How can you decorate your backpack?

A shoulder bag, called a backpack, has been in trend for the past season. Fashionistas are ready to spend a lot of time on shopping trips to find the right accessory. Meanwhile, someone already had a "tired" backpack lying in the closet.
Why doesn't the owner (owner) drop into a handicraft and arts and crafts store to choose something suitable for decorating and updating her “favorite”? From this publication you will learn how you can do this, what kind of decoration is suitable for a particular decor.

How to decorate with patches?
An old backpack will look beautiful if you decorate it with appliqués and patches. Look at the store for a suitable composition that you can sew on. If you are not on the "you" with a needle and thread, then take an iron and fabric glue.
Patches and appliques for decorating bags and backpacks can be ordered in online stores, in music studios, where there is a point of sale. For example, if you are a fan of a band, finding the logo of your favorite artists today is pretty easy.

It will be safer to secure the patch with a needle, but if you chose the option for an iron, then you will get the job done pretty quickly. You need to do the following:
- attach the patch to the desired part of the backpack and cover it with gauze or cotton cloth;
- set your iron to dry mode without steam generation;
- choose medium or low temperature setting;
- slowly start stroking from top to bottom (duration of action - up to 40 seconds);
- to finally fix the applique, iron it from the inside out for about 20 seconds.

Check the adhesion and repeat the process if necessary. The main thing is that the edges adhered tightly.
And yet the most reliable way to secure the patch and applique is sewing.
If working with a needle and thread seems boring to you, use a sewing machine.

In this case, you will definitely be sure that nothing will fall off during washing. And to keep everything smooth, first secure the patch with sewing pins or glue it with fabric glue. One hour after gluing, you can sew with dense zigzag stitches.
To sew by hand, follow the initial securing steps, then start stitching. Try to keep them tight and free of knots. Pass the needle around the entire perimeter of the patch; if there is not enough thread, take a new piece, only mask the cut ends well.

You can buy an embroidered applique, a rubber patch or a sticker with a pattern you like - the main thing is that the owner is happy. Just do not overdo it with the decor, so that the product does not look childishly lurid.
Coats of arms of countries and cities, various logos and images are suitable as stripes. If the backpack is made of thick fabric, it is better to secure them with thread. And if the applique is made by yourself, for example, you cut out elements from felt, then you can glue them.
Sometimes beads and rhinestones are added to the composition. However, the decoration of them can be separate.

Decor with rhinestones and thorns
A boring monochromatic backpack can be decorated in the glam rock style, that is, trimmed with spikes or less aggressive rhinestones with prongs... Such decoration continues to be fashionable over the past decade.
Spikes with special "ears" are sewn or glued to the skin (it is preferable to pick them up under a leather bag, and more rhinestones are suitable for a fabric backpack). Only the master will attach the screw options to you, but simple spikes can come with "antennae" and all that remains for you is to pierce the base and bend them.

A backpack, even a school one, can be interestingly decorated with rhinestones. A more restrained option is a decor made of rhinestones with teeth, they are fastened following the example of thorns with "antennae". Shimmering rhinestones and crystals add a more romantic look. They are placed on a favorite backpack as follows:
- mark the desired contour of the drawing or figure with chalk;
- select the right amount of rhinestones, crystals;
- prepare a special glue;
- glue one rhinestone or crystal on the backpack.

For this work, stock up on tweezers and a toothpick. It is convenient to grab small parts with tweezers, and apply drops of glue on these small objects with a toothpick.
Such a composition dries, as a rule, not less than a day, if necessary, give more time for complete fixation.

Other decoration options
You can decorate a backpack with your own hands with buttons, sequins, stickers, decorate it - in a word, there are a great many ideas for decorating at home for girls (even locks are subject to processing).
Here are other options for decorating backpacks:
- full coloring or painting;
- thermal stickers;
- fringe trim;
- decoration with beads, beads, sequins, bugles.

Before deciding which option is suitable for decorating your favorite accessory, figure out which base your backpack is made from, whether it is fabric or leather. It is necessary to make sure that the product is intact, and if necessary, repair the damaged parts.
Consider the option of finishing the backpack with sequins and beads, from these particles, flower arrangements, contours of figures and other forms are laid out on bags:
- indicate on the bag the contour of the proposed pattern or use a template ready for this;
- stock up with a beaded needle (it is thinner than a sewing one);
- string one bead (or bead) on a needle and sew it to the base of the backpack;
- at the end of the work, all knots and ends of the thread are masked.

For a feminine, romantic look, opt for sparkly sequins - they are also in vogue now. Without big costs, but in an original way, you can decorate your accessory with a thermal sticker.A layer of glue has already been applied to it, you only need a hot iron, a little effort and time.
When a girl knows how to draw, and she has a developed imagination, her backpack can instantly change. You will need special paints or markers to make drawings or different patterns.
Both geometry and abstraction are in trend, as well as animalistic motifs are popular. The hostess of the bag decides which decoration option to choose - it depends on her preferences, needlework skills, imagination, but any of the above methods will give a decent result and update your favorite thing.