How to love your appearance?

Psychologists recommend to love your appearance to everyone, regardless of gender and age, social status. But to say one thing and to do is quite another, and it is not always possible to successfully accept your external flaws and fall in love with them. At the same time, you can easily recognize the person who succeeded in any crowd - he radiates self-confidence, he is attractive, interesting to those around him.
The reasons for the complexes
Lack of love for one's appearance is an eternal problem. As soon as certain standards of beauty appeared (and this happened at the dawn of mankind), people immediately began to compare themselves with these standards. Realizing that the figure or hair, eyes or nose were not up to standard, they began to feel dissatisfied with their appearance.
Today, smiling thin, fit and muscular people look at us from the TV screen, from advertising posters. They advertise expensive cars and cosmetics, real estate and everything that we consider to be signs of success.
In the minds of those whose appearance is not at all like this, a false connection develops between success, security, comfort, the right to love and admiration and external data.

If a person fails to accept himself, and the situation develops clinically, then dysmorphophobia arises - a fear of his own appearance, a categorical rejection of it. There is only one step from ordinary dislike to a real clinical complex, and society does everything possible to ensure that a person still takes this step.associating external flaws with losers. Most often, the first signs of self-dissatisfaction in people appear in puberty.It is adolescents who begin to look at themselves more closely, worry about the inadequacy of their body and face to the generally accepted standard against the background of hormonal activity. The body of a teenager is changing rapidly, and consciousness does not have time to adapt.
To a greater extent, the formation of complexes is facilitated by certain character traits, suspiciousness, lack of healthy self-esteem, lack of support from relatives and friends. Sometimes rejection of yourself and your body is a consequence of traumatic events, as well as unsuccessful personal relationships. Less often, the complex is formed on the basis of accidents, when the appearance is really undergoing changes due to burns, cuts, amputations, diseases.
Regardless of whether the person has obvious flaws, or whether he invented a problem for himself and now suffers due to the inconsistency with ideal images, the situation can and should be changed.
Changing your attitude to your external data helps you to feel yourself, your life in a new way, see new perspectives and get rid of the harmful influence of social stereotypes.

Ways to overcome them
To love your appearance means to come to terms with yourself, to accept your own body as it is. Psychology can offer a lot of advice for this case, but experts recommend starting with basic actions:
- ensure yourself a healthy sleep;
- eat right, taking care of how much and what you eat;
- take vitamins;
- walk more often, do physical exercises;
- give yourself breaks from work, clearly build your regime.
Performing these simple and obvious for all actions, first mechanically, and then quite consciously, you will learn to take care of your body, your appearance. Initially, it is important not to compare yourself to others. Every time you catch yourself thinking like that, deliberately interrupt it and pay attention to some of your dignity. For example, a girl is worried about her short legs. Seeing the long-legged beauty in the film, she begins to compare herself and her, and this is where you need to say to yourself: “Stop! But I have a talent for music, I dance well and move easily. "
Gradually, a useful habit will form to replace negative attitudes with positive ones, in which for each argument about a disadvantage you will automatically parry with a description of some undoubted advantage. Believe me, you can find a counterbalance to everything. Remember the statements about the kindness of overweight people, about the importance of being born happy, not beautiful? All these sayings are folk wisdom, endured by more than one generation of people dissatisfied with their bodies. Listen to yourself, find your merits, boldly put them in opposition to your shortcomings.
Make your flaws your strengths, loyal allies. It is they who make you a unique person, different from others. Many famous and rich women do not hide freckles, cellulite, moles “in the wrong place”, extra pounds, a wide gap between the teeth, a small bust. They made it their "calling card" and they paid off.

Think and answer the question of what exactly the existing disadvantage prevents to achieve, and then act in spite of it. For example, I want to dance, but I am embarrassed by the excess weight, with which I am ashamed to come and enroll in a dance school. You need to overpower yourself and do it. Acting in spite of a disadvantage, you increase your own self-esteem and earn respect from others.
Work on your emotions. Remember the moments when you were happy. In them, you probably were not puzzled by the problem of imperfections in appearance. It's time to return to the inner feeling of happiness, find an interesting job, communicate, travel. Each positive emotion will certainly respond in the body and help to form such an emotional background in which your weight, skin or facial features will cease to be of primary importance and will simply fade into the background. Here are some more helpful tips to help you accept your body with gratitude and love.
- Learn to accept compliments. Do not be embarrassed, do not blush, do not start to deny everything. Yes, you are beautiful and you deserve compliments. The only way.
- Treat the body with pleasure. Don't harass yourself in the gym just because you have to, but do what you really enjoy. There will be more benefits. If you don't like shaping, go swimming, if you don't like swimming, go to run or dance. Among the many types of physical activity, there is sure to be one that will please you.
- Do not be afraid to get rid of unnecessary items of clothing, undress at home. Walk in a swimsuit, short robe, shorts, get used to yourself. This, too, will eventually become a great healthy habit.
- Do not skimp on clothes, buy yourself nice things that you like, fit, highlight your dignity, for example, the color of your eyes or hair.
- Make it a rule to look at yourself in full length in the mirror at least twice a day. Deliberately suppress the flow of criticism towards your shortcomings, only praise your merits: beautiful eyelashes, thin fingers, well-groomed hair.

How to maintain harmony with yourself?
Don't let other people's opinions dominate yours. Your advantages, as well as disadvantages, should not become either public knowledge or cause for censure. It is not at all necessary to proclaim to the world how much you dislike your pimples on your back, you do not need to expect from him and approval of your undoubted advantages. Do not experience expectations - the world and the people inhabiting it owe you absolutely nothing.
Understanding this forms a subtle feeling of yourself, a sense of your own uniqueness and value, the emergence of the need to take care of yourself, take care of yourself, appreciate what you have. Having gained this, you can calmly look at models and actresses, athletes from advertising posters - they simply will cease to be the standards of beauty for you.
The only standard for yourself will be yourself, but in the past. Comparing yourself then and now will help you see your real achievements, and not imaginary guidelines imposed by society.