Self-sufficient woman: what is she like and how to become one?

There are girls who cannot imagine their life without regular communication with their mother and girlfriends, without outside help. They are not able to prepare breakfast on their own, clean the apartment, organize life at their own expense. They need the approval of others to make any decision. In addition, the lady is afraid of loneliness. Such a young lady cannot be called a self-sufficient person.

What does self-sufficiency mean?
Self-sufficiency is not a separate feature, but a collection of various human manifestations. First of all, it is expressed in self-reliance and independence. A self-sufficient woman is such a person who has a sense of her own dignity, does not depend on anyone materially, is not afraid to be left without the support of relatives and a man, is not afraid of loneliness and does not feel painful attachment to work, place of residence and people.
A strong and independent lady is calm about criticism and praise. The remarks do not upset her, but lead to appropriate conclusions. She is able to transform her flaws into strengths. It is unusual for her to blame other people for her own failures, to condemn others. Such a young lady denies destructive relationships with men. Always maintains a healthy relationship that allows both participants in the marriage to develop.
A self-sufficient woman knows how to properly plan her time, always finds a way out of difficult situations, does not feel doubts when making important decisions.
Such a lady behaves like an adult.If necessary, she is able to turn to someone for help, but does not feel fear of possible rejection.

Women's self-sufficiency can be determined by the character and behavior of the girl. Psychologists note the following signs:
- full acceptance of one's own person, awareness of one's own strengths and weaknesses;
- lack of anxiety, confident overcoming it;
- striving for harmony with the surrounding world and with oneself;
- the ability to properly organize your life in all areas and competent management of funds;
- the ability to take responsibility for the consequences of one's own negative actions;
- a sober look at the events taking place;
- honesty with people around you and with yourself;
- the ability to defend one's point of view, complete independence from other people's opinions;
- business behavior in the workplace, ignoring empty talk and gossip;
- correct distribution of free time;
- the ability to feel comfortable not only in the company of a beloved man, but also in complete solitude.

Why is it so important?
In psychology, social, psychological and everyday self-sufficiency are distinguished:
- the social variety involves achievements in social activities, self-realization and obtaining the necessary level of education;
- psychological - getting satisfaction from communication and a comfortable state of being alone with oneself, the absence of panic attacks while staying in complete silence, the ability to occupy oneself with a useful business;
- household - the ability to earn the right amount of money, independence in solving economic issues, self-service skills, taking care of your own body, beauty and health.
Psychologists are convinced that self-sufficient people attract the interest of others with their courage and ability to be themselves. Such a person is not guided by social assessment, wears comfortable clothes and shoes, and not fashionable things approved by friends. He does not blame others for his mistakes, does not shift responsibility for his actions onto them. Knowing her own needs, desires and boundaries gives the girl an understanding of where to move on, where to live, from whom to give birth to children, with whom you can communicate, and with whom it is better to stop contact.
A self-sufficient woman builds her own unique living space on her own. Fascinated by interesting things, the girl appreciates any free minute. The multi-faceted personality attracts the opposite sex. Constant self-education allows her to maintain her individuality.
Such a girl is successful in everything. The sense of the value of one's own person attracts the attention of men, warms up their interest.

See yourself through the eyes of men. The stronger sex likes ladies who know what they want out of life. Women's self-sufficiency is based on the girl's inner confidence and the desire to move in the direction she has chosen. Such young ladies always skillfully combine success and independence with femininity. You should not show your boyfriend or husband that you can easily cope without them. Show patience and feminine intuition.
A self-sufficient woman is financially and psychologically independent. She does not have to beg money from her life partner for her cosmetics. She does not have a constant feeling that she owes something to her beau. Such a lady is free from illusions and infantilism. She understands her needs, looks for various creative ways to fulfill them. Own achievements bring the lady satisfaction and happiness.
In a relationship with a partner, balance is maintained. The girl remembers herself, her hobbies. She does not completely dissolve in the interests of her chosen one, retains the right to meet with friends and does not limit the communication of her beloved man with other people. The mood of such a girl does not depend on those around her.The disdainful attitude of strangers, sarcastic remarks do not lead her to mental anguish.

Such a lady has no fear of being alone. She is able to occupy herself with watching movies, reading books, knitting, embroidery and other interesting things. She feels comfortable alone with herself. A girl can spend time in complete silence. She is not bothered by a complete shutdown of the Internet, TV and gadgets.
A self-sufficient person will never waste time feeling sorry for themselves. A woman does not envy more successful friends, but works hard on herself: she develops herself spiritually and physically, constantly works on her appearance, tries to look well-groomed. For this purpose, he selects beautiful and comfortable clothes, makes a suitable hairstyle.
A self-sufficient lady always knows exactly what she wants. If she wants to move up the career ladder, she does not respond to people's questions about building her personal life. If a woman wants to devote herself to the family, then she is realized in this field, giving herself completely to her husband and children. However, she does not regret the missed opportunities.
Most ladies combine both responsibilities. They find a middle ground by immersing themselves in work and family life at the same time.

How can a woman develop it?
A self-sufficient woman should develop the ability to make decisions on her own. Exercise plays an important role as exercise improves mood and women's health. Having a hobby helps to become a confident girl.
Don't expect help from outsiders. One must learn to self-service oneself. This includes cooking, cleaning the apartment, material security. You do not need to rely on the advice and help of others. Complete independence from other people's opinions always leads to self-sufficiency. You have to learn to be yourself.
Learn to analyze your own environment, exclude from the social circle those who take a lot of your time with empty conversations. Do not demand from other people the fulfillment of your desires, learn to act yourself in terms of their implementation.
Do not wait for a favorable coincidence of circumstances, start planning changes in your life on your own.

Women's self-sufficiency is based on self-confidence and love for others. This is not an innate personality trait, so it needs to be developed. You can become a self-sufficient person subject to the following rules:
- regularly engage in self-development, reading fiction;
- improve your own self-esteem;
- communicate with interesting people, learn from their experience;
- do not be afraid of losing your man or your job;
- accept your own loneliness with dignity;
- choose a specialty to your liking;
- develop confidence, independence, determination, determination, cheerfulness and willpower;
- set clear goals for yourself and strive to achieve them;
- increase the level of your own responsibility;
- be responsible for the consequences of your actions;
- control your emotions, keep calm and composure;
- treat people with respect;
- do not make tantrums and scandals;
- do not depend on someone else's opinion;
- do not compare yourself with other people, get rid of stereotypes;
- never tell your boyfriend and girlfriends all the secrets;
- do not let anyone humiliate you;
- lead a healthy lifestyle.