
Features of backpack hydrators

Features of backpack hydrators
  1. What it is?
  2. Species overview
  3. Popular manufacturers
  4. Selection Tips
  5. Terms of use

Sportsmen, lovers of hikes or long walks will definitely need a supply of water. It is difficult and inconvenient to carry it with you. But if it was located where the muscles receive the least stress and do not get tired, and even if it was packed as rationally as possible, the carrying process would become more pleasant. All these desires will be satisfied by a well-thought-out drinking system - a hydrator.

What it is?

Externally, the hydrator is a light sealed container made of plastic or polyethylene, with a discharge tube. The bag is filled with water through a hole with a screw cap, is installed in the backpack, and the tube is led out to the shoulder strap, hanging from the shoulder. A valve mounted at the end of the tube prevents water from flowing out. The reservoirs can contain from 1.5 to 3 liters of liquid.

The hydrator has different names: hydropack, wineskin, camelback, but it has the same essence.

This system was invented in order to drink on the go. It will be useful for those whose hands are busy, for example, while cycling.

Thirst is quenched simply by placing the pipe in your mouth.

There are two types of hydropacks on sale:

  • separate detachable system that fits into a backpack;
  • system complete with a small backpack, making up a single whole with it.

Systems are supplied with short branch pipes bent at 90 degrees, or long ones that can bend 180 degrees. The first option is considered more convenient. Backpacks with hydrators were especially appreciated by athletes: runners, cyclists, climbers, skiers, because they got the opportunity to quench their thirst without stopping, without taking their hands.The systems are convenient as a tourist inventory on hikes and just for long walks.

Before purchasing hydrators, you should familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages. Let's first consider what is good about the water supply system:

  • it allows you to drink on the go without using your hands;
  • the bag with water is placed close to the back, which allows optimal distribution of weight and does not fatigue the muscles.

Like any equipment, the system also contains disadvantages.

  • In order for the hydrator to serve for a long time, it must be looked after. For this, the product is equipped with a brush and a dryer.
  • Before loading the system into the backpack, check that the cover and hose are installed correctly. If you don't close something too tight, you can end up with an empty hydrator and a wet backpack.
  • If the equipment does not have mounts, then you will have to organize the stationary finding of the system in the backpack yourself.

As you can see, all the disadvantages are rather arbitrary and cannot cover the useful qualities of the equipment.

Species overview

It has already been noted that there are hydrators integrated into the backpack and removable. In addition to these cardinal differences, products are divided by purpose.


For travel, they produce voluminous tanks designed for comfortable roomy backpacks with special pockets. The pocket fabric contains a heat-insulating compound that allows moisture to stay cool for a long time.

If there is no room for a drinking container in the backpack, the system can be attached from the outside, having a lot of devices for this: straps designed to carry the container on the shoulders, ties that are fixed on the chest, as well as handles that allow you to carry water.


Military equipment contains camouflage paint. These are laconic and practical hydraulic systems, protected by thermal insulating covers. The fluid inlet is sized to match the standard for an army flask. The plastic bag collects water in a volume of 2 to 3.5 liters. These supplies are enough for many hours of hiking.

For skiers

Lightweight hydraulic water skins, adapted for winter conditions, are made for skiers and snowboarders. They have a small load (up to one and a half liters in volume), made of lightweight breathable fabric.

To prevent the liquid from freezing, the products were adapted to be worn under clothes.

For cyclists

When cycling, it is important that the backpack does not restrict movement. These hydraulic systems are produced with a small volume of fluid and with optimal load distribution, so they are almost invisible on the back.

For running

Hydrators for running should be extremely lightweight - no more than 1.5 liters in volume. They are integrated into backpacks made of lightweight fabric with mesh inserts allowing the body to breathe even under heavy loads.

Popular manufacturers

Hydropacks today are produced by almost all companies working with sports or tourism equipment. A large assortment of goods complicates the choice to some extent. We have prepared a selection of the most popular models from well-known companies.

Defcon 5 Hydro 3

The product is produced with a satchel-shaped cover that protects against heat in the sun, and serves as an addition to a travel backpack. The model contains a waterproof fabric and a convenient valve, the reservoir holds 3 liters of liquid.

It will appeal to people who are accustomed to leading an active lifestyle.


The drinking system has a capacity of 2.5 liters. The set has well-designed shoulder straps and a comfortable back. It contains an antibacterial coating, mesh inserts that provide air ventilation.

Osprey Hydraulics

The model from the American company has a capacity of 2 liters, and it is also endowed with an enlarged tube with a dispenser. The equipment weighs only 308 grams. The markings on the tank allow you to keep track of the water level.

Camelbak Hydrobak

A backpack with a hydraulic system is endowed with a minimum weight of a quarter of a kilogram.The container is made from lightweight polyurethane, and the backpack itself is made from lightweight, ventilated fabric with a waterproof coating. The product has a beautiful bright design.

Selection Tips

Choosing the right hydrator for your backpack is easy. You just need to take into account some points: it is important that the installation is comfortable, has a wide back and orthopedic straps. The drinking system must be made of safe materials and contain additional fasteners.

When considering a hydropack in a store, you need to pay attention to the following criteria.

  • The capacity of the tank is selected according to your own needs. For long hikes, you need about 3 liters of water. Athletes for running or cycling require small and lightweight systems: their capacity should not exceed one and a half liters. A hydrator should be purchased in the same size for winter sports.
  • It is better to choose a tank from a transparent material: this makes it easier to wash it and track the volume of water. The equipment should not have strong odors, because they will affect not only the quality of the liquid, but also its safety. The color of the backpack itself depends on the purpose: the army will be camouflage, while children's products are colorful and bright.
  • The reservoir is closed with a screw cap; in cheaper models, the clamping method is used. If the screw cap is screwed on correctly, the container will not open even during an impact, but the clamping cover can fail.
  • The tube is attached to the backpack with Velcro, and the valve is held magnetically. Before purchasing, you should check their effectiveness, since loose latches will create problems during operation. It is necessary to check the docking ring between the tube and the tank, make sure it is tight and reliable.

Terms of use

Using a hydrator is easy. Removable equipment should be installed in the backpack and secured so that it does not move while driving. The easiest option is to use your pocket. The tube is led out to the shoulder strap.

To quench your thirst, you need to grip the valve with your teeth and turn it. When the tube is released from the mouth, the valve closes without losing a drop of moisture.

The liquid is poured into the reservoir through the hole. Then screw the lid back on tightly. If you don't want ordinary water, then you can fill the container with unsweetened tea, slightly carbonated mineral water. Do not use hot or sugary carbonated drinks.

Wash the hydropack after use. The containers with clips are easy to clean inside. Safely place polyurethane products in the dishwasher. For care, they also use the devices that come with the hydrator. It should be remembered that the equipment is designed for water. By experimenting with drinks, we quickly render it unusable.

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