union with a dreamy Fish. Many sacrifices will have to be made, but whether it is worth it is a big question.
  • And here is a pair of Pisces - Scorpio will be successful even because complete harmony in intimate relationships reigns between them. In bed, they will solve all possible conflicts in the future. Both partners are sensual, and Scorpio takes over the reins of the union, which completely suits Pisces. If the Scorpio does not press and dominate too much, then they will make a bright and happy couple.
  • Not the best compatibility with Sagittarius. Sagittarius is an active, active sign, accustomed not to speak, but to prove with deeds. Dreamy natures are incomprehensible to him and even ridiculous. In a pair of himself, he is looking not for lyrical Pisces, but for pragmatic and impetuous leaders like himself.
  • With Capricorn will be the same story as with the restless and business Sagittarius. But the December sign with "horns" is wiser and more patient by nature.Only thanks to his desire and compromises, a couple can work out and become quite happy and successful.
  • Union with Aquarius will cause admiration from others. Two refined romantics will build their own fabulous world of wonders and will live incredibly harmoniously and joyfully in it. True, learning in the course of life to overcome difficulties, which is difficult for them. But these two will always provide support to each other, and this is very important!
  • Pisces converges with representatives of their sign easily and quickly. Because they are kindred spirits, a reflection of each other. Pisces - a woman will allow a partner to become stronger, and he will show all his masculine qualities next to her. In fact, these couples always marry and have strong families.

But all these characteristics are just speculations. You should not take them as the basis of your relationship if a man or a woman of the sign of Pisces is the partner. Each bond is unique and unrepeatable. Paired with each other, even those to whom the horoscope has read dislike and rejection are able to open up. All people grow up in different families, communicate in different strata of society. This leaves an imprint on their behavior in life, priorities, values, including family values.

Sometimes even opposites attract. This means that if there is a desire to be together, you need to fight for a common future, first of all, working on yourself, improving, looking for compromises and points of contact.

Notable representatives

The life of those who were born under the constellation Pisces, like all other signs, is full of difficulties and joys. However, they have a very developed intuition, they have pronounced creative abilities, which often help them in overcoming adversity. Moreover, these qualities help Pisces to achieve high results in work and personal life.

Astrologers agree that people born under the constellation Pisces are the most gifted of all zodiac signs. Among them are many famous actors, TV presenters, singers, writers and dancers.

Singer Rihanna is a typical representative of this sign. She managed to quickly conquer millions of fans. At the same time, fame is something contrary to her state of mind. A vulnerable and sensitive nature, like all Pisces, often suffers from stress and criticism. The singer tries to overcome all the problems, which is already a feat for a creative and dreamy personality.

Actress Dakota Fanning had a chance to experience all the vicissitudes of show business in her youth. But until now, this representative of the sign looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, idealizing those around her.

The popularity of the singer Justin Bieber can also be associated with the date of his birth. The character of Pisces is fully revealed in him. Capricious, somewhat naive, avoiding problems and their solutions. It is easier for him to dodge everyday difficulties and follow an easier path. Like the rest of the representatives of this watermark, Justin tends to get away from solving complex problems. The singer is friendly to people, but does not open his soul to everyone he meets.

For revelations and outpouring of his dreams and plans, he has a circle of chosen people. Often, Justin even closes in on himself. The reason for this is his illusory perception of reality. His resentment and stress, like many Pisces, Bieber sometimes drowns with harmful addictions.

Many famous people of this zodiac sign are often caught in the use of alcohol and drugs.

All fans of Hollywood cinema know about the actress Sharon Stone. But few people know that this "fish" has a full set of qualities inherent in its sign according to the horoscope. The film star is very sensitive to criticism at her own expense, she is shrewd, emotional and sophisticated by nature. These traits somewhat prevent her from calmly perceiving the surrounding reality, but they also allowed her to become the most feminine and reliable heroine of many films.

Her colleague "in the shop" Bruce Willis is also a glorified star of Hollywood and Pisces by horoscope.He almost always gets to embody the images of brave, desperate and daring heroes. They selflessly save others, sometimes sacrificing themselves. Perhaps these roles are so well given to Willis precisely because these qualities are inherent in his nature. People from the inner circle of the legend of American cinema note his developed intuition, gentle nature and ability to compassion for others.

    Among the Russian stars of show business, humorist Pavel Volya can be noted as a bright representative of Pisces. Although he has the opposite screen image, the TV presenter is endowed with all the qualities of his sign. Paul is annoyed by criticism and people who try to lead him. He tries to avoid problems and sharp corners, looks for the causes of everyday troubles in someone else, but not in himself personally. At the same time, Volya is a wonderful family man, husband and father, satisfied with his companion and life with her. He is not devoid of romance and knows how to compassion.

    It is obvious that he is happy in alliance with a strong-spirited athlete born under the constellation of Cancer. Which once again proves that astrologers interpret the compatibility of signs correctly.

    You can watch the following video about the traits of Pisces.

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