Scooters for children from 2 years old: varieties and operating rules

The first children's transport must certainly be easy to operate and absolutely safe for the baby. The ideal choice for a 2 year old is a scooter. The child will like it for its striking appearance and the opportunity to experience new sensations while driving, and the parents - for its affordable price and compactness.

Benefit and harm
Babies at this age need movement. They are very restless and want to have fun. That's why, When parents buy them 2- or 3-wheel scooters, they have the opportunity to use almost all muscle groups during the game. And also the child gradually develops coordination of movements, because on a scooter he needs to keep his balance.
Your toddler has a very low risk of injury while riding. While riding, he always touches the ground with one foot. Stopping a kids' scooter is also very easy.
Obviously, this type of transport is clearly less dangerous than the same bike.

However, this type of transport also has its disadvantages. If you do not control how the child skates and how much time he spends with the scooter, you can face certain problems.
- Asymmetrical development of the muscles of the spine and legs. This happens if the child is constantly rolling, pushing off the ground with only one foot. The other half of the body remains passive. For a two-year-old kid, this is not the most suitable layout. It is necessary to control that the child changes legs from time to time.
- Curvature of the shoulder girdle line. All children who ride without a break for more than an hour a day can face this problem. The advice for parents of little outdoor enthusiasts is very simple: you need to limit the child's riding time to 40 minutes.

When buying a scooter for children from 2 years old, you need to be ready to pay attention to your child. You need to regularly do gymnastics with him in order to strengthen the child's body. Simple morning exercises will make your baby's body more resilient and prepared for daytime activities.

Species overview
It is also important to choose a scooter for a child by age. For 2-year-olds, there are several different types of such transport.
In fact, they can be bought for a baby after he is one year old. They are very stable, usually made of lightweight plastic. This scooter has four wheels, and they are all quite large.

The kids' 3-wheel scooter is also very stable. A child will be able to ride on it up to 5 years old. The only drawback of this transport is that it is not very maneuverable. Therefore, over time, a clumsy scooter can get bored with a growing up child.
The wheels of this scooter can be positioned in two ways. In the first case, one of them will be in front, and the other two will be behind. This model is already considered a classic one. It is impossible to accelerate on it.
But this is just a plus, because small children who are just mastering their first type of transport do not control their movements very well.

If two wheels are located in front and the third is behind, the scooter is more maneuverable. But at the same time, managing it is a little more difficult. In order to stop the movement, you usually need to use a spring-loaded foot brake.
Each scooter can have additional features. For example, those who live in a small apartment will love the foldable scooter. It is as comfortable as usual, but it can be folded and placed in the corner of a balcony or on a shelf.
Children themselves love all sorts of visual additions. Especially popular now are models with luminous wheels. And if the child does not skate very well or is very tired, you can buy him model with seat. The choice of goods on the market, fortunately, is now very large.

Popular models rating
To be sure of the quality of the purchased product, you must first of all pay attention to the best brands that have already hit the world top of the most popular children's scooters.
We present a list of scooters for the little ones that you can buy for your little one without any hesitation.
- Pilsan 07-811. Start your review of the best products with a 4-wheel scooter. It is very simple, but at the same time safe, made of quality materials. The frame is plastic, but durable. The material used to create the wheels is polyurethane. Such a simple scooter is capable of withstanding a weight of up to 20-25 kilograms. But it also has a drawback. The fact that the kid is having a good time and riding for pleasure will be known not only by his parents, but also by everyone around him, because the scooter makes a lot of noise when riding on a hard surface.

- Trolo Mini Up - another light and easy-to-operate vehicle. The scooter is also able to withstand not very heavy loads - it is better not to ride on it for a child heavier than 20 kg. He himself weighs only one and a half kilograms. The steering wheel is adjustable, which means that when the child grows up, it will still be comfortable for him to ride, because the steering wheel can be adjusted for him. Another bonus is the illuminated wheels.

- Scoot & Ride Highway Kick... This scooter can serve a child for several years. It can carry up to 50 kilograms. If necessary, you can install a seat on it. And at the front, the transport is complemented by a foot brake. Therefore, the child will definitely be safe while riding such a scooter.

These models are definitely good, but there are other quality items for 2 year olds as well.
How to choose?
In order to choose the right one from the huge number of scooters that you can buy now, you need to know what to look for.
Steering rack
Its optimal height is from 50 to 75 centimeters. Best buy model with adjustable steering rack. In this case, it will be possible to "fit" the child. This means that the first scooter will last longer, and you will not have to buy a new model simply because the old one does not match your height.

Deck features
First of all, the buyer should look at what material this part is made of. Usually, when making scooters, steel or aluminum is used. Children's scooters are made lighter. Therefore, the deck of a scooter for toddlers is usually made of plastic or aluminum. Professionals do not advise buying plastic products if they are planned to be used often or over several years. After all, such a deck will not last long.
Next, you should consider such parameters as the width of the deck and its coverage. Regarding the first moment, everything is very simple - the child's leg is small, therefore there is no point in buying a scooter with a wide deck. As for the coverage, the main requirement for it is that it should not be slippery. It is still worth choosing some kind of rough material, or at least the deck should be supplemented with rubberized inserts.

The type of wheels and their size also affect the choice of a scooter. For a 2-year-old child, scooters with inflatable wheels are often made. But this is far from the best option. After all, it is quite obvious that such a product will not last long. At the first puncture or damage, the vehicle will become unusable.
It is best to take a closer look at products with silicone, rubber or rubber wheels. The maneuverability and speed of the scooter depends on the size of the wheels. The smaller they are, the faster and more agile the scooter will be. But kids who are just learning to ride do not need this.
Additionally, the product can have a foot or hand brake. But its presence is optional. In addition, scooters differ in their design. There are models that are created for a girl, and there are more strict ones that are traditionally given to a boy.
But these are all the little things that already depend on the taste of buyers and the preferences of the child himself.

Operating rules
Since the kids themselves cannot yet master the vehicle alone, parents should help them in this. First, the child needs help to learn how to ride a scooter. To avoid injury and unpleasant first impressions of the sport in general, it is better to try your new purchase at home for the first time, rather than on the street. If the child does not at all understand what the beauty of his new scooter is, you can try to simply ride it with two feet on the deck. And when the baby realizes that this is really exciting, you can start teaching him to ride on his own.
First of all, you need to explain to the child how to operate the steering wheel. And only when he learns how to direct the scooter in one direction or another, you can already teach him to push off and pick up speed. Further, you also need to go from simple to complex. First, the child is taught to ride in a straight line. Then they show how to ride in a circle. And only when he already feels confident on the scooter, you can begin to explain how to turn and brake.

However, no matter how clearly the parents explain everything, and no matter how talented the child himself is, he still cannot do without falls. Therefore, we must also teach him to fall correctly. That is group when falling to avoid injury.
After you've figured out all this, you can test the scooter on the street. To begin with, the baby will need a protective equipment - elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet. In this case, parents will definitely be sure that nothing will happen to their child.
And finally, I need to say a few words about how to store a scooter correctly, and where it is best to do it. Since it does not take up much space, it can be stored in the garage, on the balcony, and right in the corridor. The main thing is that it is not too hot in this room. The temperature should be at room temperature, and the humidity should not be too high. In this case, even years later, the scooter will ride just as well.

How to choose a scooter for children from 2 years old, see the next video.