Low self-esteem in a girl: reasons and how to improve?

Girls strive for excellence. Therefore, each of them tries to bring their external and internal sides to the ideal. When this does not work out, the young lady begins to gradually lose self-esteem. And such a turn of events can lead to depression and a complete loss of your self. How do you need to act to start feeling at ease again? All questions can be answered in the next article.
Main reasons
Each person has his own personality traits. They can differ in both positive and negative aspects. Looking at yourself from the outside is called self-esteem. It is important for the well-being of any person, no matter what gender they are. Often the most sensitive creatures - girls - suffer from low self-esteem. This category of people refers to the opinion of others with special trepidation. When a young beauty has her own opinion, she becomes an independent and strong person.
Problems begin when the fair sex loses control over her inner state. This happens for various reasons.

Features of family education
Perhaps the girl's parents have always been prejudiced against her. Mother or father constantly reproached her for something. For example, in the fact that she can not get married or find a good job, or she is poorly given her studies. These reasons significantly crippled her mental state.
Keep in mind that adults should not treat a child as a consumer when he begins a transitional age. At such a time, the psyche of a teenager goes through a certain stage. Because of this, the individual becomes especially sensitive.Any phrase thrown inaccurately by an adult can lead to deep depression, which will subsequently lead to low self-esteem.
A girl in transitional age is in a borderline state. She is still a child and at the same time considers herself an adult. If during this period of life a breakdown occurs for any reason, it can lead to disaster.
Therefore, adults should be attentive to their children who are at that age. Talk more with your children on frank topics, support in a difficult situation and give advice. If this is not done, but all the time to demand and press, the consequences can be very sad.

Childhood failures
The child must develop all the time, both physically and intellectually. When a child strives for knowledge, he needs help. Adults should be directly involved in this process and direct the activity in the right direction. Then all failures will be perceived not as a tragedy, but as a mistake that can be easily corrected.
If the child constantly experiences stress from the fact that something does not work out for him, he will gradually begin to complex both in front of adults and in front of his peers. And this process will inevitably lead to a decrease in self-esteem.
Having reached a certain age, the girl, by habit, will feel insecure in society. Such behavior will not go unnoticed, and people's attitudes towards the oddities of such a person will only exacerbate the problem. Therefore, psychologists argue that all the problems associated with the further adult life of any person come from childhood.

Unhealthy environment
A teenager can get into bad company. It must be remembered that his behavior directly depends on a person's environment. If a girl is surrounded by friendly and intelligent people, her behavior will correspond to the norms of society. If she is in bad company, then her behavior will leave much to be desired. Constant humiliation and scandals will inevitably lead a young lady to the fact that she will lose interest in life and self-confidence.
There are other reasons as well. For example, the girl stopped considering herself attractive because she experienced some disappointment in the relationship. The young lady fell madly in love with the guy, but he did not respond to her feelings. From this turn of events, she took up self-flagellation and began to convince herself that now the guys would no longer look in her direction.
At the same time, very beautiful girls can also suffer from such a problem. When the hurt and pain inflicted by people overshadows reason, common sense is turned off. Therefore, you need to stop this process in time. Otherwise, it will lead to an aggravation of the problem, and subsequently depression will begin.

Appearance and health
Psychology claims that young people often make an elephant out of a fly. They exaggerate even the smallest problem, and then they get very worried about it. Some especially sensitive girls ascribe to themselves all the bad qualities and try to find a reason to scold themselves once again.
There are also the main problems that lead to the loss of self-esteem in girls - these are various minor defects. For example, many people do not like their appearance: there are acne on the face, and the skin looks uneven because of this. Lowered self-esteem can also occur due to health problems. The above factors lead to the fact that the girl begins to behave quietly and imperceptibly among her peers. It seems to her that she is not worthy of being loved by anyone.
Very often, her friends laugh at the insecure person. And if you do not stop this process, then it will lead to complete disappointment in life. To do this, you need to take your will into a fist and stop paying attention to people's opinions.
You need to have your own convictions and remember that there are flaws in every person.Only some get hung up on them, while others pretend that they do not exist.

Any behavior associated with low self-esteem is always very noticeable. Girls who are prone to self-flagellation, in most cases, have certain traits in their behavior.
- Such persons try not to ask or accept help from others. The gifts that are attempted to be given to them are also rejected. This happens because in the subconscious such a person holds the idea that she is not worthy of any attention, especially from men.
- Such persons choose “the wrong men”. Considering herself unworthy, the young representative of the weaker sex agrees to a relationship with the first man she comes across. She always thinks that she has no right to choose, but can only agree.
- A girl with low self-esteem does not want to talk about her true desires with loved ones. She behaves this way because she is afraid to frighten others away with too intrusive behavior.
- People try to humiliate or offend a person who does not value herself. If there is self-respect in a person's behavior, then others treat him with respect.
- A girl who suffers from low self-esteem compares herself to her peers all the time. She sees them as competitors, as she considers herself not so attractive in comparison with them.

How to raise?
To raise self-esteem, you must first love yourself, and then start to struggle with your complexes. How can this be done? It is necessary to act in stages. And the recommendations below will help you.
- Any person is considered a social being. He cannot live without society. To increase your self-esteem, you need to be in a society that will help you with this. Therefore, you should start communicating with initiative people. So you will find friendship and even, perhaps, the love of your life.
- Continuing the topic, you can recommend attending various trainings, seminars. At some of these events, people are taught self-confidence. However, if you also learn a new business, then your self-esteem will increase significantly. You can also find a new job with a higher salary.
- Psychologists can do a lot. And if you turn to them for help, you can very quickly restore your potential. You will become a strong-willed and self-confident person.
- In addition, you can turn to various "smart" books for help. Such sources contain a lot of interesting information regarding relationships between people. Once you learn how to communicate properly, you can increase your self-esteem.
- Step out of your comfort zone more often. If you don't like talking to people, start doing it. It is advisable that your friends work in different fields. This way you can gain additional skills and knowledge, as well as make friends.
- Refuse self-criticism. To do this, you need to learn to accept yourself for who you are.
- Stop being jealous of your girlfriends. Understand: with such behavior, you not only weaken your energy, but also regularly introduce yourself into stress.
- Begin to behave confidently in the community where you reside.
Let your friends and girlfriends notice this behavior. If they start expressing their opinions on this matter, try not to make excuses, but let them know that now you will always behave this way.

Best Exercises
You can become a confident girl and raise your social level with the help of certain actions.
- Take the time to listen to affirmations. Write down your affirmative phrases in advance, sit comfortably in a quiet room, and turn on the device. Phrases that should increase your self-esteem should be, for example, the following: "I am the best, everyone loves me", "I attract the attention of people", "I am smart and beautiful."
- Jogging in the mornings or evenings will significantly improve your mood.In this way you can kill three birds with one stone: improve your figure, cheer up and improve your health. Plus, jogging will help you find like-minded people. Perhaps your life partner will be among them.
- You don't have to go to see a psychologist to boost your self-esteem. If you trust yourself a little, try an effective exercise.
- Sit comfortably in a chair and close your eyes.
- Remember those moments in life that make you feel ashamed or hurt, relive these moments again.
- Now imagine that all of your bad memories are "crumpled" like paper. You will end up with one big lump.
- Try it mentally for weight. Heavy? Then you have to make a little effort to throw it away. Imagine how he flew away and disappeared in the dark.
- Now turn your head the other way. See, the sun is shining brightly here. Walk into the light and don't look back.
- Open your eyes and promise yourself that you will never return to those bad memories again.

Psychologist's advice
Take note of the first advice of a psychologist: any person with low self-esteem drives himself into such a state. Therefore, you need to constantly keep your mood and thoughts under control. To make it easier to fulfill this condition, try keeping a diary of successes and achievements. It is necessary to record in it all your affairs that took place and were successful.
You need to keep a record every day. Actions or actions, for example, can be as follows: rescued a kitten from under the wheel of a car or wanted to drink a harmful drink, but did not, etc. In addition, constantly re-read these records. They will help you build your self-esteem and become a successful person.
In the future, try to become independent of public opinion, otherwise your personality will be destroyed. However, at the same time, you should not turn away from adequate criticism in your direction. Remember the sense of proportion and then you will find the right path.