How to choose a scooter for a 10 year old child?

Today, scooters are the most popular form of transport among the young population. They have evolved from the monotonous models of the Soviet past to modern designs, divided by age and purpose. The article will focus on products designed for children of ten years of age.

Scooters are the best means of transportation in urban areas. Nowadays everyone buys them - from small to large. Those who did not have time to purchase use rental models and enjoy the speed and wind. But the pleasure of the trip can be spoiled by the poor performance of the product. To prevent this from happening, let's talk about full-fledged high-quality scooters for children of 10 years old, consider all the structural elements, what they are and what you should pay attention to.
When choosing a scooter, you need to pay attention to whom this model is addressed to: they can target a boy, girl, teenager, or just a little bit. The next point - you need to know exactly what surfaces the child will have to ride on. For example, on a dirt road, a plastic product will not last long. The scooters are compact when folded, well controlled and maneuverable.
According to their purpose, they are classified into: SUVs, balance bikes, kickboards, sports, universal.

When choosing a scooter for a ten-year-old child, you need to thoroughly analyze the structure, paying attention to all the elements, since not only ride comfort is important, but also safety.
Control methods
The vehicle is driven in different ways (depending on the model):
- simple rotary steering wheel;
- joystick control;
- by tilting the body;
- conductive method.
Each scooter control method is good in its own way. When choosing a product, it would be nice to consult with a child, perhaps he has already had to ride the scooters of other children, and he knows what he wants.

As for the wheels, many consider inflatable rubber to be the best option: it works as shock absorbers, the scooter rides softly, silently. But rubber cannot boast of durability - it is easily erased and punched. Good in all respects and for any age group option with polyurethane. The wheels are relatively quiet, rather soft, they are hardy, durable and do not need maintenance. Cheap models include rubber-coated plastic wheels. For children of ten years old, this is the most unreliable option - the transport will not last until the end of the season.
For smooth roads, you can choose a model with a wheel diameter of 8 or 10 cm. But if the surface is bumpy, then riding on such a scooter will become sensitive. For rough roads, it is better to prefer models with a wheel diameter of 12-15 cm.

The frame made of an alloy of aluminum and steel can be considered sturdy. The presence of fiberglass in the composition makes the material even more resistant to wear. The metal frame does not affect the weight of the scooter too much, but its cost increases.

Brake system
Foot or hand brakes are installed on scooters, depending on the preferences of the child. But in most cases hand brakes are chosen for small children: they are more comfortable with them. Older children learn to use the foot brake easily.

Steering wheel
It is important for a child that the vehicle grows up with him, so you should pay attention to products with steering wheel adjustment. It is considered adjusted if the child's arms bent at the elbow are below the solar plexus. With the handlebars correctly positioned, the rider's elbows are bent at 90 degrees and the back remains straight and free of tension. To prevent your hands from slipping, it was comfortable to hold them, you need to choose a rubberized model of the handlebar (grips) with an anatomical shape.

First of all, understand the parameters of the product. For children 10 years old, they can be as follows:
- with a child's height of 140 centimeters or more, the length of the scooter should be 85 cm;
- the height of the steering wheel is adjustable in the range of 70–90 cm;
- the length of the deck can be 50 cm.
When buying, you should roll the product across the floor. Its course should be smooth and quiet, without extraneous creaks and noises. It is also necessary to pay attention to the smell of plastic and rubber: if it is caustic, then it may well be toxic. Cheap fakes often "suffer" from similar flaws.
Please note: when choosing, the best option would be a lightweight, folding scooter with a special strap, with which the child could carry it himself, hanging it on his back.

The lineup
The abundance of scooters of different brands on the market for self-propelled products can complicate the choice for parents. We suggest paying attention to a number of popular models that, perhaps, will suit someone's taste.
Razor Spark
A modern stylish scooter, equipped with an aluminum body, withstands a load of up to 70 kg. Bearings of ABEC5 class are supplied with grease, which allows to operate the product for a long period of time without any problems. Braking is effectively accompanied by sparks generated by silicon inserts.
The design is foldable, which makes it easy to carry it up the stairs and load into the trunk.

Yedoo mau
The model belongs to SUVs, well overcomes soil surfaces. There are seven color options to choose from. The model has a solid steel frame and large inflatable rubber wheels. Withstands loads up to 75 kg. The length of the scooter is 112 cm, the platform is 30 cm. The steering wheel is adjustable in the range of 71–77 cm. The product weighs 6.5 kg, has a handbrake, and is capable of taking an upright position.

Micro Kickboard Monster T-Bar
The model is very popular, the frame folds in half, the product becomes mobile, suitable for transfer. Management - joystick, with a replaceable T-shaped handle. The steering wheel is adjustable from 70 to 102 cm in height.The aluminum frame is endowed with beautiful wood inserts. The model has wide polyurethane wheels, weighs 5 kg, and is operated with a foot brake.

Tech Team Crosstovr
A beautiful, reliable scooter with shock absorbers on both wheels. The model is maneuverable and well controlled thanks to ABEC9 class bearings. Folds flat in preparation for transfer. The wheels are designed for heavy loads and long off-road driving. The platform is non-slip, with a rubberized coating.

Jdbug MS-305 Classic 04
The model is designed for flat city roads, has a minimum weight of 2.4 kg, is easy to carry when folded. Withstands loads up to 50 kg. Despite the lack of shock absorbers, the ride on the flat surface is quite comfortable. The body is made of aluminum alloy, the diameter of the polyurethane wheels is 12.5 cm, there is a foot brake.

Techteam TT Duke 202
A two-wheeled sports scooter capable of performing tricks and delighting in speed. Designed for children of the age group from eight years of age and older. The model is presented by the manufacturer in orange and blue colors. Withstands loads up to 120 kg. Compact polyurethane wheels (10 cm) provide high maneuverability. Low weight (3.5 kg) is obtained due to the fragmentary inclusion of steel elements - only in places that need reinforced strength.
The handlebar height reaches 85 cm. The model is easy to control. The disadvantages include the lack of shock absorbers, but the design is still quite comfortable, the stroke has an average rigidity.

Children's scooters are an interesting and useful form of transport. They develop coordination of movement, strengthen the body and give a lot of positive emotions.
How to choose a scooter for a 10 year old child, see the next video.