All about scooters with shock absorbers

Today, scooters, if they do not occupy a leading position in comparison with bicycles, constitute serious competition for them. And we are talking not only about children's entertainment, but also about scooters for adults who choose this method of travel over relatively long distances. For example, it is very convenient to travel on scooters within the city, since the vehicle is compact, easy to operate, and the ability to ride on sidewalks avoids traffic jams.
Choosing such a technique, you need to optimize the ride quality as much as possible (especially for children). And here it is better to pay attention to the models equipped with good shock absorption.

Interest in this type of transport is due to the compactness of the device, ease of use. In addition, scooters develop and improve many skills and abilities, especially in childhood. For example, coordination of movements, agility, stamina and strength.
But despite the listed advantages, scooters, unlike bicycles, are extremely "sensitive" to uneven roads, which affects the ride itself, safety and creates an unpleasant crackle throughout the movement.
On models that are not equipped with shock absorption, depending on the quality of the road and wheels, it will be difficult to move even while driving on a seemingly flat sidewalk.

Often the reason for this is the joints of the paving slabs, which create the unevenness of the surface. Such a ride will not only be unpleasant, it will be difficult to call it safe, especially for a child. And the young user cannot do without broken knees here.That is why, when choosing a technique, taking into account the quality of the road, it is recommended to pay attention to the depreciation of the device.
A shock absorber is a spring that allows the wheel, depending on the difference in the surface, to either rise or fall, smoothing out irregularities in the road... In principle, this function can be ignored if the vehicle has large rubber inflatable wheels capable of independently softening jumps on a relatively uneven track.

In specialized stores, you can find models with this system on one wheel, or on two wheels.
But the front wheel is of great importance, since it is on it that all the load that the device meets in the process of movement falls on. Rear wheel damping is considered to be of secondary importance and depends on the quality of the road.
In fairness, it should be noted that on fairly good quality roads, rear wheel shock absorption is considered superfluous. The installation of depreciation is the prerogative of the manufacturer, but nevertheless, if it is unnecessary, it can be removed, which, if the work is done incorrectly, can affect the operation of the equipment in the future, often being the cause of the malfunction.

Device selection
Since the front wheel plays a significant role in almost any technique, it was originally equipped with a shock-absorbing spring. But progress does not stand still, and today there are models of scooters on sale with shock absorption on two wheels: front and rear.

Usually devices for adults are equipped with shock absorption if the wheel has a diameter of about 230 mm (with a user weight of up to 100 kg), and children's models with a diameter of 80 mm (weight 60-70 kg)... Here you need to understand - the greater the load on the wheel, the harder the ride will be, which can be mitigated by installing a shock absorber. Conversely, with minimal loads, it is quite possible to do without installing such additional components.
The ride quality on scooters equipped with a shock absorption system is better, but at the same time, it can cause a lot of problems both while riding and during operation.

Advantages and disadvantages
In principle, the advantages of depreciation systems have already been presented above:
- safety while driving (the front wheel does not "cling" to the differences on the road);
- the quality of the ride itself changes significantly (it becomes softer);
- devices equipped with the above-mentioned system are much easier to operate, which affects, for example, when cornering or working with the steering wheel (the pressure on the steering wheel decreases, it is easier for them to turn).

But this system also has some drawbacks.
- This is additional weight that will be noticeable for children.
- Adults who cushion their device will experience a significant reduction in speed.
- Often times, the installation of a shock-absorbing spring will cause the scooter to break down.
- If the spring is incorrectly adjusted (in a poorly tightened position), constant shaking will be felt during movement. And the degree of comfort in this case largely depends on the weight of the driver.
- A scooter equipped with such a system will cost significantly more than a model without it. The price, depending on the manufacturer and the quality of the system, can vary from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. Naturally, the lower the quality of the additional system, the more likely it is that the entire device will become unusable due to it. And the replacement cost in some cases is so high that it is easier to buy a new scooter (we are talking about imported models).
- It is not recommended to put the shock absorption system on stunt scooters at all, as it will make the weighted device "clumsy" with its help, which can cause falls and injuries.

In addition, in order to properly set up the device for comfortable movement, predominantly the rear spring needs to be adjusted. This is done using a hexagon.The spring has a special bolt, which, when tightened, "fetters" the system, and when unscrewed, relaxes it.
In addition, the shock absorber spring must be lubricated with technical oils at least 1-2 times a season.

This is especially true for operation in rainy weather. Grease is more often used as a lubricant, which prevents the appearance of squeak and rust.
It should be noted that as unnecessary, the depreciation system can be removed, but such a procedure is best performed in specialized salons, as this could damage the handlebars or the deck (scooter frame).

User reviews
According to user reviews, the presence of depreciation in some cases becomes not an advantage, but the reason for many problems (see above). For example, if you plan to use a scooter on city roads, then a device with depreciation will be a waste of money, since equipment with large rubber wheels may well independently "soften" the roughness of city sidewalks.

Users who prefer a fast ride note that the shock absorbers have become a factor that prevents them from picking up speed. Moreover, to some extent, the device becomes difficult to control, and this is felt mainly when cornering.

Devices for children are more often in need of this design, where the quality of the road is far from good, but here you need to take into account the age of the child, since it is quite possible that the weighted device will become too heavy for him.

Depreciation will become relevant if it is planned to use it on rural, field or forest roads, which are famous for their unpredictability and low quality.

A scooter with disc brakes and two shock absorbers is described in the video below.