How to choose a scooter for a child's height?

Children spend most of their time in motion, which is the norm for them and makes it possible to develop correctly and harmoniously. To help your child direct energy to an interesting and useful activity, it is worth buying a scooter for him. Fun and exciting riding will give an opportunity to spend energy for active kids, and inactive kids - to become more mobile, as well as make new friends.
For the safety of riding, you need to be able to choose the right scooter, evaluating not only its quality, but also its size, choosing it taking into account the child's height.

Parents, from the moment a small miracle appears in their lives, do everything in their power to provide everything the child needs. Caring, caring, upbringing are fundamental moments, but with growing up, more and more aspects need to be added. The most important thing for any parent is the health of their child, therefore it is worth paying sufficient attention to this issue. The physical activity of babies increases every year, therefore, it is necessary to be able to properly organize the child's day and load him with appropriate activities.
Not all parents can spend day and night with the baby, so you need to have things with you that will captivate the child and give the parents time for other things. Since children are encouraged to be in the fresh air every day, as well as to develop physically, it is possible to combine both of these tasks by purchasing one piece of equipment - a scooter. The modern variety of these vehicles is amazing, because parents should carefully consider the purchase and choose a scooter taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of the child.

If there are doubts about whether a baby needs such a transport, then it is worth noting its obvious advantages:
- It allows you to strengthen all major muscle groups by using the arms and legs, as well as the body while riding;
- allows you to strengthen the cardiovascular system;
- affects the improvement of blood circulation, including in the brain;
- makes it possible to fully provide tissues with oxygen;
- takes the child for a certain time, gives him positive emotions.

Despite all the advantages, there are some disadvantages when children use scooters.
- Risk of injury and injury from falling off the scooter. Before starting skiing, it is worth giving instructions, as well as reminding about the rules of behavior on the road before each walk in order to minimize possible damage.
- The inability to actively use the scooter by children with vascular problems. With the purchase of the four-wheel or parent handle options, this limitation can be avoided.
- Risk of being hit by a car when driving on the road. To minimize this possibility, it is necessary to closely monitor the child and remind him of the rules for crossing the road.
- An incorrectly selected scooter can harm your baby.
In order to choose a good scooter for a child, it is important to know what nuances to pay attention to and what exactly will be the most important in this case.

Choice of transport by age
The scooter must be purchased for a specific child so that the color, weight and appearance meet the requirements. The selection of a specific model will not be as important as finding a transport of the correct design that meets age characteristics. The size of the scooter should be such that the child can easily manipulate it, carry it and use it conveniently, therefore, you should not buy such a thing for future use, choosing a product for 5-8 years, when the child is only 3 years old.

An important feature in the choice of transport for a small child is its weight. The heavier the product, the worse the kid will cope with it, and with such difficulties, most likely, he will very quickly lose interest in riding, and the money on the scooter will be wasted.
The second important feature is the design, as manufacturers produce two-wheeled, three- and four-wheeled variants that are suitable for different age categories. Three- and four-wheeled products are designed for the smallest, they are stable and do not require a special need from the child to maintain balance, and the two-wheeled version is usually used after 5 years.

To ensure safety, you need to think about the braking system. Children's scooters can have 2 types of brakes: foot brakes, located above the rear wheel, and manual brakes, on one of the handles. For kids, it is better to choose the first option, as it allows you to brake more smoothly, which is safer, and older children will prefer the manual option to stop the scooter. If the transport is bought for several years, it is worth considering the need to customize the product for the specific parameters of the child, which will change every year.
The opportunity to purchase a scooter for a boy or girl, a small or grown-up child, a calm or playful kid gives a chance to find the perfect vehicle that will meet all the needs of parents and children.

Height selection
All children have their own characteristics, one of which is growth. Children of the same age can differ dramatically in height, especially for boys and girls. In this regard, parents should choose a scooter precisely according to the child's height, and not according to some other criteria, which will be secondary and auxiliary. To determine the acceptable version of the vehicle and configure it correctly, you need to:
- measure the height of the child;
- measure the distance from the floor to the elbow of the bent arm, as when holding the steering wheel of a scooter;
- determine the weight of the child.

The height of the handle should be such that the child, standing on the scooter, freely bends his arm at an angle of 90 degrees and controls the scooter. If the handlebar is too high or too low, the ride quality will be adversely affected and the child may fall. If the height is chosen correctly, then the baby will stand straight on the scooter and will not lean forward or backward when pushing off the ground, which will make it comfortable to ride, not harm health and minimize injuries.

For parents who cannot buy a new transport for children every year or two, it is better to purchase products that can be adjusted depending on the required parameters. The larger the child, the stronger the frame should be and the higher the handlebar protrudes, the smaller the baby, the lighter the scooter should be. For the smallest, it is not recommended to use any additions, light or sound, as they will distract the baby, and the baby may not be able to cope with the control. For older children, the scooter can be equipped with modern gadgets that allow them to enjoy the ride more fully.

For those parents who are as attentive as possible to the goods purchased for the child, there is a special size table, which determines the height of the steering rack in relation to the height and age of the baby. Based on it, the following parameters can be derived.
- For children aged 1 to 3 years with a height of 70 to 95 cm, it is advised to purchase a three- or four-wheeled scooter, in which the handle has a round shape, and the transport itself is equipped with a seat.
- For babies from 2 to 4 years old and a height of 87 to 102 cm, it is recommended to choose a three-wheeled vehicle in which there is a rear type of foot braking. The total length should be within 56 cm, the handlebar height should be 45-59 cm, the deck length should be 30 cm.
- For children from 5 to 6 years old and a height of 102-116 cm, it is better to buy vehicles with two or three wheels and any type of braking. The total length should be 61 cm, the handlebar height should be 60-74 cm, and the deck length should be 30 cm.
- For children of the age category from 7 to 8 years old and with a height of 116-138cm, you need to purchase a scooter with two wheels and any type of braking. The length of the transport must be at least 71 cm, the height of the handlebars must be 70-90 cm, the length of the deck must be 34 cm.
- Children over 10 years old and with an increase of 140 cm, a scooter with two wheels is bought, the length of which is 86 cm, the height of the steering rack is 75-97 cm, the length of the deck is 50 cm.
If you focus on these parameters, then you can easily find the right scooter, based on the age or anthropometric data of the child.

For a successful purchase, you should pay attention to brands, of which there are too many now. Of the most tested and proven, it is worth noting:
- Micro - the company produces scooters with aluminum telescopic handles. The weight of the products reaches 50 kg, the quality is checked and meets the standards. An average price range that fully justifies itself.
- Ybike - they produce scooters from plastic, which makes transport very easy and convenient for both children and parents. The base is wide enough to allow the child to stand with two legs at the same time.
- Mondo Is a proven and quality brand that produces scooters for the little ones. The presence of a wide base allows babies to conveniently use transport.

How to choose?
When buying, you should ride the scooter on the floor, evaluate the smoothness of its motion and the evenness of the wheels. In case of suspicious noise or sluggishness of the product, it is better to refuse to purchase it.
The cost of the product must correspond to its quality - at too low prices there is a risk of buying a defective or low-quality product. It is better to purchase transport for a baby in a store, where it is possible to ask for all quality certificates and accompanying documentation, as well as to return the product if there are any serious problems with its work.
Choosing the right scooter is a guarantee of a fun and safe ride for your child.
See below for the intricacies of choosing a scooter.