VIP on a scooter: rules and instructions for execution

Currently, scooters have become very popular not only among children, but also among adults. This convenient means of transportation is suitable even for people of quite advanced age. Still, young people love scooters for the tricks they can perform.

Safety regulations
Even experienced riders should not neglect safety rules, and even beginners should not neglect.
- Always wear protective gear. Elbow pads, knee pads, and a helmet will help you keep yourself safe in the early stages of trick training. Wear high boots to protect your ankles.
- Make sure there are no other people or animals nearby. Otherwise, you can cripple not only them, but yourself. Choose a spacious area so that no benches, trees, or flower beds get in your way. The best way is to go to the sky park. The only thing - there will most likely be many newcomers like you - be careful not to run into them, find a remote site.
- Check your scooter for full serviceability before training. If in any doubt that the unit is in good condition, refuse to perform tricks. This is dangerous.
- Make sure there is no mud or puddles where you are doing the trick. The risk of slipping is too great. Large stones, rubble must be removed, as they often cause various injuries upon landing.
- Do everything gradually. Learn an easier technique, bring it to a consistently good result, and then proceed to difficult tricks.
- Always bend your knees whenever you land. This will help prevent injury to your kneecaps and joints.

The main thing is not to be afraid and believe in yourself. Nothing is impossible.
How to learn to do from scratch?
Simple scooter riding does not require any special training, however the tricks that can be performed with this vehicle are varied and regular training is required to master them. VIP is not an easy trick, so first you should master others, simpler ones. Taking it from scratch, knowing only how to keep balance and roll forward, would be stupidity. You can seriously damage your health, and at the same time the scooter.

If possible, ask a more experienced person in the sport to train you. Feeling moral and physical support from another will help you learn much faster.
Beginner's instruction
It is best to train on a dedicated area with enough space. Before you start learning tailweep, learning to do light exercise is recommended.
These are the basics that will be needed to perform in the future not only a tailwipe, but also other tricks of any complexity.

Bunny hop
To do this, you need to stand on the scooter with both feet, as with your usual stance. Sit down slightly and bring your knees together. Next, jump with the scooter, lifting the front wheel up. Do not tear your legs off the deck, while straightening them at the knees. After jumping to your maximum height, straighten the scooter horizontally towards the ground in the air and land, crouching slightly again and bending your knees. Curling your legs will help make the landing softer and maintain balance.
At first, you can land by jumping with your feet to the ground - it will be easier this way. And then, already leaving both feet on the deck. But here you yourself look at your strengths and capabilities.
Perfect both landing methods - balance is very important.

Hippie jump
The trick is quite simple, it can be performed by a person with a low level of training. This exercise is a jump on a scooter, during which the scooter does not leave the ground.

This trick is to ride the rear wheel of the scooter. It's simple: you need to lean back and ride the wheel, keeping the balance.

Front manual
The difference with the "manual" is that here you have to lean forward when riding on the rear wheel of the scooter.

Next, we learn how to scroll the deck around the steering wheel. First, standing still. The spin around the handlebars depends on which foot you are pushing off with. If you leave the deck with your left foot, then you need to scroll counterclockwise, if with the right, then clockwise. To train a good headroom, you can also master jumps and slides. It will be easiest to learn how to make 360 with them. Departure from the springboard will help, without straining, spin the scooter in the air and have time to land.

Now, on a horizontal surface, you need to learn how to combine these two elements: jump as high as possible and make a turn. At first, it is best to land on your feet, that is, jump off the scooter. In this case, you need not to make a push for scrolling with one foot, but both at once and also land on both legs at the same time.
You should be careful, as at this stage of the training, injuries and falls are not uncommon.
Once you have mastered tailwip on two legs, you can complicate tasks and learn to land on one leg.
See below for rules and instructions for executing the VIP.