
Can my backpack be machine washed and how else can I clean it?

Can my backpack be machine washed and how else can I clean it?
  1. Washing in a washing machine
  2. How to wash by hand?
  3. Tips for cleaning different types of backpacks
  4. How to dry?

Any item of clothing or accessory that we wear on ourselves will sooner or later need cleaning. This rule is also true for backpacks, which are becoming more common every year. Cleaning your backpack can be tricky as this accessory has many hard-to-reach places. We will consider the features of manual cleaning, as well as washing in a machine, in this article.

Washing in a washing machine

Backpacks are different. There are many types of such accessories: these are school models, and women's fashionable backpacks, and large travel products. And not all models can be washed in a typewriter. Determine the possibility of automatic washing should be on the tag, which should be on each product. It will indicate whether this can be done, and if so, at what temperature. But there are also cases when the label has come off, worn out or is simply missing for some unknown reason.

If this is your situation, then it is better to familiarize yourself with the list of models that cannot be washed in advance.

  • Options with a solid frame, which is not possible to remove. After such a wash, not only the backpack can deteriorate, but also the drum of the machine, which will cost a tidy sum. Timber framed solutions also fall into this category. From prolonged washing, the tree will get wet, lose its elasticity, and may even start to rot.
  • Models with impregnation resistant to water and dirt. Machine wash erases such an impregnation, which is unlikely to please the owner of the accessory.

You also need to pay attention to the material from which the product is made. Some fabrics are completely water-resistant. Here is a list of them.

  • Leather and suede. This also includes nubuck and leatherette. These types of fabrics will suffer greatly when machine washed. The product will be deformed, most likely, you just have to throw it away.
  • Cordura. This fabric has special fibers and water-resistant impregnation. After washing, it will lose its useful properties.
  • Oxford. This material also has a special impregnation that protects against moisture. Although the fabric is made on a polyester backing, it is highly discouraged to wash it.
  • Aviation tarpaulin. Avizent is a rather specific material. It consists of a weave of nylon threads. It is prohibited to wash a backpack from an aviation tarpaulin in a typewriter.

In all other cases, backpacks can and should be washed automatically, because this saves time and effort. But it is important to understand that the shoulder bag is not a set of bedding that you put into the drum of the device. Here it is recommended to follow a special algorithm, which we will now consider.


Washing a school or any other backpack starts with the right preparation... Examine the product for any holes or broken zippers. Before washing in the machine, such troubles should be eliminated. The frame, hooks and any protruding elements must be removed, as they can catch on the drum, damaging the unit. You should also check the pockets and remove everything that is there. The backpack should be turned out and shaken out, getting rid of excess debris that could clog the drum.

It is very important to pay attention to stains as well. If the garment has a stain, it must be removed before washing.

  • Greasy stains cleaned with salt. It is poured directly onto the stain and left for 60 minutes, then brushed off. After the procedure, you can load the shoulder bag into the drum.
  • Ink marks can be removed with alcohol. Soak a cotton swab in it, gently apply the stain, and then lightly move from the edge to the center. You cannot rub and press.
  • Stains from juices, tea, food can remove regular soap. Soap the dirty area well, leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse.
  • If the product is stuck chewing gum, then take the backpack out into the cold or put it in the freezer. After a couple of hours, the gum can be easily removed.
  • Many types of stains You can also remove it with a professional stain remover, but it's best to find out in advance if they are suitable for your type of fabric.

After cleaning the backpack, it is turned inside out. Zippers fasten. If it is not possible to turn the product out, it should be put in a special protective bag. A regular cotton pillowcase will also work. The shoulder bag must not be washed alone: ​​it must be supplemented with other items that require washing. This will provide an even load on the drum. Important: this recommendation does not apply to denim garments, as they immediately fade, staining other garments in the drum.


Despite the fact that almost all backpacks are durable products, it is not recommended to wash them at high speeds... Most models have many inserts, one or some of which can be deformed from rough impact. This is why shoulder bags should only be washed on delicate programs. The hand wash mode is also suitable. In addition, you should set the most gentle spin, and if possible, do without it.

The correct solution would be to include an additional rinse, as thick fabrics are reluctant to "part" with powder and other detergents.


To remove dirt from the backpack without losing its original color, you need to set the temperature correctly. High performance is completely prohibited, since they wash out the dye and deform individual parts of the product. The maximum temperature is 40 degrees, but experts advise stopping at 30. Some types of fabrics are completely washed only in cold water.

Suitable means

The fabric of the back bag is always dense, which means that the detergent will take a long time to wash out. It is highly not recommended to take a loose powder, as it can settle in the fabric. And this will mean stains, static electricity, skin irritation. A better solution is to purchase a liquid detergent. It can be a gel or a special capsule containing both detergent and rinse aid. The selected product should not contain bleach, chemicals, aggressive additives.

How to wash by hand?

If the backpack cannot be machine washed, it will need to be hand washed. The algorithm of actions will be as follows.

  1. The shoulder bag is examined, the remaining things inside are taken out... The seams are wiped with a cloth soaked in water. Dust can be simply shaken off with a special brush.
  2. Dirty children's and travel backpacks, school bags with traces of ink and felt-tip pens should be soaked... Water at room temperature is collected in a large container or just in a bath, and a backpack is also put there. After a couple of hours, it will be much easier to remove the stains.
  3. After the product has soaked in water, it is immersed in a bowl for washing clothes, filled with warm liquid with detergent dissolved in it.... It should be liquid, as is the case with a washing machine, especially if you are washing a backpack for a child. Stir the detergent well, but try to avoid foaming.
  4. The shoulder bag is left for 15-30 minutes so that the fabric of the product is completely saturated. After that, a soft sponge or brush begins to process the surfaces, not forgetting about the pockets and the inside of the product.
  5. When the wash is over, the backpack will need to be rinsed.... It is recommended to do this in cool or lukewarm water several times. Only after the water flowing from the accessory is completely clean can the backpack be hung up to dry.

Tips for cleaning different types of backpacks

Backpacks may differ from each other in material of manufacture, frame design, purpose. All these features must be taken into account when planning to wash the bag from dirt. Let's consider the most common types of models and methods of washing them.


Schoolbags for junior and high school students are rarely made from expensive fabrics. Usually these are budget materials: denim, polyester and others. This means that these backpacks can be easily machine washed. However, it should be borne in mind that posture is very important for children, therefore satchels in most cases have rigid inserts that allow them to keep their back straight. These inserts must be removed, otherwise they will damage the drum and the satchel itself.

If you cannot remove the solid frame, all that remains is to wash the backpack with your own hands in a bath or basin.

Care should be taken to machine wash the product if it has:

  • bright embroidery;
  • print, stickers;
  • many locks, rivets and other small elements.

Before washing, examine the label and make sure that such a product can be washed. The temperature should be 30 degrees, it is better to exclude spinning. In addition, it is recommended to test the detergent beforehand by applying a small amount to an inconspicuous part of the backpack. If the color persists after a while, the product can be used.

High school backpacks look trendy and stylish. They are often made of leather, suede and other expensive materials. Suede models prefer dry cleaning, leather models can be wiped with a cloth.

With orthopedic back

Skeleton backpacks with a tight bottom are often orthopedic. They are intended for children and adults who need a correct back position. Thanks to such models, it is possible to carry even a heavy load without feeling fatigue in the spine.Cleaning such products at home is more difficult than all others, mainly because they cannot be allowed to lose their shape.

Only those accessories from which the frame can be removed are washed in the machine. The washing speed should be minimal, spinning is prohibited, the temperature should be no more than 30 degrees. In addition, foam rubber should be placed inside the product: this will prevent deformation of the backpack. If it is impossible to remove the frame, a backpack with an orthopedic back is washed by hand. The soaking and washing process should take no more than 30 minutes, and it also requires a thorough rinse. The washed backpack is left in the bathroom to drain.


These backpacks are made of durable fabric that can resist rain, snow, wind. Usually it is tarpaulin and similar materials. In the conditions of hiking, backpacks quickly become dusty and dirty. But you can only wash them with your hands, since washing machines will quickly erase the valuable impregnation with which the backpack is treated.

For hand washing, you can use an effective and strong detergent. They will remove even stubborn stains. It is recommended to clean seams and hard-to-reach areas with a brush. Particular attention should be paid to the straps of the backpack, as well as its back, since these are the parts that touch the body, absorbing sweat.

It is impossible to squeeze, rub the product strongly, as this can lead to deformation of the seams. And in the conditions of a camping trip, a parted seam can be a real disaster.


Genuine or artificial leather is a rather capricious material that requires special handling... It is strictly forbidden to wash such a backpack in a typewriter, the same applies to hand washing in the bathroom. To clean a leather or leatherette accessory, you need to prepare a soapy solution. A small amount of soap is diluted in warm water, and then all soiled areas of the product are cleaned with a sponge.

If the stain does not respond well, it is easily rubbed with a sponge, and then the solution is not washed off for several minutes. When the cleaning comes to an end, the backpack is wiped with a damp cloth, removing the remaining soap, and then treated with a dry cloth.

Delicate fabrics

Some backpacks can be made of very capricious materials that do not tolerate water well. These are, for example, suede, thin synthetics. However, such models still need to be cleaned, because contamination cannot be avoided in any case.

  • If the manufacturer allows "water treatments", the accessory can be put in a container with cool soapy water... Soak time should be no more than 20 minutes. Then the product is rinsed and dried in a dryer.
  • Fabrics that cannot be wetted are dry cleaned. Here, too, a soap solution is made, which is then applied to a soft brush. With a brush, you have to go over the surface, making sure that water does not penetrate deep into the fabric. Instead of a soap solution, you can use a special cleanser for delicate fabrics.

How to dry?

A freshly washed backpack should never be wrung out. It should be put in the bathroom for a couple of hours to allow excess liquid to glass. If there are shelves with hooks or a dryer, you can hang your backpack on them by substituting a basin. In a horizontal position, excess liquid will drain even faster.

After the water is glass, they begin to dry the product. The best option is to take your backpack outside for fresh air. This will also provide good ventilation. It is important that the product is not exposed to the sun, as ultraviolet light can negatively affect the color of the model. The backpack must be open, this also applies to its main part and all pockets. Experts advise not to hang the backpack, but to put it on a flat surface. Flip the accessory every couple of hours.

Tip: If you need to speed up the drying process, you can fill the garment with crumpled newsprint. When she gets wet, put new lumps.

Visually and in more detail, the process of washing a backpack in a washing machine is presented in the following video.

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