Children's backpacks

Children's backpacks Tiger Family

Children's backpacks Tiger Family
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Model Description
  3. Review overview
  4. How to properly wash your satchel?

The most important attribute of every student is a backpack. Parents and their children devote most of their time to choosing a knapsack.... And this is not surprising at all. After all, such an accessory should not only be beautiful and please the child, but also comfortable, safe, so as not to harm the posture, to properly distribute the load.

There are many different models of school backpacks from different manufacturers on the market today. The leader in the production of high-quality and reliable backpacks for schoolchildren is the Tiger Family company. It is about the products of this brand that we will talk about in this article.


Tiger Family backpacks are the best sellers, they are in great demand. Each responsible parent, choosing the first knapsack for their child or already the tenth one, after long searches and comparisons, still opt for the products of this manufacturer. The company was founded back in 1970. Every year the company's products have been improved, new models have appeared, more convenient and modern. The main thought in their creation was the health of the child. Today, school backpacks bearing the Tiger Family logo are sold in over 50 countries around the world.

The increased popularity of Tiger Family school backpacks is due to the fact that the products have a number of features and advantages, including:

  • each knapsack is made in accordance with European requirements and standards;
  • for sewing, they use exclusively safe materials that do not contain harmful substances;
  • the products are approved by doctors and are recommended by the world's leading orthopedists.

It is also worth noting that the design of the backpack is correct, all elements are made according to the requirements:

  • body - hard;
  • backrest - ergonomic;
  • bottom - strong and stable;
  • straps - wide and adjustable;
  • convenient additional pockets;
  • material - waterproof;
  • small weight - from 2 to 6 kg;
  • the presence of reflective elements.

The Tiger Family backpacks are the only school bags worldwide that are approved by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Model Description

The range of products of the Tiger Family company is large and varied. Both schoolbags are produced for the smallest schoolchildren and teenagers. Models may differ in color and design, size and weight, but they are all rigid-frame and with an orthopedic back.

Let's take a look at a few of the more popular and frequently purchased models. For girls:

  • Joy Collection. Twinkle Star;
  • Champ Collection. Twinkle Star;
  • Jolly Collection. Spring Time;
  • Fantasy Collection. Outline Purple.

For boys:

  • The master collection. Supreme blue;
  • Crazy Driving collection. Regal Green;
  • Carbon BackPack;
  • Handy BackPack collection.

A separate collection is created for a specific age category. More detailed information about all existing models and their characteristics can be found on the official website of the manufacturer.

Review overview

Having carefully studied consumer reviews, we can safely conclude that a school backpack from the Tiger Family company is a very right investment and choice. Every parent who has bought such a satchel for their child is completely satisfied with the purchase.

Users consider the following as the greatest benefits:

  • convenience;
  • security;
  • long service life;
  • wide range of products.

There are no flaws in the Tiger Family backpacks, but of course, if you choose it correctly. Consumers, as well as the manufacturer, argue that when buying a schoolbag, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • back, it must be orthopedic;
  • the presence of reflective elements;
  • size and weight;
  • material from which it is made;
  • the quality of the straps;
  • the presence of additional pockets and offices.

It is also imperative to take into account the wishes of the child. The appearance of the backpack should appeal to the student. Considering each of the above points, you will definitely buy exactly the product that will ideally suit your child.

How to properly wash your satchel?

Proper care is the key to a long service life. Everyone knows very well that children may not be very careful about things. Backpacks get dirty quite often. And in this case, you need to know how to properly wash the product. The satchel can be washed by hand or in a washing machine. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

When washing a backpack in a washing machine, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • Separate the rigid frame from the fabric.
  • The product must be turned out and all belts must be hidden inside.
  • Load the satchel into the drum. The washing mode can only be "delicate". The water temperature should not exceed 30 ° C. Cold water will not wash off the paint or discolor the backpack. You need to use a little powder. Wringing out in a washing machine is strongly discouraged.

Even after washing with your hands, it is undesirable to wring out the water from the backpack. It is best to hang the product so that the water itself is glass.

Hand wash consists of the following steps.

  • Grind the soap on a grater. You can use household or tar - they are based on vegetable oils and animal fats.
  • Heat the water to the temperature not exceeding 40 ° С. Pour it into a basin and dip the satchel into it.
  • Add grated soap to the water. Soak your backpack in soapy water for 30 minutes.
  • If there are heavily soiled areas on the product, they can be rubbed with a brush.
  • Next, the product needs rinse thoroughly in cold water.

As with washing in a typewriter, you cannot wring out the product. Before washing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the information on the care of the product, which is indicated by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to wash the product frequently. No matter how delicate and neat the wash is, over time, soap and powder can wash off the paint.

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