Backpacks for photographic equipment

When traveling, a photographer needs to carry with him a variety of equipment, sometimes quite fragile. This makes it topical to purchase a special backpack, which guarantees safe and convenient transportation of gadgets. You should know what kind of backpacks for photography are, which ones are the best, and how to choose the right model.

A camera backpack has become an essential part of a photographer's outfit for outdoor photography. In this case, the photographer's hands are freed, freedom of movement is ensured. Most specialized backpacks have compartments for photographic equipment and cameras, providing convenience and maximum safety for equipment. Backpacks are different.
- Universal. Many experts prefer universal backpacks, using them both for placing equipment and for storing clothes and food.

- Extreme. These are expensive items for experienced photographers traveling in challenging conditions.

- Waterproof. Waterproof fabric is used as material for them. Such models are designed for travel on lakes and rafting, along rapids.

- Modular. Outwardly, the model looks like a regular backpack. The inner space consists of many jumpers fixed with Velcro. By changing the location of these partitions, you can create any internal configuration that will be ideal for stacking photographic equipment.

Photography backpacks come in a variety of sizes, multiple pockets and compartments, and can include a tripod compartment. Each of the options, be it a leather backpack or an accessory made of synthetic materials, looks stylish and beautiful.

The modern market offers photographers a wide range of types of products for wearing photographic equipment. They differ among themselves in design, construction, size and cost. They also differ in the way they are worn.
- Bags without shoulder straps. Outwardly, such models are similar to a portfolio. Since the bag has to be carried by the handle, one hand of the photographer will always be busy, which is inconvenient.

- Bag with one strap. This accessory is much more convenient as it does not take up your hands. It is more voluminous, which allows you to take more equipment and conveniently expand it. You don't need to take it off during shooting, just open the clasp and take the item you need.

- On wheels. These are the most capacious wardrobe trunks designed to move heavy equipment.

- Bag backpack. This is the most comfortable and versatile accessory with 2 or sometimes 3 straps. An additional strap looks like a belt with many pockets, into which equipment that requires frequent changes is inserted. This can be done without removing the backpack.

The only drawback of such products is their rather high cost.
Model overview
Today, in specialized salons or online stores, you can buy convenient and modern accessories for photographic equipment. There are the most popular models.
- Peak Design Travel Backpack. This accessory is the undisputed leader and tops the rating of the best models. The American model has incorporated all the best ever offered by other manufacturers. Its volume (35 liters) is quite sufficient to transport photographic equipment, electronics, clothes and shoes.

- Lowepro. This is a status accessory, and high-level photographers are recognized by it. In competition with products from other manufacturers, it wins with an optimal combination of cost and quality.

- Tamrac. The product has a classic design. The accessory of large volume, which is well known to specialists and produced in America, has proved itself from the most positive side. For better safety of photographic equipment, foam rubber pads are provided inside the backpack, which serve as shock absorbers. Thanks to the use of nylon, its price is significantly lower compared to products from other manufacturers.

- Kata. The product is manufactured in Israel using the latest technologies and modern materials. This is a relatively new brand that is trying to compete on equal terms with the products of well-known manufacturers. The product is highly ergonomic. Its cost is quite high, but it matches the quality.

In addition, there are many models that are created from various modern synthetic lightweight materials with increased strength. Manufacturers strive to give them a modern design and think over the optimal layout in order to make their products competitive and attractive to the consumer.

Selection Tips
There are many good backpacks for photographic equipment, they are all ergonomic, reliable, and comfortable. When choosing this accessory for a photographer, the main thing is to choose the right one for your requirements.
- Dimensions. A small product is suitable for a "soap dish", and a larger product is required to transport a DSLR with interchangeable lenses. The volume of an accessory depends not only on the amount of photographic equipment, but also on the travel distance. For city photography, a large backpack is not required. Walking in the taiga is another matter, because in this case, in addition to equipment, you will have to carry clothes and food.
- Materials. When sewing products, manufacturers use various materials. For areas with high humidity, it is better to choose waterproof models.
- Inside the product must have the required number of departments to ensure the safe transportation of photographic equipment. The equipment should fit into them tightly, but without effort.

Make sure the backpack has a thick, solid base to protect the vehicle if the backpack falls.The straps are preferable from light, but durable material, with metal carabiners. The zipper should be tight, keep out dirt and moisture.

The color of such products can be any, but it is desirable that it is not too bright. Men tend to prefer black or blue, as well as khaki. Women's backpack can have more colorful colors with bright partitions inside. The existing range of backpacks for photographic equipment is able to satisfy the needs of any consumer, but it is better to buy such products from well-known trusted manufacturers.