How to be confident and love yourself?

A woman who lives to the fullest, glows from the inside and looks very good, and also attracts admiring glances from others. You can achieve this result if you truly appreciate and love yourself. It is then that self-confidence will come. It will seem to many that this is quite difficult to do. However, if you are ready to take such a step, then you have decided to radically change your life for the better. Then the following information will help you.

Where to begin?
You need to know that being confident in yourself means accepting and loving your appearance, your thoughts, actions and learning to be yourself in any situations. The science of psychology is very wise. No wonder the experts who work in this area say that everything in this life depends on the woman herself. To become independent, you need to use the following guidelines.
- First of all, you need to love yourself. No one can do this better than yourself. Healthy selfishness will allow you not to miss important moments that will make you feel at your best everywhere and always.
- Start thinking positively. For this, special exercises have been developed. Here are the simplest ones. When bad thoughts start to overwhelm you, tell yourself "stop". You can even visually imagine at this moment the Stop sign, which you often see when driving.
- Remember all your good qualities. Write them down on paper. Don't miss even the smallest moments of your character. For example, if you always clean up after dinner after dinner, then write that. Of course, your greatest strengths should come first on the list.
- Make friends at work with colleagues, compliment them more often and thank them for their help. At the same time, treat your loved ones very carefully. They are your main support in difficult situations.
- Engage in additional self-development. There are many ways to do this. The easiest one is to sign up for a library and start reading smart books.
- Take care of your health. If you have health problems, then get tested and fix the problems. For the prevention of diseases, go in for sports or, if it is not possible, exercise on the balcony.
- Each person has a "comfort zone". You need to leave it more often in order to increase self-confidence.
- Go to clubs where discussions are taking place. Get involved in arguments and don't be afraid to sound funny. Let this become a kind of training for you.
- Don't criticize yourself. And if your inner critic begins to show itself, then be sure to argue with him. Prove to yourself that you have a lot of merit. You can also add, saying to him: "I will work on the shortcomings and I will definitely correct everything in my character."
- If you are praised for a job done, then accept the praise with gratitude and without undue modesty.
- Raise your professional level constantly. Additional knowledge will help you feel confident enough at work.
- If you feel that you yourself cannot cope with your problem, then contact a specialist. Realizing that you have overpowered yourself and asked for help will also help you raise your self-esteem.
- Watch your appearance. When choosing an image, be sure to pay attention to personal opinion. If you love bright outfits, then allow yourself to fulfill your desire. If you are a queen at heart, then choose the appropriate image.
- Before setting a goal, assess the strengths and capabilities.
- If you are tormented by doubts about something, then talk with loved ones about it.
Share the problem and it will immediately feel better for you. Your negative thoughts will disappear, and you will also receive good advice.

Better ways
If you do not want to see a specialist, then you can work on yourself and raise your self-esteem. But for this you will need to remember your past and "dig" in consciousness in order to find the root of the problem. Therefore, prepare yourself for the fact that it will be quite difficult for you.
A letter to the past
The past of man is always full of secrets and mysteries. It contains most of the problems that interfere with living in the present. Therefore, to correct the past, write a specific text. Thanks to him, you will try to correct a negative situation that once happened and turned your inner world upside down.
For example, in the distant past, you were very often offended by your peers. You still remember every offender in person, and also remember every hurtful word. Now, as an adult, look at this situation from a different angle. Think about what you would do if the situation repeated itself "here and now." And then realize and think over each of your response actions. Write your responses on a piece of paper. Let this be the answer to your offenders.
When you feel the influence of the past again, reread the letter again.

We recognize ourselves
It is very difficult, but possible. Just put your will into a fist, stop referring to being busy. Focus on the process and do not try to combine the goal and other activities. Getting in the right mindset requires solitude as well as observing your thoughts. Next, you need to try not to drown out your sensitivity, but, on the contrary, to stimulate. Accept yourself for who you are. And then proceed as follows.
- Listen more to your "I". Then you will understand which moments spoil your mood and which ones do not.
- Ask yourself questions that really matter to you. For example: "What is important to me?" or "What am I really worried about?"

Conversation with reflection
It will help you look at yourself from the outside and understand how to proceed further. To implement this recommendation, you need to sit in front of a mirror on a chair and imagine that your opponent is in front of you. Try to look at it first and determine what you don't like about it. At the same time, one should not forget about the positive aspects. Next, try starting a dialogue. Ask yourself questions and then answer them yourself. Remember what excites you the most? Try to solve the problem with this polemic. Remember that in an argument, truth is born.
You may not like the way you look or the way you speak. Take a closer look at these points. Maybe you just screw yourself up, and your external data is attractive enough?
If, nevertheless, doubts overwhelm you, then start developing new tactics of behavior that will allow you to be more confident.

Making a list
In order to understand how to proceed further, you need to decide on the points that will correct the situation. These points are best written down on paper. The entry should resemble the school's lesson schedule. In the memo, you need to enter some kind of reminders that you will have to complete every day. This is what they should be.
- Hug yourself. To do this, you need to hug your right shoulder with one hand, and your left shoulder with the other. Do this exercise in the morning and evening. It will help you feel like you are in the safest hands and can take care of yourself.
- After hugging, practice self-love meditation. Make this exercise a habit.
- Have a hearty, tasty and healthy breakfast.
- After breakfast, sit down in a secluded corner and think about what you have to do during the day. If you find it difficult to complete such an item, then in the evening make a plan that will help you distribute your strength and the right time for the whole day. Advice: the priority should always be the most difficult cases, which are usually decided before lunch.
- At work, remember that it is simply impossible to please everyone. So remind yourself each time that you have to stick to your line and have a personal opinion.
- Approximately the same behavior must be adhered to in relation to a loved one. First you, and only then he.
- Decide when you can go to the gym or go jogging. It is better if such activities are performed after work.
- Be sure to include time on the list that you can spontaneously spend. For example, watch a movie you like or go to a cafe.
- Eat one exotic fruit at a time before bed. They are very tasty and put you on the positive side.

Self improvement
Quite an important activity if you want to excel at everything. This is the path to self-confidence. It is impossible without knowledge. To complete this point, you need to start self-education. If we talk about the professional sphere, then in this case it will be necessary to work on obtaining deeper knowledge. Take courses and improve your skills. If we talk about self-improvement in general terms, then you need to complete as many of the following points as possible.
- Always set goals for the future. Keep your goals realistic and achievable. To fulfill this condition, proceed as follows.
- Be clear about your future.
- Decide what you will do to make your plan come true.
- Be sure to rely on information to help you arrive at your goal.
- Try to change from within. The following is needed.
- Make sure you are ready for this.
- Become your own mentor.
- Rely on outside help.
- Practice your activities all the time.
- Eliminate the failures that have occurred. The following is needed.
- Accept and support yourself.
- Don't try to be perfect.

Psychologist's advice
These guidelines will help you build on your success and become independent. Experts tirelessly repeat that a woman should not depend on external attributes (cars, clothes, etc.). It also doesn't matter if you have a partner or not. Remember, you have to love yourself no matter what. When you understand this, the question of loving yourself and gaining confidence in your abilities will disappear by itself. You need to love not only your strengths, but also your shortcomings. An important point: people often scold themselves for past mistakes. Therefore, think about the fact that mistakes helped you to realize everything and begin to improve. Perhaps this is why you have the desire to become strong. Another important point. You don't need special reasons to love yourself. If you start looking for reasons to love yourself, then that love will not be true.
Psychologists also argue that you do not need to look at the achievements of other people and compare yourself with them. Don't try to become better than you really are. If you do these things all the time, then you will start to compete with yourself. It will be an endless race without winners, and the question of raising self-confidence will remain open. Next, you should value your body and mind. And this means that you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Do not smoke or drink alcohol. It is also necessary to eat tasty, good and healthy. You can't grumble and judge other people all the time. Remember that negativity will come back to you sooner or later. Therefore, be always positive and compliment the people around you.
but don't put up with people that you don't like. If attacks occur in your direction, be sure to defend yourself and say that you do not accept it. Also, be sure to set personal boundaries. After installing them, the people around you will know what you can afford and what not.
Remember that the self-confident person creates situations. If so, then you also need to be sure to be responsible for what you do. Then you will stop blaming others for what is happening to you, and you will be more responsible in your actions.