Scooters for children from 1 year old: rating of manufacturers and selection criteria

Even children at a very young age need constant movement. Therefore, it is worth buying special vehicles for them - scooters. And you need to know which products should be used for the youngest age group.
Primary requirements
When choosing a scooter for children from 1 year old, you should focus primarily on the requirements of the state standard of Russia. It is there that the most important points are reflected that any apparatus of this kind must comply with. No metal edges allowed... If not indispensable, these edges must be folded or folded in a neat and safe manner. Any burrs are not allowed.

In children's designs for the smallest there should be no sharp and cutting edges, not only on the vehicles themselves, but also on their fasteners. If such parts are recessed (which is highly desirable), the heads should be in the recess or flush with the surface. All rigid parts that have the potential to cause injury must be specially protected. Scooters for kids, according to Russian GOST, are also required:
- be equipped with devices that exclude involuntary or accidental folding (if the folding mode is provided constructively);
- have such drives, wires, moving parts that are inaccessible to touch;
- be equipped with protected springs only;
- exclude the capture of any part or part by teeth (fingers);
- not contain parts that may be harmful if swallowed, in the nose or in the ear (ideally, there should be no small parts at all);
- ensure adequate sustainability;
- be equipped with braking devices;
- guarantee easy side turning (no risk of accidental or unintentional turning);
- in the presence of a chain drive, prevent clothing or body parts from entering the chain.

For children under 5-7 years old, it is definitely not worth buying two-wheeled models (they are also called segways). But a three-wheeled stable scooter will fully satisfy the needs of a developing organism in motion. In this case, the risk of injury is reduced to almost zero. On such products, you can learn the skills of repulsion, steering and braking.
Usually the steering wheel has a bright color, an unusual shape, and the product as a whole looks bright and catchy.

For the smallest part of consumers, scooters with a seat will be much more practical and comfortable than those where you need to stand. This is only later, when the musculoskeletal system develops and strengthens, children will willingly and easily get up on a narrow board and roll in the right direction.
The seated models allow you to develop proper coordination without the slightest risk of dizziness. For your information: electric scooters with a seat, unlike mechanical products, can be designed for any age, and this point should always be clarified when choosing. A four-wheeled scooter with a handle instead of a steering wheel is intended for the youngest group - up to one and a half years.

How to choose?
For a one-year-old child, the best choice may be kickboard... This name was given to the device referring to the intermediate group between scooters and skateboards. The presence of a handle brings benefits. If it is, parents can control the movement of the child, and, if necessary, guide him.

The next important step is determining the dimensions of the wheels. The higher the riding speed the child is ready for, the larger the wheels should be. At the back they are at least 0.075 m, and at the front - at least 0.12 m.
It should be noted that plastic propellers are installed only in the cheapest versions, but they wear out too quickly.
It is also worth paying attention to the growth of the child for whom the scooter is being purchased. The presence of hand brakes and the use of shock absorption are advisable only in adolescence, and for babies, the quality of the bearings is critically important (reviews will help to establish it).

Products Y-Scoo Is a brand from Ireland. This company has accumulated extensive experience in the manufacture of bicycles, scooters and other similar equipment. Like many other firms, key manufacturing facilities are concentrated in Asia. They are used to make scooters of decent quality.

An alternative can be considered branded products. Ecoline, which are quite officially made in China. This company makes scooters popular in all CIS countries. The cost of all models is available. The quality is "just solid", but the design of the vehicles is very attractive.

Lovers of Russian technology should pay attention to scooters Funny Jaguar. But this company has relatively little experience, and its models are mainly focused on older children and adolescents.

Scooters under the brand have a high cost Micro. But the quality of this brand is on top. No wonder its products are eagerly bought in Europe and North America. Popularity is largely due to the excellent level of maintenance.

If we talk about individual kickboard models, then one of the best options would be Y-Scoo RT Globber My free Seat. This device is designed for growth up to 0.9-0.98 m, the maximum load on the scooter is 50 kg. The steering wheels can change height from 0.625 to 0.77 m, while the seat height varies from 0.24 to 0.29 m. Of the 3 wheels, 2 are located behind, they are made of strong polyurethane. The weakness of the product can be considered only the poor performance of the seat and the increased cost.

Funny Jaguar MS-920 NEO 3-in-1 Blue intended for children from 1 year of age no more than 1 m in height. For the manufacture of the frame, an especially light alloy based on aluminum is used.Therefore, the mass of the kickboard does not exceed 2.2 kg. The seat, although it does not fold, can be easily removed; a foot brake is provided.

You can also pay attention to ECOLINE Saddler... The design is designed for use from 9 months if the steering wheel is used as a parent handle. A removable front fork is not used. The total weight of the scooter is 1.8 kg with wheel dimensions of 0.12 and 0.076 m. The foot brake allows you to quickly stop, and there is no shock absorption.

Operating tips
Electric models must be fully charged before each use and after returning from a walk. For the winter, the battery is charged and this procedure is repeated on average once every 30 days. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the nominal charge replenishment time. Both mechanical and electric scooters cannot be trusted by the children themselves if there is no adult guidance.
When the walk or trip ends, you need to thoroughly wash the vehicle and put it in order.

It is undesirable to ride in wet weather and on too wet surfaces. The use of any parts that are not provided for in the specification of each model is prohibited. If any malfunction occurs, you must immediately contact the repair organization. Before leaving, you should carefully read the instructions to the end. It is advisable to make the first exit as carefully as possible and at a limited speed.
Before starting operation, it is imperative to check how the braking system works. If it does not work well, you must first eliminate the shortcomings, and then start mastering the scooter. Important: Personal protective equipment should be used. Children should not ride the scooter in the dark, on uneven terrain or on poorly paved roads. Riders should dress in as tight clothing as possible, which will not fall into the same chains, even if something goes wrong.

Two or more children must not be allowed to ride on the same scooter - this is a purely personal transport. If the battery is mechanically deformed, it must be removed and a serviceable battery installed. It is necessary to teach children to turn the steering wheel smoothly. You should first brake with the front brake, and then only use the rear brake. Sharp braking, driving on roads and at twilight hours are unacceptable.
Children should be encouraged to grip the steering wheel with both hands. All fasteners and brakes are checked systematically, the more often the better. If the scooter has ceased to fit in weight, you must immediately discard it. Otherwise, it will wear out too quickly, and the stability is insufficient.
At an early age, you should not be allowed to slide down hills and hills, otherwise the danger is too great.

For information on how to choose the right scooter for a child from one year old, see the next video.